Political Opinion

As I have posted the reason behind these raids that are signed off by a judge, what are your suggestions for how they should go about raids?

We can hardly call ourselves the “Land of the Free”

America is broken


Those people committed a crime, you’re not going soft like a lefty, are you?

Stop doing them, we are not a police state

and what changed 50 years ago that this is now in your opinion an acceptable practice

"A government that must operate under the cloak of darkness is not a government you can trust "

They are after suspected criminals, so we should ignore and not try to capture them, lmao

I support pursuing criminals and corrupt politicians

Were you in support of the republicans going after crooked Joe Biden and his family?

The antichrist is what we are seeing, not Jesus

Trump compares himself to Jesus Christ – again

Donald Trump took to Truth Social to once again compare himself to Jesus Christ as he complained about the criminal and civil cases against him, which he views as politically motivated persecution.

Trump compares himself to Jesus Christ – again

ya’ll are getting into some weird territory here. Trump is neither Christ nor Antichrist.

The man has a yyyuge ego. Not that yyyuge though…

Its not unusual for Christians to look to the life of Jesus and what he went through. It puts things in perspective.
Doesn’t mean the Christian is saying their struggle is on the same level or even close to Jesus’.

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Trump Claims Joan Rivers ‘Voted for Me’ – After She Died in 2014

Former President Donald Trump claimed that comedian Joan Rivers voted for him in the 2016 election despite the fact she died in 2014.

That’s according to audio released by Ramin Setoodeh, who has authored a new biography of Trump titled, Apprentice in Wonderland.

On Thursday’s edition of The ReidOut, MSNBC’s Joy Reid aired audio of the former president telling Setoodeh about Rivers and her 2016 vote, which she never got to cast.

“Here is exclusive audio from one of the interviews where they spoke about the late comedian Joan Rivers and her appearance on the Celebrity Apprentice,” Reid said:

SETOODEH: Joan said she was a Republican. Did you know that?

TRUMP: I thought she might have been a Republican. I know one thing. She voted for me according to what she said.

Reid then pivoted to more audio in which Trump appeared to suggest he believed he still retained some presidential powers regarding foreign policy even though he was a private citizen.

“The reason I’m doing this and devoting a lot of time to it, I have to get back up because, you know, doing the whole thing with the Afghanistan,” Trump says on the recording. “Has he blown that Afghanistan.”

Trump Claims Joan Rivers 'Voted for Me' – But She Died in 2014

Trying to use Jesus for your cause

‘It’s crazy time’: GOP strategist on Trump being compared to Jesus at rally

This is absurd. Everyone knows dead people vote Democrat.


Is that your excuse for trump claim, lmao

There’s something weird going on here.

Watch Trump explain his idea for a ‘fight league’ for migrants

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I think the conversation has become silly and I am also making jokes.

Going back to what I was doing now and leaving you all to it. I will also freely admit that Trump makes some interesting statements. Do keep in mind that most outlets are trying to make him look as bad as they can. Look at context and you will see most of what he says is brash and unscripted, but usually not as bad as the headline. Often the headline is a complete lie, like the bleach or the fine people BS.

Still, he’s not a careful speaker. He’s overbearing, and downrright mean sometimes.
He’s not going to sound eloquent most of the time.
You will get a lot of, “can you belive he said that?” moments. Yep, no argument about that.

If you want to see his mental status, watch him on recent podcasts. Trump can sit there and discuss policy for an hour. No way Biden would be able to do that

And on other topic I share your sentiment about RFK and the debates. He should be on that stage too.

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It’s all good, I respect you and listen to your opinions, keep doing what you’re doing

Trump makes himself look bad, forget the media, just listen to some of the dumb stuff he say at his rallies and interviews, watch all of his full rallies and interviews over the last 6 months and you will see, talking about stupid sht even fox cut him off

‘Off his rocker’: Morning Joe mocks Trump rant that was so ‘crazy’ Fox News cut away

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski were astonished by Donald Trump’s latest rant that was so rambling and incoherent that Fox News cut away from a live broadcast of his remarks.

'Off his rocker': Morning Joe mocks Trump rant that was so 'crazy' Fox News cut away

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WTF Is He’s talking about, these are his words, And why not talk about your plans?

Sky News hosts react to Donald Trump’s rant about sharks

These news anchors are hilarious!

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He often does discuss his plans.
Serious answer to your question is when you are in the public spotlight everything you do is being recorded. Trump is also making a lot of speeches at rallies. You’re going to get all sorts of footage. There are sound bites for all occasions! Why did he segue into this strange shark conversation? Maybe there is context before. Maybe he felt like talking about it. Maybe it was for entertainment. Have you ever birdwalked in dialogue? Shot the breeze?

Another question is why would you choose a clip about sharks? It’s good for a chuckle. Nothing wrong with that. But, you are the person that chose this clip. There’s also Trump’s 2nd State of the Union address you could have chosen or recent long form discussions on podcasts. Podcasts are the best. Let each person make the best case they can for their position. RFK also has some great podcast appearances. You may have to go to X or podcast home pages, since RFK gets heavily redacted by the currently ruling party (for our own good, obviously).

It might be more useful to find the best arguments each candidate has. More useful than finding the silliest or least eloquent thing any candidate said, find the most convincing.
Determine if they are actually going to do what they say. This is easy since Biden and Trump have both been President.
Then, determine whether or not what they want to do benefits you and the American people.

I think the result will be Trump and RFK would do things to benefit us and Biden Administration would work against our best interests.

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Lmao, his fans are believing his BS, and you want others to overlook it. Either you are joking, or you are believing his BS. It’s hard for you to call him a liar.

The guy out here talking stupid is something you want other people to ignore, while anything stupid Biden does is covered by right wing news

Trump camp claims he was ‘tortured’ in Fulton County Jail — as it peddles coffee cups with his mug shot

Donald Trump’s team claimed Monday that he was “tortured” in Fulton County Jail during his August surrender on election tampering raps — as it peddled coffee cups with his mugshot.

“I want you to remember what they did to me. They tortured me in the Fulton County Jail, and TOOK MY MUGSHOT. So guess what?” a new fundraising pitch from his camp said.

“I put it on a mug for the WHOLE WORLD TO SEE!”

At the time, Trump was the first former US president to have his mugshot taken and be booked in jail for a criminal case. The scene took just over 20 minutes.

Trump camp claims he was 'tortured' in Fulton County Jail

@Xanaphlaxes How much more proof do you need to realise you are conversing with the unhinged…

What is noticeable this week is the level of desperation has definitely intensified… The left are obviously as aware as the sane here that Biden is about to be mentally and politically destroyed…

Friday should be an interesting day in US Politics…

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