Posting to improve

he was (by his own open admission, as you’ll know) a useless, persistently losing trader, but a great communicator who has certainly convinced a whole generation of aspiring traders whose trading doesn’t have a genuine edge that they have psychological problems (and some of them, i suppose, really do, perhaps especially after reading his books)

at least i’m not trying to conceal my bias against him :blush:

the book i think will interest you is Profitability & Systematic Trading - all about “having a proven edge and what to do with one when you have one”

hmmm, ok, am slightly surprised, and wondering about backtesting reliability, here (but i would say that, wouldn’t i? lol) … anyway, thank you for your great tact and politeness, and i’m wishing you well, here! :sunglasses:

Mark Douglas was a losing trader at first but somewhere down the road he became profitable according to what he says. Couldn’t confirm this though and most definitely I wouldn’t trust my life to ANY expert,

I backtested for some years and at least four times over again. So here I am openly to find out if this works or not. Will see.

Thanks for your wishes.

SL goes to BE

SL goes to +100p

+100 pips closed

Today I took a trade that gave me a TP but had no time to post it. By the time I started typing price went down 25p and decided to wait until it comes back. It never did so this TP will not be included on my journal. I am only mentioning this to demonstrate the human factor.

Yesterday’s trade came 10p away from TP and stopped me out at +100p. It then dropped well below my TP. This is a rule I might change after August.

Today I shorted us39 at 35194


SL: 35300
TP: 34990

SL is hit, waiting for next trade

results till now


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trade buying us30 at 35445


TP: 35654
SL: 35338

SL -100p hit, waiting for next trade

What does EE stand for?

it is early exit

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by the wat, here are the results


Today’s trade

buy @ 35357


TP: 35559
SL: 35257

SL hit. Becoming the master of SL.

buy fear not, trades will carry on

new trade

selling us30 @ 35251