Posting to improve

Today SL again, no worries on my side


New trade today

shorting us30 @ 35210

closed trade at +100p

here are the results


trade shorting us30 @ 34973


TP: 34778
SL: 35076

closed at BE

today’s trade sell us30 @ 34809


TP: 34601
SL: 34911

This is obviously just a small sample, but its enough to suggest you are running a cr@p strategy.

possible, I will give it more time though.

Would you like to share your strategy? I mean what are your triggers and how do u indicate TP and SL? you might find some ideas here to improve it.

winning 100p, SL goes to BE

Not at this stage Phonix, I opened this discussion primarily to force myself to follow the rules and so far this is working out well.

Not that I have the 1M strategy but would like to see the result after 40-50 trades. You are probably far more experienced than I am to know that jumping from Strategy to Strategy or changing the rules is a dead end. Been there done that. I need a large statistical sample before opening up to new ideas and adjustments.

Thanks for offering

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You might well be devleoping your self-discipline and this an excellent objective. But progress seems non-existent on your own statistics. As for discussion, there can be none.

First you get the sample and then you progress tommor.

Oh there is a discussion, with myself :slightly_smiling_face:

Firstly, I do not really consider myself as an experienced trader really… and about the strategy, you are totally correct, we shouldn’t constantly change that, but that’s hen we make sure this is a functioning one.

It’s possible I’m just being impatient.

closed this trade cause it is late and football conference league games start.
150p profit

Don’t be man, not worth it