Professional Trader offering Free mentorship via Babypips chat room

(And don’t worry Jay, I don’t trade others’ setups, my query was purely for educational purposes lol!)

not really trading until after the holiday but just took a quick look at GU and it’s headed south looking like it may get to a demand area, I have a pending order at 1.5373

Hey everyone… it seems i’ve just been getting busier and busier here on babypips…and I must say it’s been a really great experience so far, teaching, learning, sharing…etc.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve seen quite a few new faces, and gotten to know some of the more prolific names on this board a bit better. I feel more a part of this little community these days than ever before, and for those of you that know me here best probably know that I’m interested in helping as many as I can learn to trade better.

What that being said, i’m using this post to announce two new contributions I will be making here:

  1. Jay’s new and improved free trading webinars!

  2. Jay’s babypips book club!

For the webinars, I’ve decided to do an entire series that will cover a variety of trading concepts that I use in my every day trading. I will be posting days and times for each webinar as they approach. THESE WILL NOT BE RECORDED.

However, I am interested in making sure that any webinar I give will be offered at the most convienent time for all who wish to attend…

so I need YOU FOLKS to please R.S.V.P. for each webinar you are interested in, and choose one of the 3 times that works best for you to attend.

The actual time for the webinar will be based solely on which time slot has the most people RSVP, so please be proactive here folks and R.S.V.P. for the webinars and times you wish to attend.

Here is a list of what’s coming up:

[B]WEBINAR 1: High Probability Supply Demand Level Trading [/B]- [I]Learn where the market is most likley to turn, and how you can best capitalize on these turning points to start making consistent money in the markets[/I]
I’m going to go over in more detail, and from some different perspectives how I determine the highest probability supply and demand zones to pinpoint market turning points. For those of you looking for a distinctive edge in the market… this is one of the best ones I personally use.

If you are interested in webinar 1: please send me a PM OR post in this thread what time you would like to attend:

Sunday November 27th at 11:30 P.M. E.S.T. (new york time) - this is 3.5 hours[I] before [/I]london opens

Monday, November 28th at 5:00 A.M E.S.T. (new york time) - this is 2 hours [I]after[/I] london opens.

RSVP in this thread, or send me a PM. Whichever time slot has the most interest will be the one that I give the webinar.


WEBINAR 2: The REAL secret to success - A trading plan![/B] This is probably a traders most valuable tool in their entire trading toolkit… so valuable that it’s safe to say 90% of professional traders have one…and yet 90% of amature traders don’t. If you are struggling with any component of your trading, from you method to discipline to consistency to just not even knowing why you arn’t making money…this webinar IS A MUST! You will learn here what types of things go into a trading plan, and how a well done plan virtually guarantees your success in the markets.

If you are interested in webinar 2: please send me a PM OR post in this thread what time you would like to attend:

Wednesday November 30th at 11:30 P.M. E.S.T. (new york time) - this is 3.5 hours[I] before [/I]london opens

Thursday, December 1st at 5:00 A.M E.S.T. (new york time) - this is 2 hours [I]after[/I] london opens.

RSVP in this thread, or send me a PM. Whichever time slot has the most interest will be the one that I give the webinar.


Other webinar topics are going to be listed below, and more information will be made available once I am able to determine a day and schedule for them

  1. How I read price action in conjunction with classical S/R

  2. Market Sentiment… (AKA how to keep your breakout trades from becoming “false breakouts”)

  3. Preparing for the trading day - Learn how to develop more controlled trading habits, and have higher probability trades,
    just by preparing the RIGHT WAY for each trading day.

  4. Market Correlations/market strength concepts - Trade with the wind at your back…not against your face!

  5. Trading Psychology - the single most important piece of all. This webinar will be interactive…so I expect those who
    attend to be prepared to discuss some of their current struggles in their trading with the group. It’s time to fix your problem, and create a mindset of discipline, patience, and success.

  6. Scalping the Forex Spot Market - for all you scalpers out there… it’s time that (most of you) quit spinning your wheels,
    and learn how to more effectively make scalping a profitable endeavor in the spot forex market.



Please guys, do RSVP. you will determine the time the webinar starts by doing so. You can attend as many as you would like, but they will not be recorded…so please, don’t ask. I’m not a techie guys… I just like to help out.

Hope to see many of you there.


P.S. Jays babypips book club will be announced shortly…I will create a seperate thread for it…and post a link here so you can find out all about it!

Hi Jay,

Great to hear you’re offering more webinars. I’ve attended two of yours before and I can emphatically recommend them to anyone interested in a great method that’s already made me money.

I’m in London, so I would (unsurprisingly!) prefer the following times for the two new ones …

Monday, November 28th at 5:00 A.M E.S.T. (new york time)
Thursday, December 1st at 5:00 A.M E.S.T. (new york time)

Thanks prospector! Glad to hear your using sup/dem level trading with some success! I’ll put your name down on the list!


your webinars are always very good. 5AM works for me. I hope to see you there.

Hi Jay,

I know you said that these webinars won’t be recorded but can I ask why not? Is it because the software you will be using doesn’t allow it, (I believe there is free webinar software that does allow recording, available on the internet), or is it a cost thing?



Jay, I’m good with this:

Sunday November 27th at 11:30 P.M. E.S.T. (new york time) - this is 3.5 hours before london opens

Wednesday November 30th at 11:30 P.M. E.S.T. (new york time) - this is 3.5 hours before london opens

Thanks man!

I cant attend ANY of these as it is mon in my country already… Hope someone can record it down…

Hi Jay, I have been following your thread silently, but I really want to attend the webinar,

Monday 28th 5:00 am EST after 2 hours of London open.

Or any weekdays after 5:00 am EST which will be 10 am London time.

Thanks for the time and effort.

I really hope there would be a recording session!
Im from singapore and the timing is way off from you guys.

Nonetheless, thanks for the time and effort Jay!

Hi Jay, the convenient time for me is-

Monday, November 28th at 5:00 A.M E.S.T. (new york time) - this is 2 hours after london opens.

Thursday, December 1st at 5:00 A.M E.S.T. (new york time) - this is 2 hours after london opens.

Nice addition to the thread Jay, looking forward to the two webinars being hosted, I’ll be there for both, doesn’t really matter what time I can make it; whatever is most convenient for you (preferrably the 11:30pm EST ones, but I can still make the later ones).

I’ll take those times off my schedule/sleep.

Kind Regards,

PS. Skype tag! You’re it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Jay 2 hours after London open would suit me. From New Zealand so late at night but my normal trading time.
Thanks for every thing.



That’s awesome news about the new live webinars.

I just started reading this entire thread 2 days ago and watched all the videos

I really enjoyed watching them…it helped me to understand more about “stacking the odds in ones favor”, and how to think more like a trader. And it made something finally click in my head about the Sam Seiden presentations I’ve watched, explained in a way I could grasp.

Any date and time is fine with me.

Thanks for all the guidance,


Hey Jay, I would like to attend as well. How can I go about doing so?

Oh my preference for the first webminar is 2 hours after london close

Hi Jay

These 2 we be good for me.

Monday, November 28th at 5:00 A.M E.S.T. (new york time)
Thursday, December 1st at 5:00 A.M E.S.T. (new york time)



Cant wait for webinar. I cannot make the 11.30pm time.

I would LOVE for you to choose to do it at 5am est time!! Please.


Did i say please?

Cheers Jay

Ok guys…virgin daily supply level hit on usd/cad - the same one in my videos actually!

short, 1.0520.

stop 1.0565

target 1.0445

45 pip stop
75 pip target

Guess we’ll see if this works eh?


Probably will you dont need luck. little jealous of your trading today, i promised to stay out and I am. But lets hope the thin market works in your favor. So instead of luck, let the pressure of the capital flows be with you :stuck_out_tongue: