Professional Trader offering Free mentorship via Babypips chat room

closed half of eur/usd long at 1.3263

Whoops! this was supposed to go in my other thread. disregard this post guys :slight_smile:


Long eur/cad 1.3852

stop 1.3830

target 1.3885

closed out 65% of trade at 1.3880ā€¦eur/cad long

closed last 1/3 of trade out at 1.3890


I posted these two trades up here live guys because they were both taken off of fresh daily zones. I will post picā€™s later today.


Sup Eremarket, I am interested on attending the webinar , 11:30pm Sunday ā€¦ thakx

Jay if you would be so kindā€¦ 27th and 30th for me please sir!


RSVP Sunday November 27th 11:30pm EST


RSVP Wednesday November 30th, 11:30pm EST

Well guysā€¦ looks like the trade was good. So there. you saw it first in the video. I made a live call here as I entered the trade, and it ended up hitting the targetā€¦getting aboutt 1.75 reward for 1 risk.

I may do some more of this type of thing for this coming week also

DONā€™T FORGET!!! RSVP for the webinar. Iā€™m gonna post up all who have confirmed their attendence with me so far within the next 12 hoursā€¦ if you donā€™t have your name on the listā€¦ be sure to post in this thread that you want to attendā€¦and which time you want to attend.

Whatever time gets the most votes, gets the webinar. So RSVP with the time your interested in please.


Will the webinars be recorded and posted on this thread, since I am not able to attend any of them?

Itā€™s always nice to catch a 60 pip swing just 4 pips off the bottom. Another nice vigin daily zone. another nice fairly tight 22 pip stop, another nice profit.


P.S. Be sure to RSVP for the two free webinars iā€™m doing. include the time you want to attend, and which webinar (or both) your are RSVPā€™ing for. Well, that is, if you care to learn about how I buy bottoms and sell tops on a regular basis, have a 60%+ win rate, and average about 150% profit on whatever it is iā€™m risking. If you donā€™t want to learn this stuffā€¦ then pass on the webinar coming up.

Sorry Trick, I donā€™t plan on recording theseā€¦ I may end up doing so in the future, but for now, I wanted to offer the babypips community an exclusive opportunity for a live webinar on a variety of trading concepts, and I not only believe something would be lost in the recording, but I just donā€™t want unbridaled access for all time to these. Kinda just something special for the babypips community :slight_smile:



Ok guys, so far, looks like itā€™s going to be 2 hrs after london opens (5:00 am NY time slot). I have 13 people who have RSVPā€™d for the webinar

Here is the list of names so far:

If you are NOT on the list, but would like to attend, be sure to R.S.V.P. here in this thread ASAP. I will add your name to the list, and see you alll tomorrow!


Greetings eremarket,

I would like to attend to the seminar tomorrow, just find out this thread (been of babypips for months) as Iā€™m sure itā€™s a great opportunity for me to learn basic PA.

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Aseratā€¦itā€™s so much more than learning basic PA. My goal is to really show you all how I find the high probability turning points in the market, and how I trade them for a living. I will put you down on the list, thanks for your RSVP, and I think youā€™ll be very happy with what you see in the webinar!


Ok everyoneā€¦got the babypips book club post up. gonna start with market wizards! here is a link to the new threadā€¦please get the book, and lets find out more about how the best in the world make their millions/billions :wink:


Jay, just understood youā€™re making another webinar.
Iā€™d like to attend if there is enough room and Iā€™m not too late.
Best regards :slight_smile:
P.s. Also prefer 2 hours after LO, buts it has
been decided already

Jayā€“Please RSVP me for the Mon 5AM webinar. Im looking forward to it very much. Im a newbie but have been studying babypips school and other resources for a few months. I just found this thread so if you dont mind could you post the logistics of joining the webinar (where its at/how do you login) sometime before it starts? My vote for second webinar is Wed 11:30 EST but either time is ok. I would like to RSVP either time. Thank you so much for sharing.ā€“Chris

I understand eremarket. Will you be making more webinars in the future? I still have 2 weeks till my college semester is over and thatā€™s why I have no time right now to attend them. I will be glad to attend webinars after that though.

Jay, please RSVP me for the Mon 5AM webinar!!