Professional Trader offering Free mentorship via Babypips chat room

Hi Jay, Put me on the list please, I sent u an email with the RSVP and my time of preference. Guess u have not recieved it. Im new here at babypips dont know how to send PM or RSVP for the webinars, but I know post somewhere my RSVP and time :s … Let me know if im in please and the time of the webinar, In any case I prefer to be tonight at 11:30pm…

I would like to participate in your today 11:30pm webinar, please let me know!

I would like to participate in your today 11:30pm webinar, please let me know It sounds to be very interesting

Jay I am a webinar virgin. I will be ‘there’ at 5am est but where do i have to be… how exactly do i attend? Sorry for my rookieness!

thank youuu

Count me in!
Awaiting instructions of how to proceed from here.

Great work jay

Hi Jay,

May I please join in at 5:00 (ouch) AM, Monday morning. Also, are you having a webinar at 11:30 tonight as well? If so, may I please participate.



I think it’s one time or the other but not both right?

Right Talon…not both. It’s gonna be 5:00 am E.S.T.


Ooops - sorry. May I please sign up for the 5AM if you have room.

Thought I’d chime in since I notice a few new registrants

If you are attending a webinar by jay it’s usually like this, either be waiting in the chatroom and ask there is someone usually there or check here.

First Download and install Mikigo this will allow to see his charting and whatever he wishes to share with you

Mikogo: Remote Desktop, Web Conferencing & Online Meetings

Second we use which like I said above will likely be posted here.

Third, enjoy and learn

How do I join with Mikigo?

A. You will either see here or ask in babypip’s chatroom we will provide you with a session ID XXX XXX XXX from which you can join.

What’s the point of anymeeting?

A. Its for us to hear him and to chat

I have a lot of questions since I’m new where’s a good place to start?

A. Babypips has a nice course set up I’d go through it thoroughly but if you are looking to catch some of how jay trades look up his utube channel about high probability trading

How long are these webinars?

A. Usually an hour or so, it can run long sometimes if someone asks a really good question or a really broad question. As such you are not bound not to ask questions however it is my opinion you should ask at appropriate times or seek help from him at the end of the webinar. Or even email or post here your question. Jay is very quick to respond. Reason being we come from all skill levels sometimes a simple question maybe a very length explanation and will drain on our class time.

How early should I get here?

A. From the ones I’ve been to he’s usually prompt, we have waited a few mins for people to get technical problems sorted out before so we are reasonable if you are open to joining us for the evening.

I think that covers most of it.

Hi Jay,

I’d like to RSVP for the webinar please


Wow. Great job buddy…thanks for the list. Everyone…Tansen should have helped clear up any questions you may have… thanks again.


Your in Billy, and so is everyone else who shows up for it.

One last thing guys…show up EARLY if you can…about 15 minutes. Just to have any questions answered and to make sure everything is working well for you (technically speaking). I don’t want to slow down the webinar to the distraction of the other attendees to help someone get set up properly…20 minutes after we begin.

I will post up all the log in information by about 1-2 hrs before london open.

THanks for your interest, looking forward to seeing you all there!


You missed mine.

  • Pippard!


Hi ,
I am interested to attend this session today.


ok Sai…your in!


Hi Jay!

Count me in for the Mon 5am webinar.

Thank you!.

I just realized that this session is at 5 am EST. I am on PST. This time is too early for me.

I may not be able to join the session. Will try to join some other session. Thank you for arranging this.


Hey Jay,

Count me in for Monday at 5am EST !

Cheers ! Thank you

Valentino…your in!