Professional Trader offering Free mentorship via Babypips chat room

thanks for the webinar jay. It was really a good one. Looking forward to the next one.

Really great webinar, I really appreciate the chance to participate. Woke up at 430am, and am hoping to sit in tonight on ICT’s web class as well - I will likely pass out right after.

Excellent webinar Jay, thanks for sharing all the information!

Very interesting seminar, presented with simplicity yet showing a deep understanding of markets. I enjoyed it a lot and expect lot to come as Eremarket is truly enthusiastic about teaching (for the benefit of all of us!)

Unfortunately I missed it, but I´ll attend the next ones. I’ve already learned a lot from the material you have shared here.

Thank you :slight_smile:

Thanks Jay great insight into your trading style and what you are looking for.
All your help is appreciated by all of us.

From a happy Kiwi

Thanks Jay

The webinar was very informative. Really appreciate your time and effort in setting-uo the webinar and also your great enthusiasm.

The webinar was my first and eremarket did not disappoint!

It was fantastic and really informative, with Jay willing to answer any questions and slow it right down no matter how silly the question.

I think for me and most likely more another couple building and practicing spotting what he taught would be incredible.

Highly recommended. Jay just remember I was with you when you weren’t famous :wink:

Very nice webinar. Thanks to Jay for tha valuable time

Amazing webinar, like the others said… insightful teachings with solid stuff!

Thanks again for your time Jay!


Hello everyone, Unfortunately, I will be cancelling all future webinars until further notice. I am seeking to gain clarification
regarding this, as I have hosted over a dozen of these webinars in the past, and have never received such a notice.

The specific reasons for this action were outlined in a private message I received stating this was the following reason:

"The following actions fall under Solicitation:

  1. Giving out or leaving your email address or IM username so other users can contact you.
  2. Inviting other users to email or message you via IM or any other communication medium."

As I can tell… hosting a webinar using violates inviting others to email or message me via “any other communications medium”

I have requested this to be explained futher, and I will keep you all updated as to how this resolves.

I am sorry for any difficulty this has caused any of you, and as it stands right now, I am disappointed myself.

I will keep you all informed as to how this develops, and If I will be able to conduct any future live webinars.

Thank you for your interest, and as I said, I will update you regarding any further communication I have with the babypips staff as I seek clarification as to why this most recent webinar violated their terms of use, whereas in the past this was not an issue.

Feel free to send me or the babypips staff a message yourself if you seek further information.


So BP Staff had a shill in the webinar. That’s dissapoing BP staff. I mean it’s as clear as a window pane what happened but it’s not like you posted your email address here in the thread anywhere. So you can’t do or say whatever you want to in your own private webinar?

Big brother is watching you

Edit for spelling… I need a spell czecker

I agree with you Talon. Particularly since I have held many in the past without any problems. I see this as a benefit to the babypips community to have such free events that the likes of myself and ICT offer at no charge, and without any solicitation in the webinar to charge, and without any solicitation in the webinar to charge for anything in the future either. Heck, it seems the free exchange of information has its limits… even when it really is free?

And now, I am wondering if offering videos for free will be found to violate their terms and conditions, since it could be interpreted as soliciting email addresses or chatroom requests if in the video it was to provide follow up contact information.

The exact rule as far as I can currently tell is as follows:

“No advertising or solicitation (this includes but not limited to email address and chatroom requests). Duh! We make you pay for that However, if you have over 5 posts we will allow you to put links up provided that it is relevant to the topic that is being discussed. All links or posting behavior deemed as advertising/spamming/promotion/solicitation will be deleted.”

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently"

At this point, I have sent 2 PM’s, and 1 email asking them for further clarification. I will update with the response here.

Maybe I will have to just stick to videos I make and post on youtube, rather than doing anything live. If this is the case, so be it. As long as this really IS the case, and I won’t be in violation for doing such.


If this is the case, why they didn’t warned ICT? he’s around longer than you and he didn’t post anything like this, not that i saw it.

And I’m certain that making posted online youtube videos wouldn’t have the same impact without all those questions and discussion on certain matters.

There’s more than one way of looking at it and I started to write more but I’ll keep the brilliant insight and sharp tongue wit to myself and just say there was nothing even hinting at selling anything in the weibinar. Nothing could be clearer than that.

There seems to be people on babypips doing far worse than suggesting a private webinar… very strange and disappointing

Thanks for the support guys… I will wait for a response from babypips, hopefully it is something minor that I’ve overlooked, and will be able to just make sure I can consider that (whatever it is) for the future.

At any rate, here is a trade I just entered off a fresh daily supply level on aud/jpy:

You will see the post I made there regarding this trade. Here is a picture of it as welll

Uploaded with


This is very disappointing. Im pretty new here and I dont know many people but I really enjoyed the vids and webinar and appreciate them very much. Hopefully this can be resolved soon.

how did you decide on a 40 stop and 60 target ?

Here is another trade I took off of a daily supply zone. This one in aud/cad -

Uploaded with

I went short at 1.0388, as per my post up on my other thread -

And TalonD…as for the 40 stop and 60 target, I wanted to make sure my stop was above any closely correlated 1hr supply zones within that daily zone, in case stops were run, and I wanted to be a few pips above the most recent 4hr demand zone…which on my chart is about 77.33

Hope this gives some more insights :slight_smile:
