Professional Trader offering Free mentorship via Babypips chat room

Nice trade, i missed my fill by a few pips. But i had the same level as you did. Keep on truckin Jay.

wow, that one shot up like a rocket!

What’s the final vote are doing the webinar at 11:30pm today or at 5:00am?

Tansen… no webinar until i hear from babypips staff…

will let you, and everyone ele know. feel free to contact them with your opinion on whether i should be able to do more free webinars… it might make a diffference, seriously.


BIG ups for this guy. Hes doing that not really does a good trader - teaching and helping to others, thanks for that. I never heard him saying - no, i wont tell you.
Cheers mate!

Please everybody vote for Jay, and Jay do what ever you think good, if you think you need to wait for the babypips to give feedback then you will run more webinar,
I will support you, but if you think you need to help the newbee and do the webinar I will support you also.

Thank you everyone who contacted babypips staff on this threads (and my) behalf.

I am please to announce that the free webinars will continue! I will update the schedule over the weekend, and next week pick up where we left off.

Again, my sincerest thanks to all who requested that this service be allowed to continue, and to the babypips staff for accomodating. Thanks guys!


Great news!

Cheers to the ones who helped and to babypips staff that turned around their decision

Persistence and good will always win. We are looking forward to participate in your next webinar , eremarket. We all appreciate what you’re doing for us ! Thank you !

+1 from me - i’d like to take a part too. I just begin my “forex journey” lol - so i will be glad to be a part of the next webinar

Got a question about the 1st Thread, specifically at the quote part.
Where is the end of the “WEBINARS ARE BACK” part and the beginning “Schedule” part that?
I kinda lost myself there.


long on eur/aud at 1.3165
stop 45 pips,
target 1 - 90 pips. taking 70% off
target 2 - 120 pips. taking 20% off
target 3 - 200 pips, talking 10% off

Already in thye trade from about 1 min ago.


P.S. After spread…my fill was at 1.3168 - I always forget how much the non-majors spread is during the slow market hours.
almost 6 pips right now. That actually sets the necessary win rate for me to break even 3% more difficult to achieve… and thats on a 100 pip target!

If i targed less, I would need to over come much more. Say…i had targeted 50 pips…at that point, a 6 pip spread means If every trade i took was for a 50 pip profit, and i had a 50 pip stop, I would need to win 56% of the time just to break even! (math guys…confirm my math is correct here. I may be off…but the point is sound)

geez. no wonder spot forex is tough.

Anyway. with a 100% win rate forr this week, I can expect to do ok with this trade overall

Aww heck. I just noticed I posted this up in the wrong thread! man. sorry guys… guess you’ll have to get used to this sometimes happening, as I have only 1 brain, and it’s not good for doing two things at one time.


jay great job over on the other thread! hey im a little confused with your scheduling on the webinars? let me know when they are gonna be available? late est time is good for me after 9pm

got it jay will check it out this weekend

Hi, I just noticed this thread and unfortunatly I have missed the first 2 webinars. Were these webinars recorded by any chance, for those of us that missed it ?



Guys…I have so far only done the first webinar in the series of 8. I will now resume the webinars, and post a schedule up for the other 7 this weekend. (well, at least the next 2 webinars).

I will not be recording the next one…but because of overwhealming interest…I may start doing it before i finish this 8 series.

I will NOT be doing this for the next one though…and may not be doing it at all. So, no promises.

More info to come this weekend.


Hey Jay
I didn’t check your math on this one but I did do some calculations in one of the ‘is forex gambling’ threads and figured out that anything with a take profit of 50 pips you are basically bucking the same odds as a double green American style roulette wheel in a casino where the house advantage is 5.25% Less than 50 pips and it gets even worse. Depends on the pair and the spread of course.

Thats assuming forex is a 50:50 coin toss chance with 1:1 risk reward ratio.

hey jay

quick question i watched your videos and understand that you use pivot points as added confirmation. do you only use weekly and monthly pp? as everyday the dailys will change or everyday just check if a daily pp falls into the area that you are watching?

also i noticed in your other thread you are taking alot of trades. Are you using the same concept just on lower time frames? and not starting with the daily and just looking for virgin zones on say the 15m? or is it a whole different type of stategy?