Professional Trader offering Free mentorship via Babypips chat room

Brian…I do use daily pivots, I just recheck them every day to help me determine the best levels :slight_smile:

Also…I do take a lot of trades there. This thread is setup to give people a fairly simple to follow explanation of supply/demand concepts, and how to trade them fairly effectively, fairly easily.

That thread over there is for my own trading development. I take many trades that are not off of virgin daily levels, using a much more “organic, conceptual” decision making process that does not always confine to strict daily S/D level trades.

It is still all orderflow based supply/demand imbalance concepts, but much more advanced than what I post up here.

This works, and it’s simple enough to learn without gobs of experience.

[B]WEBINAR 2: The REAL secret to success - A trading plan![/B] This is probably a traders most valuable tool in their entire trading toolkit… so valuable that it’s safe to say 90% of professional traders have one…and yet 90% of amature traders don’t. If you are struggling with any component of your trading, from your method to discipline to consistency to just not even knowing why you arn’t making money…this webinar IS A MUST! You will learn here what types of things go into a trading plan, and how a well done plan virtually guarantees your success in the markets.

If you are interested in webinar 2: please send me a PM OR post in this thread what time you would like to attend:

Thursday, December 8th, at 5:00 AM E.S.T. (5:00 am New York Time)

RSVP in this thread. DO NOT send me a PM, I got too many messages last time :stuck_out_tongue: Just post that you’ll be here, so I know how many to prepare for (believe it or not…the amount of folks there will influence what I should focus on).

Count me in Jay look forward to it.


Count me in please. Cheers.

Thanks for the webinar, I am in.

Count me in to !
This is at 10pm GMT right ?


Me, too . Thank you, man :slight_smile:

Be there or be square !

Well it would be rude not to drop by :slight_smile:
Count me in plz sir!

I’m in…thanks again for sharing your knowledge.


Count me in.

I would love to participate in your webinar too, eremarket ! You’re providing a lot of very valuable information, it would be a sin not to participate.

Count me in jay for thursday

Thanks for answering all of my questions

Yep me too, would love to be part of this one

I’ll be there, count me in!

I will be attending. Thanks!

I am in too :wink:

Cheers !

I would love to be in too! Thanks (:

I would also be interested in attending. 5am EST…that’s 2am PST I think…good thing I have already booked off work Friday anyways :44:

5 AM is fine with me. I will be there