Professional Trader offering Free mentorship via Babypips chat room

2am PST for me but I’ll be there.

me too ddrankin :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, but you work the “graveyard” shift. :slight_smile:

I believe the subject of this webinar is exactly what I need. I can’t afford to miss this one. I’ll be setting two alarms to make sure I’m up for it.

You can count me in too…


I’ll be there :wink:

I’ll be there!



Jay just posting up a trade set up i came across i know nobody hasnt posted one in a while so im hoping this sparks some guys to post set ups!

demand zone on the daily 103.25-102.47
intraday day demand zone 103.23-103.05
23.6% retracement on the week
weekly s1 at 103.14

Looking at a 1H chart looks like 103.65 or maybe 103.70 for a round number and that’s right at a 61.8 fib too

realized i went back an extra day on my fibs for the previous week should be at 0.00%

yes i just picked up my charting mistake will readjust my chart

well that’s a good level you have down there but looks like something before it gets there. I could be wrong, I’m new a S/D

The only problem with that is that it’s right on the edge of the no trade zone.

For me, I like a little further down at 103.30-103.50…where that V formation is on Wed… which is in the area of the weekly S2, the daily S2, and the 162% extension of the previous daily range, plus, if it reached down there, that distance would pretty much equal the average daily range, whereas the 103.70 comes up a little short, unless of course it makes a dramatic turn up from there and then travels the 92 adr.

Just seeing .70 as the nearest strong looking demand especially after a lot of choppy sideways 11-28 through 11-30. I see it bounced up from there about 50 or 60 pips but no doubt it will get to those lower levels and react there also.

hey guys i know it falls into the no trade zone but looking at a short at 77.83. just wondering what you guys think about it

77.84 weekly pp
77.84 daily r1

or long at 77.40-77.45

daily s3 77.40
weekly s1 77.39

Count me in for the seminar, Jay.
I’ll be there!


Learn what a trading plan is all about, and how once you start on the right steps to building a solid plan, unique to your strengths and trading style, that success is all but guaranteed!

2 hours after this coming london session… 5:00 am E.S.T. (5 am New york time)

Instructions will be posted 2 hours before it begins, so you can log in via anymeeting.

Thanks for your interest, hope to see you all there!


does anyone know what program we need to install again to go to these webinars???

Oh crap…I musta been in a cloud…Thursday am, not Friday am…I can’t make it. Hope to see a recording of it later?
Thanks anyways :slight_smile:

i dont think he is recording this one sweet