Professional Trader offering Free mentorship via Babypips chat room

Thank you for the Webinar Jay,

Good stuff there. It reminded me how important it is to keep up to date an ever evolving trading plan,
and how to put more attention to the specifics. Definitely something where I can make some important improvements.

Keep the lessons coming. :slight_smile:

Oh yeah one other thing I was going to post the way to calculate your MPP as I call it or Monthly Profit Projections

One warning though, do not let this fill your head.

What I mean by this is its nice to put in a 20% return for lets say 4 months and see a nice 4-5 figure return but, it doesnā€™t mean youā€™ll attain this constantly just be weary and keep your risk management a foot and use this to help in planning your REASONABLE trading plan goals.

The formula is

C x 1.XXXX^(t) where t= D

C = Capital or your initial deposit / Account Balance
XXXX = % ex 20% is 1.02
D = Days, which you can convert yourself to weeks, month, year
(There are 270 Trading days in year I believe give or take 5)

This is the tool I use to calculate it without my calculator
C x 1.XXXX^t where t= D - Wolfram|Alpha

Just plug in the appropriate values and as always GLGT

Great webinar, putted all those brain muscles to work into all of the plan.
Also, thanks for all the guys who shared some valuable info and stuff!

Best trades

Thanks for the Webinar Jay. Full of great insights once again.
looking forward to the next one.


Hi Tansen thanks for the formula, i am having some problem suppose I have 50 pound capital and Day is 10 days how I place it to the formula.

Thanks in advance


Thanks again for another great webinar.
Alot of things to think about and solidify in my approach.

Thanks for the structure.


Hey Allā€¦ as promised, here are the notes I posted on the screen during the webinar:

Section 1: Trading Psychology Journaling

Section 2: Trade Journaling ā€“Technical aspects

Section 3: Trade Review Journaling

Section 4: Risk Management

Section 5: Pre-Trading Preparation.

Section 6: Entry Criteria ā€“ Trade Management & Rules

Section 7: Targets & Goals


[B]Section 6: Entry Criteria ā€“ Trade Management & Rules[/B]

  1. Entry criteria for entry style 1:

a) Determine VIRGIN Daily Supply and Demand levels above and below current price
ii) Zoom in to 4h TF and find internal levels to further narrow the daily sup/dem zone
iii) Repeat this for the 1hr TF
iv) If there are multiple zones/levels use Pivots, significant swing highs/lows, fib retracements and classical support/resistance to filter out the best levels.

b) Determine category of play: set and forget, and set and manage.
i. must be X amount pips from the opposing daily sup/dem level
ii. Must also fall within weekly demand zone
iii. must have been daily level developed over 6 months ago, and had no
retracements for 6 months.
A. IF ALL THREE ABOVE CRITERIA ARE MET, order can be placed as a
"set and forget"

c) When a VIRGIN Daily Supply level is voided
x blah
y blah
z. blah

e) Determine location for initial profit target ā€“ based on opposing s/r levels
A. any session low or high can be a possible stalling point.

g) Stop management
if a area of stalling (as determined using above critera) is closer than 50% to my
target, from my entry, I do XYZ with my stop, when I see ABC occur

[B]Section 4: Risk Management[/B]

  1. Max Loss Limits
    a) Daily- 2.0 % loss, if hit no trading for the rest of the trading day.
    i) If daily max loss is hit 2 days during a week, Must take a week off trading
    ii) Requirements to resume trading if daily max loss is hit, 2+ days in a week.
    A. review
    B. Demo
    C. etcā€¦etā€¦

b) If after 10 consecutive trading days, your losses are XX% take Y trading days off

c) If over any 60 day period your account is down YY%, must take 1 month off (no charts, everything)

  1. Max Trade Limits
    a) Daily/ Weekly Maximum trades to be entered
    i) Daily Max Trade Limit:

  2. Max Position Sizing Rules / Progression
    a) Max Position size per trade
    b) Approx. X% needed to risk to achieve targets/ goals (to be revised in ABC weeks.)
    c) If losing trades / drawdown hit a certain level (whatever that is)
    Reduce position size by ā€œQā€ until you have at least 1 winner.

Thanks Jay for the post.

Hello guys I thought I would share a worksheet I made for myself to help anybody out with calculating their financial goals. Just put in your capital at the top of the sheet and your [B]daily[/B] goal (in percent). It will give you the daily, monthly and yearly returns (with compounding). Itā€™s based off of a 22 day month and a 264 day year.

FX Worksheet.xlsx

Thanks Teb, that was pretty helpful for me! Iā€™m probably a bad case scenario for excel +_+

hey what happened to Jay ?

Heā€™s around just busy

I think he is busy doing shopping.

Shopping. It is that time of yearā€¦ bah humbug ! :smiley:

Ok guysā€¦ the moment all 3 of you have been waiting forā€¦ (drumrollā€¦)


Ok. iā€™m not THAT excitedā€¦but I am looking forward to doing part 3 in the series I started!

This next one will be held on FRIDAY, January 6TH, at 5:00 AM NEW YORK TIME (E.S.T.)

So, this is about 1:00 PM London (GMT), on Friday

Iā€™m going to go over how I personally read price action when price approaches classical S/R levels.

A GREAT webinar to come to if you want to start looking at price action like a professional.

Friday, 1:00 PM GMT (5 am EST). Will probably go for 1-2 hours.

Again guysā€¦please RSVP :slight_smile:


P.S. CORRECTION! Friday is the 6thā€¦ I previously had the 5th. It IS GOING TO BE THE 6TH. :slight_smile:

Count me in Jay. Great to see you back. Havā€™nt been trading start again next week.
Happy New Year.

Hey Jay, Iā€™m in, as always! Looking forward to it ā€¦ :59:

Great news. Count me in.

count me in too

Friday is the 6th isnā€™t it? Anyway, Iā€™ll be there.