Professional Trader offering Free mentorship via Babypips chat room

Count me in .

I`ll be there! Thanks!

I will pop in… :0)

I’ll do some window shopping too and have a look :slight_smile:


I would like to attend also


I would like to attend…

Guys…Please help me with instructions on how to attend
Please post the link of instructions…

I’ll be there :slight_smile:


I just read your initial post and watched the videos and I would love to join in on friday.

But I don’t know how to access the webinar. Could you please tell me how to enter?

Looking forward to friday!



I’ll be there

This is the link posted in #19 of the same thread.

Jays Trading Plan Webinar - AnyMeeting | Free Web Conferencing, Webcast and Webinar Service

is this the correct link ?

YES! you are right Talon. it is the 6th. and that’s when this will be. Friday, the 6th.

everyone… TalonD is correct. Make sure you don’t show up on thursday, lol. I won’t be there. and I’m flakey enough as it is…
I don’t need a worse reputation :stuck_out_tongue:


I believe it is the correct link Newbie, (don’t know to be honest), but I will post a link the day of the webinar, about 1-2 hours before it starts. I will be doint some sound checks early…we had some problems with sound last time, and I want to make sure this is not the issue this time. Will do my best. So look for the link about 1-2 hours before it starts.


Thanks Jay,
I shall check the site an hour earlier.

I would be happy to attend too. It would be too painful to miss your webinar, Jay.
Thank you.

I wont manage from the start coz of work…but will check if you are still on when I finish. Maybe I manage to get the last 30 min.

I’ll be there, also note people the 6th is NFP

how to rsvp? Or i just wait for u to post out the link on friday?

Reserve a spot for me! Thanks

Count me in too!

Is there any way this can be recorded? Gonna find this really difficult to attend !