Professional Trader offering Free mentorship via Babypips chat room

count me in Jay :slight_smile:

looking forward to it :slight_smile:

Ok guysā€¦hereā€™s whoā€™s coming:


And anyone elseā€¦ please stop by. Here is a link to the webinar. Itā€™s live now!

Jayā€™s Price Action and S/R reading webinar - AnyMeeting | Free Web Conferencing, Webcast and Webinar Service

Sorry Eremarket, its Qingren not G. Hee :smiley:

Awesome webinar. Lots of cool stuff. Thanks a millyun!!

I canā€™t express how useful the material presented in the webinar by Jay was. Jay let us ā€œglanceā€ at one of the professional ways trading can be done. He showed us what is happening under sceneā€™s curtains - how the simple term ā€œprice actionā€ can be viewed from professional approach.

Iā€™m very grateful for your time Jay ! Thank you very much !

Oh duh, I missed it. 5am EST is actually 10am GMT, not 1pm. I just looked at the London time and ā€¦ :rolleyes:

Any chance of a recording/review?

Missed this one. Dohhh.
Really wanted to see it.
Iā€™ll be checking this thread more often for the datesā€¦not to miss any future ones.

Thanks for the webinar today Jay! It was very good.

In your intro videos you talked about a guy named Sam Seiden. I googled for a while but found very few resources.
Could you please post where exactly one can find his free lectures?



This is a lot of his webinarsā€¦I think nearly everything Iā€™ve seen can be found here

Sam Seiden


Sorry if this question has been covered already. For some reason Iā€™ve gathered that you use limit orders so when the spot price moves into a demand/supply zone, the order is triggered? Is this correct? Would it be less risky to use stop orders AFTER the spot price moves into a demand/supply zone, so it gets triggered as the spot price reverses and exits the zone? If anyone can take time to clarify this, thank you. :slight_smile:

King, good question, it hasnā€™t been covered, and at least on my part, the reasons are intentional.

What you have mentioned is a very valid way to take trades using the concepts discussed in this thread. I personally donā€™t do that much. however, you can ABSOLUTLY do that.

Itā€™s really a matter of risk/reward. If you take less confirmation on a reversal, you can get a much better R:R

If you take more confirmation on a reversal, you get a worse R:R, but of course, you have a higher liklyhood of price
going your way.

Higher probability trades, but must accept bigger stop loss points

Lower probabiility trades, but can take much tighter stops

So, itā€™s a matter of personal choice. I donā€™t do it that way muchā€¦but your welcome to, and you may have some great success with itā€¦I know others who do.


^Thanks Jay. :slight_smile: I was going to ask you why a higher probablity trade would need a bigger stop loss, but then it clicked. A lower probability trade needs a better R:R in order to compensate losses with less-frequent but bigger wins. I hope this is correct?

Yaā€¦thatā€™s about right.

Another way to look at it is this. If you wait for price action to confirmā€¦ thatā€™s fineā€¦but confirmation is going to occur further away from your ā€œoptimal entryā€, by necessity.

itā€™s like thisā€¦if price enters a level after a drop in price, and then you buy when price reverses and closes above the level (aboveā€¦because its now starting to turn up, long, etc)ā€¦ welll. you didnā€™t buy at the level anymore

you bought at the close of a candle (or whatever) as it pulled up and OUT of the level.

So, your buying higher, by necessity.

so itā€™s not so much a matter of compensation. Its a matter of if there is 100 pips between a level and a targetā€¦that every pip you wait after the level to actually enter a trade, is another pip you reduce your profit margin byā€¦and increase your stop by.

Like, you could wait for price to reverse and move up 20 pips before you enter. Obviously, you now KNOW that price will at very least start to turn your way before entering.

Of course, you also only have 80 pips left to your target, and your stop is now 20 pips further away than it needed to be.

But, at least you have ā€œconfirmationā€ that price wonā€™t just cut right through to your stop.

The idea is the longer you wait for a trend to prove itself, the more chance of you being right, but the larger stop you must take, and consequently you enter after price is closer to your target than it would have been if u entered earlier.

Get it? If notā€¦iā€™ll try to expand on it for ya :wink:


^ Excellent, it seems clear now. Itā€™s about optimal entry. Thanks!

noob question, how do you subscribe to the thread? xD

you just found out one way

Hi Jayā€¦

While I largely agree with most of what you are saying, surely for a newbie at forex, priorities in their trading should be protecting what they haveā€¦ So while in your example they do miss out on the extra 20 pips they could have bagged by gaining optimal entry, when is all said and done, they still made profit, no?

At the same time, in no way do i disregard the importance of optimal price entry, but at the same time imo i think protecting what you have should be #1 priority - even if it means you dont maximize your pips for that tradeā€¦

Just my 2 centsā€¦

Big follower of your trading though - more of a silent watcherā€¦



Sanj, thanks for chiming in, appreciate itā€¦even if iā€™m rarely here these days to do much of anything (just been so busy trading to be honest.) Wellā€¦ I really think itā€™s 6 in one hand, half dozen in the otherā€¦

Where you see it as ā€œmissing out on 20 extra pipsā€ā€¦I see it as ā€œincreasing risk by 20 extra pips, while at the same time decreasing reward by 20 pips.ā€ā€¦ so, itā€™s the worst of both worlds to meā€¦but most of alllā€¦ i personally have a psychological problem with buying or selling anywhere that i donā€™t believe is likley to be a bottom or top.

once i see price move 20 pips in my directionā€¦i am thinking ā€œdamnitā€¦now i have to take a 20 pip stop as originally plannedā€¦PLUST add another 20 pips for this fricken moveā€¦arghā€.


so, u seeā€¦itā€™s really a matter of persepectiveā€¦ and it is also two seperate issues.

Preserving capital is a function of how you plan to manage your risk, and how well you execute on your plan AFTER the trade has begun.

it is actually completely independentā€¦and in fact, irrelevent, before a trade is entered.

What determines whether confirmation is riskierā€¦or a tighter stop is riskierā€¦is actually completely up to the trader. neither is inherently risky, if handled appropriatelyā€¦ as each situation so deems it to be best handled.
