Pure Price Action For Dummies

I was not nearby for all the good trade setups, I missed a good short on the EUR/USD and a decent bounce on the USD/JPY.
Oh well I still finished the week with +24 pips so anytime I don’t lose money am happy, even if I want to make a million pips :slight_smile:

I think EUR/USD may bounce upwards next week and either take off upward or hit resistance and continue the freefall. Only time will tell :slight_smile: (Yeah yeah I know leave my MACD alone :P)

Have a good weekend everybody :slight_smile:

Also Monday OPEC is releasing their monthly oil report, beware the ides of March :).

Hi everyone,

Any trade ideas for this week? Is everyone still around in this thread? I realised nowadays, it been kind of quiet on this thread…

my open trades for today

May be we will get some trade tomorrow, just holding short position on AUD / NZD and Copper.

Unable to attached the chart problem with the software.

Hi Sharebazar,

Didn’t hear from u for quite a while. How r u doing? I am short now on GJ for this week for the time being. Hope the market will do its thing and TP at my set level. Do check out some of GBP pairs. Think there might be some actions on them for the coming days.
Did u enter yr A/N from last week?

Hi Gssg,

Yes I am holding position on /N from last week, one position closed already and move my SL to BE to 2nd position.

You are correct GBP pairs are getting ready for good setup. Good luck with GJ pair, price can retrace back so manage it accordingly.


Gssg if it is quiet it is up to us to post here and keep things alive here.
austine4life did you open any trades?
undecided you don’t have to make a million pips to make a million :slight_smile:
sharebazar first silver and now copper? Is this method working as well for the commodity’s?? Are you going to try the stock market or indices as well?

Looking also for GBP but not in a trade in this moment.

I have to open a new demo account tomorrow the old one will close after 1 month. The good news is that I didn’t loose money this time but also no big profit. Last week I got back the losses from the weeks before.
I had 5 trades last week, 4 winners, 1 loser Total +237 pips.

With last month demo account I choose for a leverage of 1:1 to have some experience with this. With 5000 euro on the account I could open only 2 trades in the same time from 0,02 Lot. With a 50 pip SL it was not possible to have a risk of 1% of the account value.

So trading with a leverage set to 1:1 is very save but it puts a limit on your money management.


Hi Sharebazar,

Same here. My GJ I have closed 1 position, and move the 2nd position to be+20. Just started learning to open positions in 2 trades so in order to allow 1 position to run longer to see if I can achieve more pip count.

Hi TC,

Congrats on your making… I don’t know about commodity pairs, but I can be sure that this method is working very well for currencies pair. Patience, patience & patience…

I am trying to trade in live account to any pair I see the setup. According to the trade history this method works in any financial instrument, but there are few difference.

  1. Stop loss may vary in different instruments.

  2. Wait for good setup ( need patience )

  3. Some instruments need more time to move.

  4. Some instruments create good setup if it only trade with recent trend.

  5. Time of the trade can be different.

We can get trade setup for currency almost every week. But I am just trying to apply the method to everything with real cash. I am very happy that I am trying it, I am getting more knowledge and experience. I am getting more good trades than previously, more decipline and getting more pips.

Hit my TS and closed 1 position on copper with 116 pips.

Closed 2nd position on copper with 100 pips yesterday.

Hope to get good set up on currency pairs next week.

currency pairs don’t look so good this week or? Nice copper trade…


Hi Sharebazar,

Would you care to share what do you mean by ‘some instruments create good setup if it only trade with recent trend’ & ‘time of the trade can be different’ ?
As for recent trend, what kind of timeframe are you talking about?
Many thanks…

Hi Sharebazar,

For this kind of trade, what is your risk-reward ratio? How many percent of your equity will you be risking?
Care to share your way of money & trade management?

Hi Gssg,

In my experience what I have learned is that every financial intruments got different reaction formula, like which way it will move or stay in a range, and of course different instruments move for different reasons as we all know, but what I have seen is that in certain situations most of the market react in same manner, so I was trying really hard to find out the reason for it, then after long long hours of study I have realised that market move because of big position taking in certain times by group of trader/investor or majority traders/investors taking the position.

When price move in one direction then it keeps going until it create the same situation above to move either in same direction or change the direction.

As a retail trader we don’t have enough money to survive on this type of big move. See the copper how it reacted on weekly TF. It was down for long time may be it will continue to go down according to the long term down trend. I don’t know what will happen but I can only wait for the BPC and just follow our trading method. Manged to get 216 pips out of it. Monthly and weekly TF is always good for any instruments.

Hi Gssg,

I am always looking to reduce my risk in every trade by dividing 1 position to 2 positions.

Normally 1%-3% risk but sometimes maximum 5% risk for total open position.

1 full position = 2 position = 1%
2 full position = 4 position = 2%
3 full position = 6 position = 3%

If I see any more setup then try to put my SL to BE in 1 open position then open new trade otherwise no new trade.

Close my 2nd position on AUD / NZD with 150 pips. Very good week for me. Hope everyone also making lots of pips.

Almost. Still waiting. Nice entry on that. We’ll see how next week goes.