"Quotes" worth quoting

" _________"
-mute guy

-deaf guy

“I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail.
There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers.
That is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.”

Stephen Hawking — British theoretical physicist,
arguably the third (or fourth) greatest physicist of the 20th century.

Not only is Stephen Hawking’s brain completely out of touch with his body —
— his brain is also completely out of touch with his soul.

Clint — humble forex trader,
not a believer in fairy stories, and not afraid of the dark.

I like how you provided a quote of your own man :wink:

Well, there must be something after life. You can see it here:

The FSM takes the soul of the man and brings it to the heaven.

This evidence was taken by a Fujijama 8 MP Digicam with flashlights on (so the dark is visible).

How would you describe the color blue to a blind person?

I am a Pastafarian man

And I am walking my spiritual path into becoming a pirate to fight global warming.

Well, imagine purple paint with the red pigment removed.

That would not even work with the average seeing person… much less with a blind one lol

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.
Richard Dawkins

One of the things that is wrong with religion is that it teaches us to be satisfied with answers which are not really answers at all.
Richard Dawkins

Personally, I rather look forward to a computer program winning the world chess championship. Humanity needs a lesson in humility.
Richard Dawkins

Religion is about turning untested belief into unshakable truth through the power of institutions and the passage of time.
Richard Dawkins

The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference.
Richard Dawkins

Today the theory of evolution is about as much open to doubt as the theory that the earth goes round the sun.
Richard Dawkins

“It’s like being an anthropologist on Mars”
-Temple Grandin

Sry to say that, but even the word “blue” does just exist in our heads and is not real. Real is that our reception of the eyes is able to recognize light in a specific frequency. That’s what we call blue. Most. Some who have color blindness don’t either.

So, just a few questions of logics for the believers:

If god exists and if he is that great and peaceful (if he is not we wouldn’t like him, right?), would he want you become slaves of him, going out and believe without asking for the truth? Would he like that his sheeps become sheeples, going out and put themself on top the unbelievers and argue against his none existence?

I was never fanatic and I hopefully will never be. Not in religion, not in trading, not in something else. Fanatics are blind and they can’t see colors at all. No matter if blue or red or green … No issue as long as they don’t try to convince others with believing. If you believe, that’s your personal, individual thing and please let others alone if they believe something different or not at all.

you can explain intellectually the concept of photons and quantum packets of energy and wavelenth and even build a physical model of a wavform for tactile inpection and even explain how the skin can be a sense organ for light as some wavelengths can be felt as heat but there are aspects of reality that will still be unknown. But enough of all that, back to quotes.

“God does not play dice with the universe”
-Albert. Einstein
"Momentum and position can not both be known"
-Werner Heisenberg

Einstein believed in God so there are some scenetists who are capable of reconciling the difficult dichotomy of a system that is characterized by repeatable experimental evidence and the internal consistency of a solid mathematical foundation and a system charachterized by inconsistency and unreasoned belief.

My version of reality is blue

You might find this link interesting if you haven’t read it already: BBC News - Quantum mechanics rule ‘bent’ in classic experiment

“I had no need for that hypothesis” Laplace to Napoleon about god

My version of reality has all colors in it. Not just one. :stuck_out_tongue:

What Einstein believed or not (if you believe to know what he REALLY believed) is irrelevant. Just try to answer the questions above for yourself.

In fact, there is so much evidence, that all religions are just man made childish versions of pyramiding societies, hard to believe so many people fall for them still. We live in the 21. century. Do we?

Here is something to read: Proof that there is no god (partly serious, partly humor)

I think there is a lot of truth stated. Ppl who can’t or won’t think for themself are likely to fall to believe in wishful dreams, others scams, idols, etc. etc. However, the simple facts are: You are here on earth for a limited time, you have the capability to think, so - use your brain. As long as your are able to! :slight_smile:

“Either God wants to abolish evil, and cannot; or he can, but does not want to. If he wants to, but cannot, he is impotent. If he can, but does not want to, he is wicked. If God can abolish evil, and God really wants to do it, why is there evil in the world?” — [B]Epicurus[/B], as quoted in [I]2000 Years of Disbelief[/I]

Yep, I saw that. You can’t do it for an individual particle but you can do it for an average of particles which isn’t really surprising since macroscopic objects that are made of particles, like a human for example, also have a wave / particle duality and yet a person’s average position and momentum can be known. Of course since the wave is based on mass and plank’s constant for something the size of a person it becomes imperceptible.

This has gotten a long ways off from quotes worth quoting, maybe we should start a religion and science thread and we could invite Hawking and Tymen to participate


Mike, you’ll be fine, as long as you just keep in mind that a photon is a boson, and an electron is a fermion.

It’s not the job of believers to define God. God defines himself. He is who he is.

If you genuinely want to find out who God is, he will reveal himself to you.

If you just want to play mind-games, under the pretext of “logics”, then I’m sure God will just ignore you.

Scripture instructs believers to always be ready to explain the hope that we have in the future through Jesus Christ.

Scripture does not instruct believers to engage in verbal pissing contests.

Well of course the believers have to define God, there are different believers that believe in DIFFERENT Gods. If one were to discuss God and the existence of such a deity, one would have to define it first, and assign attributes.

This is under the presupposition that a god exists (I’m assuming the Judeo-Christian God). The same statements as you made above can be made about Hænir, Baldr, Krishna and Zeus as well…

Logic is not a “mind-game”…

Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines.
– Bertrand Russell

Well, as kummi90 already pointed out those who believe have to show up with whatever evidence they believe to have. This is common practice in science. If they can’t, they can keep dream on or believing, but then they have no evidence to show up with and it would be pure arrogance to judge in believers as the folks with the true knowledge and disbelievers with a somehow weird knowledge or soul or whatever.

Regarding mind games: I do not know how you think or if you think at all, but I have a brain and I use it before I become a believer of a less or more dubious religion what tells me there is “something” which the scripture can’t give evidence of but says I must live after the rules of this “something”.

At least, your sentence that god would ignore me, if I use my brain, makes no sense. If god created me, then why did he create me with a brain, capable of using logics which I should not use? That’s ridiculous under the aspect of logical thinking. Just one of the couple of a thousand contradictions every religion comes up with. :slight_smile:

Then just to say that: I am agnostic. I do not say god does not exist. I do not have evidence he does not exist, so I am keeping with what I know. May be there is a god, but I am pretty sure if so then not an inch like you or other believers think he/she/it is. However, if I try to judge the arguments of believers or anti theists, the arguments of the anti theists are way better than those of the believers. Plus what I can see they are often less arrogant, because they try to find out what is the truth and do not set their idol first and logics last.