"Quotes" worth quoting

No, believers don’t have to prove anything to you, or to anyone else.

It’s fascinating how the mere mention of God threatens the two of you.

Just re-read the stuff you wrote: long, tedious, defensive rants. Against what? Against a God you believe does not exist?

I would call that a perfect example of [I]fear of the dark.[/I]

For my part, I don’t feel threatened, in the least, by your atheism, or agnosticism, or whatever you call it.

Hmmmm… Well, I would say that they would feel the same way seeing it, as they did after watching “Old Yeller”.

Oh wait…



Defensive, threatened? Hardly. The only reason I responded in a way that was perceived “defensive” by you, was to correct you.
We were only debating and arguing about the epidemiological concept of God existing or not. So no, of course believers don’t HAVE to prove anything, but when discussing the existence of a God or not, they DO.

You know… the Higgs boson is sometimes referred to as the God particle (just a nickname) there has to be a good joke in that somewhere…

And speaking of the Higgs, Personally I think mass derives from an interaction with the vacuum energy and the expansion of the universe. I also have a theory the explains the speed of light but if I post it on the physics forum they will kick me off for being too speculative.


Don’t switch the facts, please. :stuck_out_tongue:

You started that ranting regarding a man with a name of Stephen Hawking with: “his brain is also completely out of touch with his soul”

I do not feel threatened and as result I have no reason to defend anything. At least I feel not threatened by christians if they really are what they shout they would be. But here we come to another point: Would a true christian judge above believers and unbelievers as you seem to do? I just feel that judging a man this way, just because he has another belief than you is mere arrogance. Or what would you say if I’d throw to you that your brain is out of touch with your soul, just because you have another opinion than me? To clear that up: Mr. Hawking is not my idol. I have no idol. It’s just I feel you stepped over a border of fair play if you set your beliefs or god or whatever you call it on top of all others. It’s also not your business what my relation to lets call it “force of the universe” is. So, if that what you call god is ignoring me because if I think or not. Even more arrogance that you wrote you know for sure this force would ignore me. Again, you set yourself then on top of the unbelievers.

Plus I do not feel fear. I have not to fear about the death. You know why? Because I feel that you or me make no difference after death. You are dead and I am dead in the long run as all others. You believed in something which can be exploited by logics as wishful thinking. So, you probably won’t get what you believe you’d get (heaven). You put your energy in something what probably doesn’t exist. I have my life and here and logics, my brain and thinking and I have the chance to change things forever at least in my time what is given to me and leave my footprints of my individual being and not just be a copycat follower of a religion which is not based on facts, but old ritus. I also have not to judge between believers and non believers and judge as you do like those who are connected with their soul and those not. I also do not have to live after rules which at least in some parts are a threatening to myself, to my healthy thinking or to peace. If you look at history, christians were often not that peaceful what thy try to tell all the way. And your signs of arrogance are the first steps which at least might end in war and a lot of dead bodies.

And if I look how you behave, it’s all against christianity and how they should live. You show arrogance instead of modesty. Let’s just assume for a second the god what you believe in exists. What do you think would he judge you with that arrogance instead of modesty?

And then you did not answer any questions what I asked. So, you can’t deliver to the point. You can just copy and paste quotes, now even putting your own ranting quotes in here. And ranting, off the point now. Try to answer those questions (to yourself) and if you are that honest as you might assume, you will get what I get.

That’s more or less where I stand too - we’ll never know for sure. If there is a God though it doesn’t seem to be anything like what we think it is or want it to be. If anything it appears to be somewhat unethical and cruel by our understanding of those concepts. Concepts that we’re supposedly to not live our lives by.

At some point in the future we’re going to create sentient beings running off code that we design. If the designer of those creatures suddenly realised that he’d made a terrible mistake in the code which resulted in a small percentage of these beings having virtually uncontrollable psychosis issues but just said “screw it” and left the known problems there would there be a problem when being judged before God? Ethically speaking it’d be completely wrong and even cruel for the designer to leave those defects there knowing that it would cause harm to either the being or other beings around it. But God gets a free pass for doing exactly the same thing with us. If there is a God it’s not playing anything close to the rules that we think are right and associated with it.

I like the Terry Pratchett quote:

God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of his own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of any of the other players, to being involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a dealer who won’t tell you the rules, and who smiles all the time.
Terry Pratchett, “Good Omens”

Plus just to say kummi is again right. If you (Clint) believe to show the world or Mr. Hawking with your infinite wisdom that unbelievers are not connected with their soul, you must come up with something better than just assumptions. Fact is, you can not prove your god exists. So, I write it again: You can believe in the FSM if you like or god or whatever. No problem with that! Everybody can believe in anything. But, if you set yourself on top of all unbelievers, who don’t have to prove anything, you strike the borders of fair play and even science and even more bad your own religion. Read what Mr. Christ wrote and then live after that and not against. You would do that if you would really believe that he or your god exists. Wouldn’t you?

“Having an argument with someone on the internet is like being in the special olympics, even if you win you’re still retarded.”

Please start a separate thread if you people wish to debate the issue of whether or not a deity exists


There are, it has been said, two types of people in the world. There are those who, when presented with a glass that is exactly half full, say: this glass is half full. And then there are those who say: this glass is half empty. The world belongs, however, to those who can look at the glass and say: What’s up with this glass? Excuse me? Excuse me? This is my glass? I don’t think so. My glass was full! And it was a bigger glass!

– Terry Pratchett

Then just assume my writings are quotes, roflmao. :wink:

Seriously, ur right. I but suggest then anybody else to open that thread. I have said what I have to say right here. Beside of that quote:

“Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you’d have good people doing good things and evil people doing bad things, but for good people to do bad things, it takes religion.” Steven Weinberg

“No way I’ll wreck this. It’s a beer truck eh?”

-Doug McKenzie-

The US government is worried about terrorist using twitter
We are worried about the US government being worried about terrorist using twitter
You are watching a cartoon you are not worried about a damn thing
- Adult Swim

“believe to show” ? — nah, not trying to show anything

I’m just a bored cat, toying with a mouse. Two mice.

Sigh. Tom, you remember that German quote what I brought up a year or so ago? [B]Think[/B] about it.

Plus then: My name is not Jerry! I am Spike and you just mixed that up :stuck_out_tongue:

ja voll, mein Herr

That was a nice surprise. Clint, have a great weekend! :slight_smile:

[B]When a true genius appears in this world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.[/B]
Jonathan Swift[/I]

“**** Happens” - Duke Nukem

“OHH YEAAAH!!!” ~ The Kool-Aid Man.