"Quotes" worth quoting

Hmm, Greek politicians would probably be pretty wealthy by now then :smiley:

ā€œThose who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.ā€ - JFK

Work smarter, not harder.

ā€œLife is hard but unfairā€

Old classmate of mine

ā€œLife is UNFAIR, get used to itā€; Bill Gates

Letā€™s talk about something else, let me think hmmmā€¦ i know, letā€™s talk about forex. :39::39::39:

For those who have watched Blade Runner.

I don not care about anything, i am completely emotionless, fear is not on my list, i feel no pain, dam, am i a trader or iā€™ve just became into a Nexus 6 Replicant?


not sure if itā€™s already hereā€¦i only read first and last pagesā€¦ about to go to bedā€¦but the single greatest (and most profound) quotes i ever heard relating to the market is:

ā€œWin OR Lose, Everyone Gets What They Want Out Of The Marketā€

  • Ed Seykota (as published in an interview in the book ā€œMarket Wizardsā€)

Ed, if you ever read thisā€¦ my hat is simply off to your observation. words cannot express how fundamentally true i have known this to be since reading itā€¦ and how much it has forced me to open my eyes to the factors involved in losing in the markets. This concept, and the introspection that resulted from it, more than any other has made the dream of trading for a living a reality for me. Thank you


This correlates well with my observation, made by many before me, that people tend to get out of life exactly what they think they deserve.

The self fulfilling prophecy concept is extremely powerful and present everywhere in life.

o9, I stopped short of drawing the ā€œthis is trading, this is lifeā€ connection, but yes, i agree. The self sabotauge we create in our lives can be really astounding. In my own case, I knew I wanted to trade for a living for a long timeā€¦ and my first stab at it was in my mid 20ā€™s. BUTā€¦I KNEW that DAY TRADING was for me. and of course i lost over and over. I kept shying away from longer term trading modelsā€¦ stuff that I knew in my heart i could do successfully, because i was going to be a DAY TRADER!

It wasnā€™t until I finally decided that i didnā€™t give a damn how I did itā€¦ I was so desperate to have some level of acheivement towards my dream job that I realized the problem. I wanted an image and ideal more than i wanted to make profit. Day trading is sexyā€¦ CANSLIM is not.

I got exactly what I wantedā€¦ the idea that day trading is waaayy cool. but, of course i never actually made a profitā€¦because, in truth, profit was secondary to that idea. It wasnā€™t until I walked away from a business, and really needed to find my next financial goal, that i let go of the idea of becoming a day trader, and just focused on becoming a trader. period.

Of course, my demo account went basically straight up after that. Ironically, on my way to just becoming a trader, i DID become a successful day trader, but it was only because I was willing to persue ANY road to trading successā€¦not just the ones that i thought would draw more attention at a ****tail party.

Now I day trade almost exclusively, but am looking to develop other strategies and take longer time frames and fewer trades on themā€¦etc.

Funny thing about it. if becoming a successful trader is your only goalā€¦ if making profit, year in, year out is your primary goalā€¦anyone will get it. Itā€™s actually VERRRRRY EASY! Problem isā€¦ most people put something in the way, or restrictions on how they are willing to attain that goal.

I say to themā€¦good luckā€¦ Inevitably, i will see them on the other side of my trades more often than not.

Until what you say you want is actually, internally what you feel you want, you will not get what you sayā€¦you will only get what you feel.


True, that!

Many people do what others like, not what themself like. The pressure of the crowd is immense. If you learn to decouple from society trends for a nice degree and listen to your own soul, you can become everything you want. Well, within some borders, lol. Plus it takes time.

Itā€™s all about fear. If you overcome your fear to fulfill the crowds expectations, you can overcome the fear to become yourself. There is at least no half pregnancy. So you can be part of the crowd, which loses. Or you can be yourself and get a chance to win. Both at the same time is impossible!

Posted this one in another thread:

If all surgeons and pilots were like traders then the 95% of the inhabitants on earth would be dead.[/I]

[I]Donā€™t whet your greed because later on your pants will end up wet.[/I]

ā€œBuy, buy, buy!
Oh, everyoneā€™s buying?
Then sell, sell, sell!"

Al Czervik (Rodney Dangerfield)
to his stock broker while playing golf,
in the film Caddyshack (1980).

Is nothing sacred? ā€” Particles found to break speed of light | Reuters

Now we canā€™t even trust the speed of light. ā€” Or the Standard Model. ā€” Or Albert Einstein.

Or maybe Euclid was right.

Iā€™m really just a Euclidian kind of guy, doing the best I can to get by in a quantum-relativistic world.

I donā€™t like bent light.

And I really dislike particles that just pop in and out of existence, willy-nilly.

And I really, really hate the whole idea of quantum entanglement.

Then thereā€™s that foolishness about Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

I donā€™t like Dark Matter. Or Dark Energy.

I think ā€œdark matterā€ and ā€œdark energyā€ are just gigantic fudge-factors ā€”

ā€” applied to the ā€œcosmologicalā€ equations, in order to make the arithmetic work out right.

Iā€™m sticking with Euclid.

In my opinion, the shortest distance between two points is still a frigginā€™ straight line.

Well, anyway, thatā€™s my two qubits.

My mother-in-law challenges that daily.
Three right turns make a perfect left for herā€¦


Those pesky neutrinos, always tunneling through worm holesā€¦ tsk tsk

Posted in other thread:

There are three types of traders bulls, bears an pigs. Bulls get rich, Bears get rich, Pigs get slaugthered.


Momentum Investing: The fine art of buying high and selling low.

Value Investing: The art of buying low and selling lower

The market is weird.

Every time one guy sells, another one buys, and they both think theyā€™re smart.
