"Quotes" worth quoting

Gordon Gecko; Wall Street.

Yeah, thought i heard it somewher but couldn’t remeber where.

I came across this quote, from an article titled “The Organizer”, and thought that I had stumbled upon a secret, internal document of the Obama regime:

“Capital must protect itself in every way…Debts must be collected and loans and mortgages foreclosed as soon as possible. When through a process of law the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and more easily governed by the strong arm of the law applied by the central power of leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders. This is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of capitalism to govern the world. By dividing the people we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance to us except as teachers of the common herd.”

I found out that this quote was taken from a handbook called [I]Deutscher Beamten-Kalender 1934,[/I] which roughly translates as German Civil Servants’ Yearbook 1934. In other words, this quote articulates part of the Nazi doctrine of achieving total political control over the population, by impoverishing the people and making them economically dependent upon the state.

What does it say about Obama, that his income-redistribution-and-class-warfare agenda resembles this bit of Nazi evil?

Money will not make you happy, debts will neither

I get it that you resent Obama in a major way Clint, but this was just going a bit too far imho.

Besides, Bush Jr certainly did more to transfer money and power from the lower and middle classes to the already really rich didn’t he, so guess who fits that quote better than Obama…

Obama, Chavez and Morales, they just won’t do, communists they should considered ilegal just like the replicants in Blade Runner, they must be shot upon detection.


Bush didn’t ever pull this stunt.

And if you don’t think big brother is watching, better think again.

Little brother sure is.

[EDIT] BTW, I’m no Bush fan. In fact most politicians are overrated piles of dung. There should be no such thing as a “career” politician. At some point they all start filling their own pockets, and lose sight of the constituency they should be representing. And it’s not just the US ones either. It’s across the board. It irked the HELL out of me when Dominique Strauss-Khan rented a 50k a month apartment, then complained about his supposed “captivity”. He’s supposed to be a socialist. Since when do socialists live like Goldman-Sachs elite? The problem is globe encompassing.

This last election, our very own senator the esteemed Mr. Harry Reid discredited his opponent by saying she was a bit too far out there. While he was right in that sense (she was), his statement was telling.

And I quote: his opponent was “too dangerous to have real power over real people”.

Since when do politicians have POWER OVER THE PEOPLE, real or not? The only pants wearing people with that task are judges.

My theory is, TV preachers, and politicians are cut from the same cloth. Professional beggars all of them. They don’t provide inspiration by sacrifice, that’s for sure.

I have become a political atheist.


Hello, Magnus. It’s nice to hear from you. It’s been a long time since we’ve talked. I hope that all is well with you.

Regarding my most recent post, I proudly stand behind every word of it. And I’m delighted that you disagree with it so strongly.

If you and I ever happen to agree on anything political, I will be terribly concerned that I have gone completely off base.

For an American Conservative, it’s a great compliment to be called out by a dyed-in-the-wool Scandinavian Socialist.


Proud to be on Obama’s Enemies List

Thought about hitting the report button, but now I want to see where this goes. Didn’t know an individual’s personal opinions could go ‘too far’.

[EDIT] Forgot the quote… Again…
“Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.” ~ H.L. Mencken, 1956

Wisdom is what you get when you dont get what you want.

Take that from a wise man.

I agree mostly with MT here. :smiley:

The word ‘politics’ is derived from the word ‘poly’, meaning ‘many’, and the word ‘ticks’, meaning ‘blood sucking parasites’.
Larry Hardiman

I guess Larry hit the nail on it’s head. However, Obama is worse than Carter. No, not that nice guy RC from here in bp. What is his answer to all the issues he is not able to solve (firstly himself)? The europeans get blamed. I am not a very patriotic european guy, because there is too much socialism in here plus I have more US blood in my veins, but that statement is just a joke. I hope the voters know what they have to do next year!

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. ~Albert Einstein


Hi Clint! That was a great answer! It does seem that we usually don’t quite agree political wise, and I usually avoid getting into debates with people over politics since such debates easily spiral out of control. However, since I know you’re an intelligent person I knew I could poke you with a stick a little :slight_smile:

Oh, so I guess pedophiles “opinions” aren’t “too far” for you then? Or how about Bin Laden, may he rest in Hell, his opinions were fine with you too then huh? Or how about anti-semitic propaganda? No problem for you?

In fact, there are limits to the freedom of speech laws, and they’re there for very good reason.

Now, Clint is as entitled to his opinion as I am to mine, but I do have the right to think he went a bit far by comparing Obama to Hitler. Or do you disagree?

Like your quote btw, it’s in line with what Master Tang wrote which I happen to agree strongly with. The decline of meritocracy and rise of nepotism and corruption will be the undoing of the West if we do not stop it.

A sad world we’d all be living in if we were judged by our opinions instead of our actions. I’m glad people like you always wind up being kept [U]very[/U] far away from the reigns of power.

The part that makes me laugh is the fact that you all actually think that this world’s current laundry list of problems was created by the last two presidents. Have they done anything to help it? Not really. But then, if they did, they probably wouldn’t be politicians…

Oh, and Mr. Gone… Someone is probably going to have some choice words for you, in regards to your ‘opinion’ that murdering people is ok.

Ehhm, do you live under a rock?

I was going to go into detail about how people are usually judged by their opinions and not their actions and I was also going to ask if you could quote where I

Since I don’t think that at all, I’d like to know where I said that?

But then I decided to just ask whether you live under a rock…

You’re right about one thing though - people like I - well educated and with high IQ and EQ - are usually kept far from power since we have better stuff to do and no interest in lowering ourselves to the level of politicians.

“Sometimes, by which I mean all the time, it’s almost impossible to tell the difference between Babypips and 4chan.”
~ JoshG

It’s pretty obvious to everyone here that you can’t tell the difference.

That’s what you should do. Go through this entire thread and report every post — except your own brilliant contributions, of course.

“Can’t we all just get along?”

~Rodney King~

Well, a glance into history would suggest… no: Feud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I’m quite the optimist today huh? :slight_smile: