"Quotes" worth quoting


That’s okay…

Optimism is a character flaw :smiley:

Quote of the day by far hands down (because I am not counting anyway). Hell I would elect him president execpt for one thing he trades forex and is money hungry like the rest of us. Last thing I would do is give him control of monetary policy. Unless of course you let us babypip members know ahead of time. With that being said welcome to babypips lol

Yep, they’re gonna.

Who’s hating? You butted in to a discussion between two guys who have clearly debated politics before and enjoy doing so from time to time, and were rude to them. They called you on it, and now suddenly they are haters?!

It’s like I tell my kids - be rude to other people and they will generally respond in kind. Only at that point they have some justification.

4chan-ism strikes again. Didn’t realize public forums were the place for private one-on-one debates. It all seems pretty ‘open to the public’ to me.

It’s not the interjection I take issue with - I never claimed that the discussion was a private one, but then you seem adept at trying to put words in the mouths of others - but rather the rudeness.

(And sorry, I don’t know what 4chan is)

Vendetta? Where is Nikitafx if you need her? LOL! :smiley:

Frankly, I respect Clint’s opinion, albeit to see Obama anywhere near this monster H. would be just a overrating of Obama. I doubt he would be able to properly do anything what has to do with management and organizing. Even if it’s just temporary with an ugly end.

What we see is growing of socialism. In the eurozone as well as in D.C. Right now not nearly as ugly as the national socialism in Germany 70 years ago. But it’s still socialism and we will see where it goes …

Regarding the hate: I do only see a political discussion. What has that to do with hate? Did I miss something?

You take the deepest, darkest, worst parts of humanity, and you give them all a playroom where they can all socialize on an anonymous level. That’s 4chan. Don’t go. A little piece of your soul gets left at the door.

Now I know what I been doing wrong. I was trying to beat it out of them.

I used to take that approach, but I have three boys - they’re now two, five and six, and it occurred to me that in the not too distant future they might just be able to beat me back, so in the interests of self-preservation I’m trialling a new, non-contact approach :wink:

ha well mine are 3 and almost 2 months. The three year old already knows thats if he beats his daddy to the punch. The beating tend to be alot less sever. Probably not a good thing to let him know at such a young age yet then again as I type this he come running in tears because the is a fly in the living room. He must get that from his mom lol

“The beatings will continue, until morale improves.”

-Origin unknown-

Rules 1 and 2 JoshG. Haha

I didn’t directly break them, but I’m getting dangerously close, aren’t I?

Now that I think about it, yeah, you didn’t! Smart man you are.

Two months?! Congratulations!! July birthday? My middle boy is a July birthday, means that he was the youngest kid in school when he started, but the flipside is he gets to have barbeque birthday parties each year - no mean feat in rural Derbyshire…

And I know what you mean - kids don’t miss much, we must not show weakness… My kids try to offset my size advantage by fighting dirty, knowing I’ll still play fair. Devious.

Sometimes you just need to SHOW people the quote.

A recent somewhere in California newspaper article title:

Yeah well I found this website of yours and it’s porn and spam ridden filth. I need to give my computer a cleaning after that crap. Since your buddy had warned you about forum rules, I assume it’s your web site…which is not surprising.

Maybe that is the cause of his problem.

That’s not cool.