Replacement of Theresa May (UK current PM)

Not in the least surprised - the DUP urged NI to vote leave - NI voted by a 22% margin to remain.

The DUP urged NI to reject the Good Friday Agreement - NI voted for the agreement by over a 30% margin.

The UK Govt recently announced that in No Deal they would not impose any tariffs or duty on goods coming into NI from Ireland with the knowledge that the EU cannot do the same if there are chlorinated chickens or cattle beefed up with growth hormones coming into GB (pun intended).

In any case WTO rules are broken by no tariffs - not a good start methinks.

The only good thing about WTO is that Pres Trump says that he’ll soon scrap it if it doesn’t improve.

Mark Francois -

How refreshing ! :sunglasses:

The attitudes seem to be a changing !

God Bless Nigel Farage !

Tories are quaking in their boots, aren’t they?
What does it take to get a no confidence vote and hold elections?

To be honest stan, I don’t really know and care even less - There aren’t many “Tories” left in the “Tory” Party - mostly these new "Career politicians would be equally confortable in “Conservative” (Tory) or Labour Parties. _ THAT is what the “Brexit PArty” is detremned to stamp out ! Demanding QUALITY CAndidates and that they act in the interests of the Country - not just their “Own careers” - Oh from BOTH Parties ! and they are looking to investigate Institutional Bias in paces Like the BBC (which is now labelled "Brussels Broadcasting Corporation! ") - who apparently get paid millions of OUR money each year by the EU - If this goes on in the other “vassal state countries” as well it explains why the French Broadcaster and DW (German) are so blatantly biased against fair reporting and speech as well - the way we’re going, the “Midnight raids” and people being dragged away to “Gulags” to be trained to think properly will be starting soon - with “reporting” by BBC etc - maybe they already have !! :wink:

ANyway, I think such “Tories” as are left can apply to Join “Brexit” If/when the “Tories” are consigned to irrelevance and I think we pretty much know who they are ! SAme applies to “Labour” as well. Whereas there are also plenty we would not want !

They NEED to understand - THEY are there to do as WE want ! We are the power - we just LEND it to them for a few years. THEY do what WE say - WE do NOT do as we are told because of some “Natural entitement” as they seem to believe - AND THEY CERTAINLY DO NOT even Have the AUthority to pass OUR power on to the EU so the EU ends up telling US when we can count the votes in OUR Elections btw ! :smiley:

Many of “our MPs” are so used to playing underdog to Brussels - they seem to think it is the natural “entitlement” that the EU Tells them how to make US Behave !

They need to learn - Either WE get a proper Brexit - OR We will chase them into Westminster and THEY WILL be leaving - Lets see how many of them can get / do Proper Jobs !

Ambitious ? Yes ! but Brexit has let the “Genie out of the Bottle” in such a way that anyone with half a brain can be under no doubt as to what is really going on ! The real nasty taste in the mouth comes from teh fact that the “politicians in power” have know the objectives of “Project EU” right back to 1974 when Edward Heath “Joined us in to teh Common Market” - But they have deliberately kept it from us and even now “downplay it” so as not to Alarm the Proles !

But NOW People ALL over the world are beginning to wake up to this “Globalist agenda” and saying

"Hell NO ! " :smiley::sunglasses:

As I read this, I kept thinking what a similar path we are on here in US.
The more they kick and scream, the more i KNOW we are onto something!

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Here is a little thought for the thread title:

Edit: if not now he will be a UK PM in the not so distant future.

Keir Starmer - Interesting choice of name (cf the book I reference) :smile:

Possibly so - possibly not - depending on whether the Labour “Working class” voters, who the party was invented to “serve”

decide that they actually need a “Party” which represents them or whether they just give up and “Let” the pseudo intellectual Left continue the domination of the Party started by Tony Blair and now dubbed “Islington Labour” !

Recent Rallies and polls (Like the local Govt Elections) seem to indicate that the true lifelong Labour Voters (Such as my old Grandad used to be) are grateful for and moving to the “Brexit Party” as well.

A similar situation perhaps exists in the US with regard to the “Obama / Clinton” attacks on the Democratic party with “Globalist Dogma” and the apparent desertion of many of their “Traditional voters” towards Donald Trump ?

There is an old saying - "You can fool all of the people some of the time, or some of the People ALL of the time, but you can’t fool ALL of the People ALL of the tiime "

Even left leaning people like Stalin and Mao could not prevail against Freedom of the individual despite torturng, working to death and murdering HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of those proles they purported to “striving to Liberate” !

Interesting Times :smiley:

Voters (Genuine people) In the US and ALL over the EU, Australia and Canada - People without axes to grind - just who have an underlying understanding of the basic principles of Democracy and are sick and tired of being demonised and abused by the Radical Left who seem to have infiltrated the establishment worldwide, with attendant half baked ideologies - Are starting to wake up and smell the coffee.

The genie does seem to be well and truly out of the bottle and People seem to be regaining an appetite for Real Democracy and Real Free speech !

The Proles are on the march ! :wink:

As I said “Interesting times” and I just hope to be alive long enough to see Democracy reclaimed by the people of all political leanings acting in unison across the world to starve the offending ideologies of acceptance. And return “Governments” to the Administrative function they should be most concerned with.

Fascinating Parallels - I absolutely agree ! - And we each have our “Saviours” who seem to get along pretty well together ! :sunglasses:

Here is "Understanding on a stick "

Well worth a watch to help your little ones to negotiate the world as it now is ! - Lots of his other stuff is amazing too !

Note - Persevere you will understand the gist of it later in his text :wink:

And they say this man is a bumbling fool ! :rofl:

Boris should be allowed to put his words into action. He’ll probably screw it up though…

Definitely was a time for May to resign but I don`t thinks Boris Johnson will be better choice.

They need to place someone who will really care about the England, someone who will really make it fuel. Just take a look at what London have become ? Do you see my point, it’s quite scary in many many ways and I do not see anything like quick way to fix.

Breaking News - I am now hearing that Theresa May is REFUSING to resign - unless her successor gets a Confidence vote in Parliament !


Sounds like elections after no Brexit on 31Oct?
Can you say Nigel Farage, Prime Minister?

If I were a betting person then likely I’d bet…

Edit: Labour 6/1 - bet one to get 6 or Farage 1/7 - bet 7 to get one.

Labour won so some happy punters.

Brexit lost that one to Labour by 683 votes mate - Corbyn was bragging they had 1,000 “Unite” activists out on the day and Brexit didn’t have the Data to know where their voters were to pick them up or whatever it is “they” do - There was also a Large number of “Postal votes” and Peterborough hes been found previously to be getting Fraudulent postal votes.

However, No they didn’t win but DID push Conservatives down to 3rd. Also I think the LIbs and Greens may have voted tactically to stop BREXIT, but we’’ see - Interesting “Warm up” for thereal thing though.

The turnout was around 47% - high for a bye but lower than the 60 odd % for GE.

The positive in the result was that it was a win for politics (not so common nowadays in UK).

Labour fought on issues that matter to people - crime/health/economics.

The big hitters in Westminister have lost sight of such mundane things, then again did they ever really care how the single parent could cope in the 21st century UK with it’s Universal Credit.

Would Labour change these things? - I don’t know, I used to believe in Libdems and then came Nick Clegg and his partnership with Austerity.

I think if Boris (Conservative) Bulldozed it through, then held an immediate Election ? They’d still lose seats to Brexit.

If they don’t get us out on 31 October - then they will have to cling on for dear life until the clock runs out and then just pray - I think they will be decimated and they will be saying "Vote Conservative or get “Marxist Corbyn” " The bRexit party will I believe and the “polls” seem to show be the largest party - with Labour second, then Conservatives and Libs.

Nigel will say “Leavers vote for us and those who want to Fix politics vote for us - The Cons are finished - so if you want to stop Corbyn - vote for us”

We only needed a few more “Conservative voters” to vote Brexit - to beat labour and I’m sure “Brexit” will capitalize on that next time.

However it’s all up in the air and we need to see who gets to sort out Theresa May’s pile of faeces and what sort of a jb he makes of it - bearing in mind the membership of teh Condservative party has increased quite a lot iin the last few weeks - so they can “vote” for teh next PM - Now were they “Remainers” or “Leavers” - I’d bet “Remainers” if I had to judging by the other dirty tricks they’ve been employing.

But I think that will kill the “Conservative Party” - possibly beyond recovery. Tbh IF they do that, then I shall vote Brexit at the GE if they have a decent chance - else I’ll Vote Corbyn ! Give them 5 years of Marxism to show for their Refusal to accept the democratic will of the people.

I don’t think so @peterma - Corbyn is probably one of only 2 or 3 “Real Labour” left - the rest of them are career politicians (Postmoderist) as are most of the Conservatives - on the bais it doesn’t matter which party you join to draw your salary every week, if you’re not going to do anything.

“Politics needs changing - for good” - Vote Brexit !

{Agree about Nick Clegg (SIR Nick Cleg) - betrayed the students - then went “EU” to get his income tax cancelled in perpetuity and now “HIGH UP” in Facebook ! as some sort of Fixer with Europe as far as I can tell.}

Betrayed many for the lure of power - there was a way out of the bankers mess and making people pay for it wasn’t the way.

Politics def needs changing but the question is does Farage represent change - does he care about people, often what I think of as ‘the little people’ - the father struggling on the minimum wage working on a zero hour contract with one of the internet retail sellers - has to go in early so that his time waiting to get clocked in isn’t deducted.

In Belfast the patient who couldn’t even get a chair to receive his chemo whilst the politicians are arguing and getting paid well.

Yes politics needs changing, not by socialism or capitalism or tories or brexits or remainers - it needs changing by politicians who actually care about people, it seems that maybe such politicians are becoming fewer and fewer.

Hmmm… think I’ll stand next time, likely I’d get at least one vote - maybe even voters are more focused on brexit :slight_smile: