Do it for yourself - not to “show someone” !

no, you take half of your profit at each month. you have to live and this permit you to invest in other things/have saving. also that keep your feets on the ground

but i imagine this can be my end too if i dont keep feets on the ground. i dont want to fall, i want to take my perl out of the ground and show it to people. plus, working for people have an advantage it makes you better because people depends upon you

the more people that i wear on my back , the more stronger/faster/powerful I am. thanks to my God. read the fifth point

speak for you. tell what you have to want to tell

NOBODY will stop me. I will do it, wheter you like it or not. im not here to play. im here to get out of this ■■■■, and help the maximum people I can

Nah Working for someone - just means you are not prepared to take responsibility for you own decisons

You STILL sound like a scammer to me !

Anyhow - Merry Christmas xx

Thank you merry christmas

i have a plan to go on the top

with the profit i’ll made with them , ill invest in real estate/stocks and more businesses

because there will have a crisis soon and i have to put the max leverage unto it

lets tell i make few thousands with my own account. yes if i invest that will be good

but if i make few hundreds thousands(or millions) with bankers account , ill invest and make more and more

I can’t fault that - but you have to walk before you can run.

dont want to sound rude mr falstaff

but i dont care about your opinion (that you think im a scammer, or a good worker, or a bad personn or a good personn). if i cared about opinions of others personns, i wouldnt be here today

Look I’ve heard of some of those Ghettos in Paris and if you’re stuck in one of them I feel for you.
You come across as a young frightened lad and I can tell you - IF you really can do 25% every week thet is HUGE.

Adapt your system of thought - If you have nothing to lose - it doesn’t matter much if you lose it ! (I’ve been there)

Run your system clean - until you get to say EU 5000 - THEN start putting the 50% aside to cover for the next “restart” if you crash and burn !

no im in Buenos aires now, just thats where that i came so im not from a rich family. dont have the habits to see really big numbers.

thanks for the advice, rosbeef

yes you’re right. will do like you’ve said and invest at the side


Is taht what you call us ? rosbeef ? - I meant to ask another “froggy” - but he got barred !

Going to bed now

Have a good Xmas :sunglasses:

yes you call us “frogs” and we call you “rosbeef” :joy:

thank you, merry christmas to you. have a nice festivities! wish you the best!

God bless you

Yeah I wondered - I’d take that picture down mate

Might be interpreted wrongly by those with narrow minds :rofl: :rofl:

Goodnight xx

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  • 4 years of verified trackrecord
  • 10 years of proven experience
  • public name and address