RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Welcome Ref! Lots of free resources around here. Enjoy learning and good luck on your new journey.

Greetings fellow soon to be traders or active traders!

My name is Taz, and I come from the smallest state in the USA, called Rhode Island. Itā€™s okay if youā€™ve never heard of this place, heck even people who live in the USA think weā€™re just part of New York!

I first laid eyes on a graph in 2012. Back then I only knew it as Binary trading and it was pitched more of getting rich quick! But as easy as money is to obtain, it is easy to lose. And I lost $2,000 my first month which was my entire tax return that year!
2 years later, I see this guy turn $200, into $2,000 in 2 weeks. It caught my eye but I was cautious from prior experience. I watched this guy for 2 months make $8k so I approached him. It turned out to be an MLM and that was their marketing plan. Not to teach independence, but to follow a system enough to get people interested.
6 years later (present day) and I have seen countless friends online, co-workers, family, all quit their jobs and become full time traders living the life they want on their terms using FX as a resource to sustain their lifestyle. Enough is enough, it is MY time to learn and become a trader!

I joined Babypips for one simple reason. To become successful trading full time. (Success defined as the ability to sustain myself/lifestyle through trading alone) Along the way it is my hope to connect and maybe even meet with the community here, building relationships along with my knowledge in Forex.

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Hey man, I am new to FX and super excited to learn. I have a similar story to yours, Iā€™ve seen people make good money to replace their incomes and then they were able to do the things which they were passionate about.

I joined Babypips because I knew there has to be a good way to self study because a lot of online courses charge ridiculous amounts. My goal is to finish my education here, and then if I need more, I will invest in one of the online courses where you get taught in depth.

Super excited to be here.


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The best advice I got about trading in general is to know your craft like a professional. Study the strategies, but more importantly, according to a friend of mine who is a self made trader, pay close attention to trading psychology.

go and look up on Google : Dr. Alexander Elder

Your welcome.

Aslaam Allakum brother and sisters,

I joined babypips to learn more about forex and inshalla make a living out of it oneday!

Evening All, Iā€™m Stuart currently in London & joined BP to gain a better understanding of the Forex market & trading in general

Why ?

Well I want my money to work for me harder than I have to work for it, plus this has the potential to be a source of income no matter what age you are.

How Long do i think it will take me to become a successful trader ?

Not sure to be honest I have been using my practice account & real money trading on Oil with reasonable success, but looking back it was most likely luck that oil was dropping like a stone & on my practice account was good fortune as well. For me to be successful I think it will be 2/3 months of continuous learning on BP & practice. However this is about a change in my way of thinking about money over the long term, so no matter how long it takes I will make a success of it


Hi Guys, iā€™m Ouida-Gail. Iā€™m from Jamaica. Iā€™m New to trading and really trying to give it a go. I have a 3 kids and would love to be a successful trader so I can send less time at work and more time with them. Right now I work way too many hours and they are not getting the best of me. I have been seriously losing my capital on trades so far so hopefully some training and tips from babypips will help me turn things around.


Hey Guys,
Iā€™m an aspiring (but currently failing) entrepreneur. Iā€™ve had some minor success in online retail through eBay and Amazon FBA. I have my Bachelors in eMarketing. I am clean off of drugs and alcohol going on about a year and half. I recently moved from Nashville, TN to Clearwater, FL and Iā€™m ready to start a new chapter in my life. Thatā€™s where the FOREX comes in.

Iā€™m completely green when it comes to the FOREX. Iā€™ve been familiar with the market for years, but I was always mislead to believe that people canā€™t make a living on the FOREX. I knew it wasnā€™t true but most normal people try to discourage you from doing anything they donā€™t understand. Well Iā€™m not normal and if I donā€™t understand something, why not figure it out and see if itā€™s for me. I did some research and I know the FOREX can definitely help me have the lifestyle I want. I did some digging and finally bought a Forex training course through The Investor Academy. Iā€™ve almost finished the classes with them and Iā€™ve set up my DEMO account on LMFX. I have also started learning about Block Chain and Crypto through another website and I think between the two, there is room to get a formidable piece of the proverbial pie.

Iā€™m here to learn and grow with those serious about trading and making a living on the FOREX. Itā€™s great meeting all of you and I hope to catch you in the forums.


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Hey Ken,
Itā€™s great to meet you. I really related to you on several levels. One, Rich Dad Poor Dad motivated the entrepreneurial spirit in me. I almost took one of his real estate programs but ended up going with a different real estate investment course that was cheaper. I did that for a year and then moved onto network marketing for several years and like five different companies. It took me a while but I finally realized that network marketing only makes those at the top rich. Itā€™s very difficult to make any kind of living at the middle or bottom of the ladder. You literally have to know someone from the top rungs and get them to let you in where they are at. Thatā€™s how the leaders in any network marketing company become leaders. Very few actually start from the bottom and work their way up except the founder. But like you, network marketing put a fire in me to figure out something entrepreneurial that I could use to manage my life the way I wanted to.

Again, itā€™s great to meet you and I hope we can converse further in the forums. Good luck to you.

Warm Regards,

Thanks, I certainly will. Slowly but surely completing the school courses whilst working full time from home. Will also keep on the forum and read others views and tips as well.

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Iā€™m Simsam, a new beginner. I want to understand how foreign exchange market works. I joined because I need to make a passive income. I hope within the next few months i will be a guru in trading. Thanks


hello hello hello I am Mary Pipinz. I am here because of a conversation I was having with a friend about making more money. While in Quarantine I have applied for a few jobs but I really just want to live my life and work from home. My friend told me about one of her friends who made $400 in 10 minutes by Forex trading and I was interested after that. I was told how her friend was able to trade without having to have a lump sum of $1000. I donā€™t have that and I donā€™t know lil bootsie so I thought it would be impossible at first. I am learning that you can work with a little and still make a lot and that intrigues me. I am NEW NEW!!! So please if you have any tips for someone like me please by all means lay them on me.

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Hi Iā€™m Odie,

This is the first time ever I am on a forum so not even sure if you will get this on the right one? Apologies if not. Iā€™m Technologically challenged.

I have no knowledge about Forex but I was introduced to Babypips after asking the question on Facebook, and now I am in ā€˜elementaryā€™ school and enjoying the learning. (Thank you Babypips for this opportunity!) Iā€™m not sure if I can even do this but am willing to give it a shot.
I have to thank you all in advance, and ask for patience, as Iā€™m going to be the one asking all the stupid questions, especially when I start back testing in a few months time. I am currently on furlough so am trying to get through all the learning and quizzes as fast as possible. Also learning to navigate all the areas on Babypips. Any advice and tips welcome.

I am a widowed mum of 2 and although I work full time, my reason for learning about Forex is that I may have to be a carer to my parents in the near future. So I wanted something interesting I could do from home/anywhere, that can eventually support us. I need a bit of a challenge. Oh and Iā€™m told this is tax free earning. :wink:

Originally from South Africa, I settled in the UK 17 years ago and became a citizen. Although the weather isnā€™t as nice as South Africa, I can honestly say I love this country, and its traditions and customs. My husband was English and equally enjoyed touring South Africa. My eldest is now at university and the youngest is starting A-levels this year with a view to going on to uni. I have to think about their next steps in life and, hope that by trading Forex, I will be able to contribute financially to their future.

Well not sure what else I should be writing, but hope you and your loved ones keep safe.

Many thanks.


Hi everyone, Iā€™m your fx newbie that need your help to grow, pls could you help me? If yes is the answer, then u have made me a happy man. Iā€™m not only glad but excited to be among u. You r my friends but my interest, I luv u all

Pls people, can a newbie like my who just came to know fx yesterday, start making trading and profit today, is it possible? How can u help me? Cos Iā€™m really in need of some extra cash

Hello. My name is Spiros 33 years old and i am from Greece . I am new to forex trading (i started February 2020). I blew my account a lot of times and i made a research and i found this site. I have the passion to learn about the forex.

Greetings form Greece.

Hey Pip world! My name is Sean Gooden. Iā€™m a martial artist, an avid baker of gourmet cookies (Cookie Man), and a lover of pippinā€™, pippinā€™, pippin!

Iā€™m a newbie to FX, but not to the financial markets. I have been studying Bag-it Right and the Pips for about a week now and I couldnā€™t be more excited. I think Iā€™ve found the fountain of youth.

I look forward to being a part of this forum and I thank you.


Congrats on staying clean for the year & a half :clap: :clap:

Hello All, my name is Darryl, Iā€™m from Miami, Florida. retired from the police force and currently working as a baillif. I have always been interested in the stock markets and trading but had no idea where to turn in order to get started. My reason for being here/ Babypips is to learn to trade fx, looking to generate a second source of income. I really dont know anything about the market other than what I hear in passing. Buy-low, sell high. I now realize that through this course, that thereā€™s money to made when the market is trending in either direction. Iā€™m currently in the beginning stages of this course, and have been instructed that upon completion of this course i should establish a demo account and practice trading for 3-6 months before actually using any real money.One question I had is when should I open that demo account and with who? At the end of my last lesson i was instructed to go practice with moving averages on some charts. 1. I havent even opened an account to practice. The lesson explains how to find the averages but not how to chart the averages, did i miss something?

Hi, my name is Eddie. Iā€™m a civil servant from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Iā€™m new to fx and trading. Been reading some books and looking at charts since late 2018. Am still learning and trying to understand the business. Iā€™ve completed the School of Pips recently. Thanks babypips for the free and awesome resources.

Started demoing in Nov 2019 with a simple system Iā€™m comfortable with. Trade mostly 4H and daily TF. Recently (in May) opened a live account with 2k after demoing for 6 months. Hopefully I can stay true to my trading plan.

Looking forward to learn from all the experience fx traders here.
