RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum


Did demo for like a two months but when I am not trading live, I still do demo. practicing some techniques which I cannot do live because its too risky. That’s how I learn. My fave pair is EUR/JPY and XAU/USD. I suggest that you finish studying the “school” thing. You will learn a lot from it.[/QUOTE]

Oh, so you’re not a fan of the major pairs then. :slight_smile: Yeah, I intend to complete the school thing here, otherwise, I will never feel confident enough to trade live. Thanks for advise! Good luck to us! :slight_smile:

Yeah, not a fan of majors basically because I mostly scalp, don’t do long trades. I’m too impatient to wait…EUR/JPY I think is the most volatile pair so I trade them every chance I get…hehehe…

Ma name is LILDRPSOFPIPS. What a name! But its cool with me.
I worked in the health industry for a little while.Some guy introduced me to the idea of FX trading. I cared less, yet I was very hungry. About a yr. later, I ran into someone else who gave me additional info. That was several yrs. ago. I decided to run with it.
I did not quite like the platform/broker that was working with me.
God led me to
These people are seemingly open, humorous and candid. In 4 months I learned most of what I now know in Forex from their school!!!
I am hoping to have the same pleasant experience trading through them ( and associating with their community genuinely in several ways in order to improve my lot, and for me to make a significant impact in this business. As a matter of fact, this is mostly what I’ve decided to do, and help others out.
I am counting on learning a lot, and tapping every bit of Knowledge that I need to succeed from our highly respected “600 year-old” pioneer, Dr. Pipslow, and every new and seasoned trader in this great community… I’m really glad to be in! Thank you.

Hi, my name is KEN and from south-south Nigeria. Heard so much about forex and would love to make money from it. At the moment I manage a hotel and 37 years of age. Have no knowledge of forex trading but am very much eager to learn.


My name is John and I’m from North London and this is my very first post ever in this forum. I’ve been trading for a few months now, trying 4-5 different brokers with small accounts on each, while keeping my day job.

I am glad to say I finally told them to F-off a few weeks ago and now i am full time trading, or at least trying to. I want to learn as much as I can, as I has some nice successes in the first runs, and I wish to really make this work for me.

I now mainly do commodities, but I really want to look the FX market as I think I can use the leverages there better.

I’ve had some good experiences with the brokers I’ve tried, but would like to know if it\s better to use one or spread your money around.

Thanks and glad to be here,


Hello everybody
I’m new to Forex and would really like to get to know it. I have been working on aircraft all my life and still can’t seem to get ahead in life. I would like to retire someday but I would like to enjoy it while I can. I am good with following the rules but I just need some to follow. When I heard about Forex I started reading about it and this something that I really would like to do. It just there is so many things out there that are just information overload. I know if I get the basic information so I can understand the process then I could learn the rest. I know there are people that have been doing this for many many years and I could learn from. I also know you can learn from anybody. I look forward to completing the Pipsology School and learning as much about Forex that I can.

Greetings babypips forum, My name is Petru and I’m an analyst , and I am here to make connections for developing a uniqe analysts club

I haven’t actually started trading on the FX yet but I have some very small experience in stocks. I live in Canada though not born here. Looking to learn about the FX because I work the midnight shift and a lot of the currency markets are open when most people here are asleep, I figured that it might be a good idea to try my hand at it. If I like working with it, I’ll pursue it more but first things first. To learn as much as I can about it without needing to actually do it. Glad I found this place since the humour found at the school makes things easy to read :smiley:

Hi to all!

My screen name is RobStark. I just turned twenty-five last April 23 and learned about FOREX (and how you can make money off it) last night. I play Clash of Clans in iOS and World of Tanks on my laptop. I learned that there are demo platforms to trade using virtual money so my plan is to learn FOREX here in babypips like learning a new game or strategy in the other games that I play. I am very excited to learn what this website has to offer and I hope to meet new friends here.

Hi everyone!
I am Andy and want to learn all I can to become a successful trader. I have dabbled with stocks and enjoy the thrill but think I’ll enjoy the fast pace of forex trading. Any useful tips greatly appreciated!

Hi Everyone
In order to my personal all fellow member. I’m therefore fired up to become listed on this particular organizations. I’d like learn about understanding have associated with Foreign exchange. Therefore Would you assist me personally to understand Forex trading?
Thanks to all of you!!

Hello, my name is Marius. I Am all the way from Cape Town in South Africa. I traded on the GFT platform in 2008 and lost all my money and all savings I had. I did some training back then, but had no trading plan or discipline. I really want to get back into FX trading and want to learn from scratch again. I Have very little funds available and since I lost everything back in 2008 I have no credit card facilities anymore. Thank you for the “school” you have on here, it makes my life soooooo much easier. :wink:

Hi, I trade with OANDA broker, I have been trading forex for 4 years and record some statistic on the price movements based on technical indicators signal. am here to learn to discover more in-depth knowledge and share my own ideas about tradings. Apart from that i am looking for suggestion on the best broker out there since OANDA is not so fast

Hi, been trading Betfair for 4 years and started trading forex (demo account) a couple of days ago… Using OANDA, and AVA demo accounts to compare speeds and spreads. Hoping to go live in about a month. So far it seems more predictable and easier to trade than betfair. Hoping that demo profits translate into live profits…
Any advice on which of the three brokers to go with appreciated.


juandepipero from the Philippines. I’ve about just 6mos experience in trading stocks and a week’s worth of forex education. I’ve loved charts since elementary, playing management sim games even tho my friends would think I was weird, and the color green. I’m very impatient as much as I am always excited (prolly not the best attributes to have as a trader - but hey compared to stocks, I think my investments -from savings- belong here).
I’ve actually already lost as much as $120 from my initial $500 that I invested in forex last week. I got back $100 of it because of the USD/JPY surge tho. I’ve withdrawn everything, stepped back to learn more about forex before risking a lot more, hence, my signing up for babypips!

Thus far, it’s been a difficult but a very exciting experience and I actually had fun doing the trades, the good ones especially, I did last week.

I hope to have a growth value of at least 1% ($5) before the month ends (but more would be better,no?)!

Hallo everyone,

I’m TBB, I have no experience in trading(except Demo accounts). A few months ago I heard a lecture from a Investor/Trader, which sparked the fire. I always wanted to do it but I was(and I’m still) afraid of it because you can win a lot or lose everything. I want to know the right way to do it by knowing everything I can and come up with some strategy and hopefully someday I can make enough profit to provide for my family(I know big plans).
Nice meeting you all and hope I can learn a lot from you all.

Best regards,


Total a newbi from Boone, NC USA. I’m in Pipschool & enjoying it. Learning about Fibonacci now…& my head & eyes are aching!! I’m sure it will “sink in” sooner or later. I’m looking forward to trading, but am in no rush. I will keep plugging along until I finish Pipschool [U]and[/U] understand everything about trading before jumping in over my head. I’ll demo trade a while and learn to use MetaTrader5, hopefully.

I wish I knew some local folks to learn from/with, but I’m very happy that I discovered babypips.



I am Neha(topforexbroker). I am quite interested in forex. Hope will get to learn and share a lot on babypips forum.


Hi everyone, I am Pol

I found this website in google. I have learned a lot from this website. I really love the Idea of successful people and those who aspire to be, share great thoughts and give more value to everyone.

Hi, its may 15th2013,i’m dave wagon,retired,looking to use FX to supliment pension.