RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Hi there everyone!

I got interested with ForEx since my partner introduced it to me.
This site is simply amazing…but everything’s still slowly sinking in as of now! :eek:
I’m expecting to learn more and earn (hopefully) in the future! :slight_smile:


Hi All,

Im totally new to Forex and been intro to babypips for knowledge and hope it will provide me more guidance of Forex.

I’m willing to learn forex and I hope you guys can guide me on forex. :smiley:

Hello All,

I believe that now i am the newest member of Baby Pips as i write this thread.
I have been in this market for some years now but never use a forum before. This is my first time and i hope to learn more on Forex because I believe that this is the most dynamic market and things change day after day.

Reading all the replies is tiresome but very rewarding, funny, interesting and lastly encouraging.
Forex trading here i come. just new in the game. Hope i master the rules . Female ambitious ugandan

sorry just beat u on newest

Hey, this is Saif Shadrul Prottoy. I am new to these sites. And I am really excited to make money from Forex Market with my excellence. I hope this is also possible from here and I would like you people to help me and guide me accordingly to you limits. I hope we will like working together here.

Hello… My name gtpmann
Without looking, people around me have asked about Trading. I have been playing around and will be around awhile. I am a newbie and have a lot to learn. Looking forward to the posts and learning all I can. Been have fun lately and looking for more.

Hi …name is Edd or ed or eddy this the story so far …i have been around for sometime went to school of pipsology loved the graduation speech…so eager to make pips i immediately opened a real account after three positive trades eurusd i was so confident i tried a big sell on the gbpusd that’s when i almost fainted i received a margin call in just few minutes …well after hating gppusd for a week , i was humbled to nice demo account …graduated to demo contests as went through the school of pipsology AGAIN at the same …now i have joined the forum…next week am funding my real account again…Hope this time am ready

yours edd

I am totally new in this fiel and, I don’t have any trading experience. My background is in Psychology but always I have been interested in this fiel. I live in Australia and I was born in South America. I hope to learn a lot and hopefully to graduate in Forex psychology. Cheers to everyone from this comunity

I am Rafi Ahmed,very new to this forum.But i am in forex from august 2012.Now i am trading in some demo and bonus account.I am still learning and gathering experience.

Hi all,

My name is Edwin, my friend in Melbourne introduced this website to me and said a lot of good things about it. He said its different than other websites that talk about FX and stuff. Now, I am in Indonesia on holiday and decided to fill my free time in here by doing some useful things like studying Forex and many others fun stuff (while in journey of discovering my passion in life). I am totally new to Forex and know nothing about it, however just from reading the introduction of babypips school, somehow I felt interested and know from the first glance that this website is different.
So nice to meet you all guys and hopefully we can get along and learn together :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m Sergei. I’m just training with demo right now, and reading some topics on the forum. This site is great - I’m planing to stick to it for some time. English is not my native language, sorry for mistakes :slight_smile: Good luck to everyone!

We all have similar experiences , your doing the right thing, learn from our mistakes, good luck your going to do fine.

Hi Guys, Adrian here from Philippines but currently living in Australia. Newbie trader, but have been dipping my feet in demo accounts for the past months. It’s been a definite ride, and all I can say is that I really enjoy trading (even with its ups and downs).

I did procrastinate a bit, having researched well about Forex trading about 3 years ago, but just didn’t have time and funds to properly jump in to Live trading. Now, however, would be the perfect time for me to finally start bagging in the pips. I know it’s not going to be easy, but the rewards that are waiting are well worth it in my opinion :slight_smile:

Going through the “School of Pipsology” right now and will definitely be taking my time to complete it to properly absorb all of the info :slight_smile:

hi, my name is darwin and I want to learn from you and provide experiences.

Hi Darwin
I am new in Forex. I need to learn from someone about this fascinating field. My brain at the moment is like a mess with all the informacion that I have been reading in this page and trying to make sense when I am practicing in metatrader and, everytime I read something I have more questions and more doubts ! !
Tell me what do you want to learn from me?

Hi there everyone, Rj here from Adelaide, Australia, I won’t bore you with my tales of how much money I have lost, not something to be proud of but I know I’m not alone, it doesn’t make me feel any better but it helps a little to know it is not only me who finds this whole trading experience just about impossible to make work in my favour. I for one am sick and tired of funding other peoples lives. So here I am hoping to find out why I can’t get a grasp on this thing called trading. I find trading a bit like golf, I can hit a couple of good shots then bang, I’m in the rough with the next. I get the whole psychology of trading and money management rules. However you have to make trades to make money, I have worked out I tend to get into trades earlier than I should but what I don’t get is, the rule is if your working the one hour chart you need to look at the four hour and daily charts to make sure they are going in the same direction but surely if you look at the those charts and they are going the same direction then too me you have already missed a huge part of the trade.
Anyway I will work my way through the site and will input my thoughts when I have something of interest to share. Thank you for giving us hopeful traders a place to share ideas.

I am Kumar aspired in FX trading by my Uncle and i hope i am doing great with great supporters around.I am just
an year old baby in TRADING and thanks to (team).
Thank you,

Hello guys, newbie wanna be pro trader here. Love the site. Been trying to learn forex for quite sometime now and babypips totally rocks! Hope to learn a lot here and acquire the skill of a trader. :cool:

Good luck to everyone.