RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Hello fellow pipsters! I am new to babypips but, have been trading FX for awhile. After losing more than winning, I decided I need to back off and get some education. So far, I’m glad I stumbled onto this site…

Hi there,

Welcome, and let me know if you need my help.


Hi i’m Mohammed (Moe), I am 30, married with 1 baby boy and from Saudi Arabia. I am a Geologist working full time in Oil & Gas company. I am as green as green can be :slight_smile:
First time i heard of forex is from my father, traded in the 80s :22:, he made loads of profit then i think before the JPY/USD crashed from + 150 something :56:.
I started school of pipsology and now in the summer section, I started with live account earlier this year and blew 75% of my original capital :56:. I am barely making it now because all of you .
Nice to meet you all


My name is Michael Jordan. I was just looking over the internet for some useful tips and found this forum so I have joined it to stay updated regarding different currencies, their trends and other relevant activities.

I’ll be very glad to know more in depth how these stuff work and all.
I’m new to this finance field and really looking forward for useful information here.
I’ll surely be sharing the information what I have got with all you guys.


Hello my name is Ilovepipss from singapore an expert in day trading forex nice to meet to you all

Hello my name is TII1988 from italy

I’ m newbie in forex I

I’ d like to improve and I’ m here to learn about forex

Hi everyone,

Please let me know if you need any help, I’m always happy to assist.

Happy pipping,


My name is slickcat. I just finished school and I am looking forward to taking a serious approach to forex trading. I lost my job about two years ago, and I would like to trade forex for income.

I have dabbled in the past, using MT4 with an AlpariUS account, MT4 platform and TC2000 charting package. I’m now considering thinkorswim because I can trade and chart with one application. At this point, I will trade micro and mini lots.

If anyone has an opinion about thinkorswim, please let me know.

Thank you.

I’m yoyo form Shenzhne in China.I just finished my college study and now work as a foreign trader in a book printing factory for 4 months.I’m new to forex .My manager told me that it’s a pretty good community where I can learn much trading knowledge and make like-minded friends as well.Currently, I start to learn something in forex, and it turns to be that it’s really a perfect place for me.Now I’m ready to learn more, welcome any help, thanks in advance!:5:


I am Adam Hardy , i am new to Forex Trading Market , i need to help so that i can improve myself and my Business .

I thought id introduce myself.

Im justin and i been trading forex for 7 years i liking the fact that i can use forex signals from reputable firms such as fxpremiere com and zul signals…

Other that that i look forward to hearing how you all trade fx.


Hi to everyone! The PipGypsy has arrived!!..that’s me!
I would also respond to Will…(which is my actual first name)
I’m a newbie…getting my feet wet…though trying to get dry behind my ears but still wet there I have to say…

I’ve been looking at, examining, exploring, studying, and touching Forex for some time…I took another study course elsewhere and that proved to be far less than helpful…
Searching I found BabyPips and from first contact I found just what I was needing to answer my question or point me in the right direction to make better trade choices…
Now I am in my Pipsology studies entering High School and having a great time with my lessons…currently I am reviewing back a few levels to better hone in my knowledge, understanding and use of the info…all good stuff!!

I have 6 bookmarked BabyPips pages to refer to when needed…How many do YOU have?

So…about me…I’m a semi-retired gentleman looking to kick back on a beach full time asap…The California beaches where I live are fine…but I am fancying something more exotic and that’s where Forex comes in…and even more importantly where BabyPips comes in…with ability gained here in my studies (which is already making a big improvement in my trading)…and by sharing with others here I’ll soon be trading under a beach umbrella…How do you like my dream so far?
Well…I like it! And as it progresses I will share it with you…watch for my next installment, “Coming Soon to a Forum Thread near you”…also anyone who wants to converse feel free to add on to this post or where ever I show up next here in the Forum…

For now…this is Will…the PipGypsy heading back to my studies (gotta get ready for Sunday’s market opening at 3PM Pacific time…BIG trading week coming up…I can feel it!! Can You?!!:clubs:



Hello! I’m showerofblessings, newbie, 31 years old from Philippines, just started a demo account. My first goal is to learn and apply the basic skills in FX trading because I’m a newbie here in this kind of investment. Thanks to my friend for sharing this site to me. Mabuhay!

Hi everybody, I’m Rob, I live in the UK. I’ve been playing with forex for a few years now, but have recently decided to get serious with it. I am currently learning loads and starting to trade with some success. Always looking on the forums for learning (and sharing) of valuable information.

Hi Doc,everyone…
Myt name is DQ2 and I’m from South Africa. I’m interested ion learning thgis trade because in my country this was the reserve of one part of our nation. Even though all can now do it,very few of us are brave enough to. But I want to learn how it’s (properly) done so that I can (1) get rich and (2) show others that itt’s possible
So I’m really looking forward to learning how to grow a mustache like you! LOL!

Hello to all just call me tony i am retired from the US Airforce after 20 years 5day . I am want to get good at forex and binary trading. In 3 months I will be moving from calif to Corozal Belize.

Tony65 good for you, best wishes trading, see on the thread.

Hello All
I am Gary and brand new to Forex. An Engineer by profession.Always wanted to know what this is all about. Got into it . Opened a demo account on Aug 8 2013. Doing lots of reading and making trades and learning. Covered all the basics and indicators. Now i got the feel of it. I was always crazy good at Math( Calculus and Stats especially, above 3.8/4.0 every time),Physics and Chemistry . So i thought of giving it a try. And yeah here i am. Gotta learn and master this on my own and with help of you guys. No paid training. Rather invest that money in my account. So yeah good to meet you all here and glad to be here.