RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Hi everyone

My name is Lungelot from South Africa, I’m new in this whole trading thing so I hope to gain as much as I can in this forum. Anyone willing to shine a light on my new journey of trading is welcome and will be highly appreciated.

Hope to enjoy my stay here.

Thank you

Well I wish I was you, I’m new in trading and I’m new in this forum.

Care to open my eyes a bit, as far as trading is concern?

Please buddy I could use some mentoring

Hello, my name is Michael Chen, I’m from Southern Cali near San Diego, just joined babypips today in hopes of getting into decent discussions on fx. I am primarily a technical trader since I started trading fx in 2007, relying on fibs and focusing on usd/jpy. Specifically, I’d like to get a better grasp of fundamental forces in the market because of days just like today with the FOMC announcing no reduction in bond buying. I just stay away when stuff like this comes around, cause I have no clue how to use it in my existing method. Look forward to meeting many of you soon! Thanks.


My name is David. am Kenyan. I live in the capital city of Kenya, Nairobi. Am a CPA Graduate. My love for forex trading began while i was in the university. Since, i have read everything (well, almost) on the internet about FX trading. Currently i am trading on a demo account and i have just began making profits after 2 months of trading.

Thank you, hope to make new friends here and learn more about fx trading.

Some traders say that if you make 3 months of consistent profit on demo acct, then your ready to trade on a live acct. Good luck trading.

hi i am new here

Hi I am malba88,i am 25 years old, and i am from Bosnia. My english is not very good so forgive me on errors :slight_smile: I have a litlle bit of expirience on forex mostly demo trading i am i phase of learning. i read mostly of babypips school and i belive that i am on good direction.
I mostly use 4h chart, macd and moving averages.
And one question,where i can write my signals to see what other think abot them?

I am from Perth, Western Australia, Australia. I have much experience in trading shares but do not have any experience in trading forex. I am here to learn

Hi Im rrayne,a newbie trader from the Philippines and just like the others.Im here to learn Forex.Im happy to be here at babypips!

I am new here.I am a freelancer professionally.

Hi Everyone :slight_smile:

Greetings! I’m from Indonesia. I have traded for approximately 3 years now, relatively a newbie. In my home country there is not a lot of good forex education. Many people in Indonesia still think that the equity market is another form of gambling.

I really wish I could help at least some people to learn how to trade effectively and get some extra cash outside of their current day jobs. If you have not been to Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, you don’t know how bad traffic jams in this city could be. Most people are stuck in their day jobs and by the time they get home, they will already be too tired to think about anything else other than to eat and sleep. It really is a cycle of doom (in my opinion).

I believe forex trading, if properly executed and diligently studied, can give these people a way to add more to their capital while still keeping their day jobs. I know that, speaking from experience, learning to trade forex and properly trading forex has helped me to add a few bucks here and there to make ends meet :slight_smile: In Indonesia, an additional 50 pips of standard EUR/USD lot a month (i.e. $500 a month) will be a very very helpful addition to the average person’s standard of living if used wisely. I know many traders make a whole lot more than that in a trading month :slight_smile:

Thank you everyone and, especially, for giving other traders a free, but helpful, forex education! :slight_smile:

hi I’m lucas’m trying to learn to work with the forex market a year ago, I studied alone and discouraged me a lot, I want someone to guide me.

Hello all, I use the name GTPmann for most of my posts online for years. In past few years I have been working of collecting on craps tables and few individuals asked me if I was collecting Pips. Now, I will be going back to School of Pipsology and review what I have learned by losing money at craps and now trading. I will be looking around for advice in the forums.
Thank you all in advance.

Hi gtpmann good luck with FOREX , as for craps i love the game and i am a dont player who everyone hates.:frowning:

Hi everybody,
I am brand new here! I am also quite new to trading and am geared up to lean a lot. Nice to be here with you all and learn.

Hello Everyone,

I’m brand new here! I’m from new york and now I’m in georgia. I’ve found FX to be very interesting to learn and makes some decent money at the same time. I have friends that say its a good way to make money so I’m here to give it a shot. I have started about 2 years ago but was discourge. I’m in bank people I spoke to said give it another shot so he I’m trying again. Hope this time I can get that push and support that I need.

hello people,
i am obinna and i’m in Nigeria. For me, forex found me and even when i didn’t give it attention it still kinda haunted me. years back i started gaining interest in forex but since i didn’t have the resources to follow up i dropped it, but it still haunted me and tightened the gap . Now, its just like ‘in my face’ and it seems i cant escape it. i’ve picked interest in recent times, my love for it has grown intense and we’re now like soulmates. i’ll keep learning and understanding forex, get better in time, and hopefully its gonna let me in on some hidden secrets after i’ve proven my love and trust for it:13:.
thats my story for now and its nice to meet you all here at and i hope to keep learning, laughing and trading.

tonyro44 Thank you. You have to play the table as Buy or Sell, Pass or Don’t Pass. It is reviewing the trend and capitalizing on it.

Hello my name is Giancarla and I’m from Las Vegas NV. I’m very excited to be able to start this journey. I do not have any experience trading, but I’m looking forward to learn as much as i can and become a successful trader and help others to reach their goals trading. I’m thankful for the people who put this together after all this time looking and asking how do I do it??? I finally got to a place where I’m actually going to learn. Thank you.

Good luck and your going to do well, this thread will help you allot finding your way to success.