RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

I’m here to develop a deeper level of understanding and make forex my main source of income to fund my future endeavors. After I realized that basketball wasn’t going to take me anywhere, I found a new passion in the charts. Now it time to get to learning!

Ok so my name is Ricardo, originally from Puerto Rico, but living in Florida for the last 20 years. Right now I am a law student (maybe a mid life thing). But I also want to learn about FOREX trading and hopefully turn it into my business. I was looking for a place to get my education without spending a lot of money (I am spending enough in the law school) and I found Baby Pips. Your ‘school’ looks like it offers as a good an education one can get anywhere, and then for free, what? I’m in, lets do it!

Hi! my name is AB Virk I am from Pakistan. I am a blockchain researcher at a renowned software house. I am also providing my services as a UK tax writer to a firm. So, it’s been a while that I was thinking about learning fore trading. today I saw the preface of this site in the video of CryptoWendyO. So, now I am here. let’s see how this experience gets along. I am positive.


My name is Cristina, 26 years old living in PA. I am very new to Forex but have been interested for a while. I just recently had a meeting with a group trying to get me to join IML Academy and something in me feels like I don’t need to pay a monthly fee to get the knowledge that I need to trade. I am excited to learn and see where BabyPips can take me!

Hello, I am SavvyOZ, I’m 25 from Philippines and I’m literally a newbie in forex trading. I am always curious on how things work in forex, how to trade with it and make money, and finally a seminar was held and I got it for free, and that same seminar, gave me the way to understand much better about this industry and they introduced me into this site. Now, I am looking forward to trade sooner or later as I learn Fx.

What’s up everybody, I’m Antoine from Toronto Canada. I am a total newbie to this forex thing. I’ve been curious about forex for some time now and only got deeper into it when my son came to me telling me about a guy he met wanting to sell him a course on forex trading. After falling prey to countless courses I told him to hold off and let me investigate the lay of the land before he loses money on another useless course like I did many times. From affiliate marketing, email autoresponder writing, amazon FBA (the list goes on), I finally found babypips. So far I’m half way through the course and am amazed at the depth of detail there is in this FREE course. Thank you for this from the bottom of my heart. Right now I’m getting myself familiar with the Tradingview platform and I’m actually making heads and tails of all the information in front of me. Before all this I will very intimidated by the look of the screen and was worried that the learning curve would be to steep for me to handle but it’s been three weeks and so far I’ve got hang of what is happening. I have billion question to ask so I’m glad there is a group that I can bounce my ideas and questions off of. I hope to one day mentor someone just like me who is starting out and looking for a FREE resource when starting out. Did I mention I hate paid courses! Thank you babypips team and I look forward to seeing you on the other side of that learning curve. Peace, love and chicken grease!

Hi yall I am Sanji and if I can say that I am really interested in Forex trading but am a dummy so lets hope after this lesson I will proudly be able exclaim a real big WOW

Hey guys, done a little bit of trading before but wanting to restart my education completely
Can’t wait

Fresh off the press, and ready to change my lives and the lives others that motivate me. Lets do this !

Hi! My name is Joshua and I am an entry level trader. I have had some success with crypto in the past however, it was all luck. Forex interests me so that I can earn money another way besides working full time. I also am away from home a lot in the military and would like another source of income I can earn that doesn’t involve me delivering food. I find myself to be fairly disciplined when it comes to making,spending, and saving money. I want to learn a new skill and be able to use it in real time.

Hello, I’m Eze from Argentina, trying to learn a thing about Fx

Hi there, Kris here. Looking to learn and expand my understanding. I am a neophyte in this. Starting from scratch.

Hi, I’m Walshy. I am new to trading and the reason why i am hear is because someone tried to recruit me to IM academy. Than I found out that this website teaches similar lessons that IM academy has for free so … here I am.

I am new and I am ready to learn.

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Here to learn, trying new stuff and see what clicks. Forex being a first choice since the hours are a lot more flexible. Learning in itself is such a struggle these days, so much stimulating distractions makes it harder to focus on one thing. I’ll try my best to be a sponge.

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hey. My name is Sharon. I am from Nairobi, Kenya. I have no experience in FX but i’m looking forward to learning more about FX on this platform.

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Hi, I’m René and have joined because I’d like to learn more about trading because it may be create an opportunity for an earlier retirement in an interesting and hopefully fun way.

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Hi everyone,
My name is Marcus and i’m excited about this new journey of learning forex!

Hello my names Xavier and i’m currently 16 going on 17 years old. I’m from a town called Hartshorne in Oklahoma and money is not so great down here. i really want to get started in forex to help me with college, help pay bills, etc. i believe this will be the things for me to do.

Hello, Carol here from Malaysia. Completely new and wish to learn up something from here to understand how to trade FOREX on my own in near future.

Hi there

I’m new. I’m goal is financial freedom within 6 months. I dont know if that possible but I’m going to try.

Any help would be much apricated.