RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

hi y’all my name is Moloko , 20 years old from SOUTH AFRICA… newbie!! wishing to learn then understand how to trade,

Am Ray .I am new at reading hope I get a good experience

Hey everyone I’m Sinetemba from South Africa in the Eastern Cape, I’m still new in this forex trading. I would love to know more about forex trading because I want to be a self employed person and make income for myself

Good evening! My name is Elba and I am new to trading. I want to learn about Forex and get an understanding of the steps and utilizing the concepts in order to be prepared for trading. This would give me the opportunity make money and enjoy my retirement on my terms.

Wassup everyone! You can call me bassoul, that’s my first gamertag ever and I haven’t changed it and never will (unless your name is somehow taken and you need to add “1094” on the end). I’m new to Forex although some years back I looked into it but never got far. Recently joined IML Academy or whatever they call it because my cousin was in it and seemed to be having success. A day after I paid/ signed up I requested a refund and ran! I jumped the gun in joining just to say, “at least I tried” but when I joined some live classes I was completely turned off by it.

All in all, I’ve been trying to find the best course to buy from youtube reviews and I happened to see in the comment section about this site. Super excited to know that it’s free and has what you need to get started without having to find bits and pieces from different youtuber’s to get an understanding. So I’m trading in gaming hours :sob::sob: for learning Forex :grin::raised_hands:.

HELLO EVERYONE! Im Em! I got introduced a year ago to FOREX but was soooo overwhelmed with all the new material and the lack of knowledge from my mentors that I just gave up completely. I am here NOW ready as ever to get back into it! Any advice???

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Hi everyone! My name is Joel. I’m excited to start this journey in learning about FX and the skill of online trading.

I’ve been a martial arts instructor since I was the age of 16. I earned my Black Belt in Taekwondo and began teaching as I learned that to teach is to learn twice. Now at 22 I’m a 3rd Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo, 2nd Degree Black Belt in Kickboxing, and a Brown Belt in jiu-jitsu. I love the values that Martial Arts has given me and sharing it with others has been the highlight of my adult life.

I’ve always loved music throughout my life, specifically classic rock and metal genres. I play in a rock band called Prodigies of Peace as the lead singer and rhythm guitar player. We haven’t played shows recently due to the pandemic but I’m hoping to return to it because performing brings me a lot of joy.

Getting into FX and creating a profitable financial portfolio would allow a lot of time for me to hone my craft and live my dreams as a successful Rockstar Ninja.

I recently started an apprenticeship as an electrician due to being laid off from my previous job as a Marketing Director for a Counseling & Therapy Clinic. The trade seemed appealing to me because of the projected job growth and my Father was also in a trade but not as Electrician but as a Tool & Dye maker. One of the main influences for me to get into martial arts was also because of my Father. But I Digress. I was let go from my apprenticeship about a month and a half in because of “Failing to follow direction”. The truth was I was working and learning but I was constantly beating myself up over not learning as fast as I wanted. It didn’t help that your coworkers would yell at you for not getting the job done quickly enough. No one wanted to take the time to adequately teach me because it would slow the progress of the project down. I even made sure to do my homework and research about the trade in my own time to show the team that I wanted it and I was committed to learning. To no avail I was let go from my apprenticeship. I have applied as a Sales Rep at Honda World but was denied(I was almost guaranteed the position due to my sales experience and charisma, but unfortunately I shared with them that I had been let go from the company that handles their electricity. The GM didn’t see a good enough reason for me being fired so he thought I would be a waste of time to their company. I got 2 interviews and then an email thanking me for my time.) and at Target as a sales rep. A place which I was also denied employment.

Since then I’ve been claiming unemployment on a weekly basis. That being said my case hasn’t been approved yet so I’m not sure If I’ll even be paid for the weeks that I’ve been unemployed. I’m tired of being at the mercy of corporate or employers and would like to capitalize on opportunities that can be life changing. FX trading can help me take my life to the next level. I want to make self improvement a priority and I’m sure that you’d agree that having a diverse financial plan/portfolio can fuel that endeavor. In the mean time I’m still looking for unemployment opportunities.

I look forward to connecting with like minded individuals who are looking to learn as much as they can and help others create new life changing opportunities!

Hello my name is Chris I’m 26 and I’m from the smallest state Rhode Island. I’ve always been intrigued by the world of trading but never knew how to get into it or really took the time to learn. It wasn’t until 2-3 months ago that a friend introduced me to it and I’ve been pretty hooked ever since. I’m still a newbie at this and always looking to take in more information to be able to apply it into my trades. I’ve recently blew my first trading account what some may see as a bummer i see it as an opportunity to sharpen my skill(s). I believe trading should be a skill everyone should look into even if it’s something they want to do on the side or PT it’s a wonderful skill that will always allow you to be able to earn no matter where you are and what time it is. The best part is the pie is big enough for everyone to get a slice. I just want to continue to learn to then be able to turn around and teach others

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Hi all My name is SimplyAmazing247. I’m new to the Site and new to trading. Calls/Puts etc… A friend of mine uses Forex and told me alot of good things about babypips and suggested i join, so here i am. I’m looking forward to gaining knowledge and wisdom from you all.

Hello all, My name is La’Niya. I am new to the site and forex trading. I found this site after being mentioned on a Youtube Channel during my newbie research for forex. I have some experience with trading stocks, options, and cryptocurrency but Ive always been interested in forex but never knew how to get started. So here I am. I hoping to learn the fundamentals of forex trading along with best practices for consistent profitable trades. I understand it requires a lot of time, dedication, and practice I’m here for the long haul, hoping to gain knowledge and wisdom from more experience members in this community.

I know what you mean, I’ve been trying to teach myself how to trade FX and my brain is like … *crash

Hi, my name is Prophe.

I am new to Babypips, however not totally new to FOREX. My 1st stint at trading FOREX was about 2 years ago. Was not a very good experience, because at the time, I lacked a few fundamental ideas needed for trading. The experience made me abandon trading for a while.

I am fully back now, more disciplined, I guess, spurred on by the reason that made me join during my first stint. I hope to learn a whole lot from this forum, while trading DEMO and attending FOREX classes. I hope to be making major contributions to the team as we progress to trading live when the time is right.

To share a little bit more about myself, I reside in one of the major cities in Nigeria, where I work. In my spare time, in addition to trading FOREX, I love listening to music and singing. I also enjoy reading and watching football. Hoping to meet a few of us on this platform as we make progress.

Thanks for creating such a platform for like minds.


Hello, My name is Steven, I’m a 24 year old entrepreneur from Houston, TX. I’ve always wanted to fully understand forex so I could do it full force like successful forex traders we see, living life the way they want to. I admire that & everyday I’m striving for that, I’m here because I have a friend who sent me this website that is a very successful trader, so I’m going all in.

Evening all,

Hi everyone, I’m new here

I’m new in trading and from Nigeria. I’m here to acquire skills of trading and as well give back to the community when I became a Pro in this business. What push me into trading is my desire for slef development and improvment. Secondly, my desire to stay around my children at home and still work to make money.

Hi All,

My name is Erika & I’m excited to be here! I’m new to trading…. Period.
I’m glad i found this sight, & I can’t wait to learn all i can about Forex,

I am Idris Abubakar from Nigeria. I am so eager and enthusiastic about the idea of forex. I am glad to be a member of this community, I do hope to gain positive insight and be able to trade forex efficiently within the shortest possible time.

Hello my name is D, I joined babypips because I am interesting in learning how FOREX works. I don’t want to spend tons of money by taking classes. I plan on using all the free resources that all available to me to have m e gain a better understanding on how it all works. I live in the United States. My hobbies are photography and playing guitar.

Hey my name is Ibrahim im 27… From S. A… I’m glad to join the community if babypips… I look forwad to learning all things forex… I’m starting my journey to financial independence today… :sunglasses: