RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Hello, I’m zr27 and I’m new to trading. I live in the US and a friend of mine introduced me to a way of learning how to trade. I’m looking forward to seeing if this is for me. God bless!

lol at the degraded markup in the original post

Thanks for the kind words. I’m completely new to Forex and intrigued. Love the education opportunities. Can’t wait t start learning.

Little Pipsy

Hi, your guy is here

Good day to you all,

My name is J. I had an interest in investing and trading a long time ago, before a lot of life happened. It was not a good bit of life but here I am now. I want to make money on the forex. They say the majority does not and I want to find out the reasons that this is the case.

Best of luck out there,

Hi y’all, My name is DIan.

I’ve always been interested in forex trading and since of late i decided it is time for me to take this step. I would like to learn more from you guys in order to sharpen my skills as a forex trader.

Hello, My name is Isiah.
I am a Systems Admin by profession and i am new to BabyPips. I tried once to venture into forex trading around 2019 and was using IQ Options at that time i just wanted quick money so i came across this idea of binary options. It was not that successful since i only managed to recover the money i started with and some few extra bucks.

This time around my goal is to make real money through forex trading hence opted to start from zero, i would like to understand this forex trading and do proper trading. I have chosen to join BabyPips from recommendations from collegues as they told me youre the best.

i currently resides in Zimbabwe and ready to learn. I hope to build relationships and network with collegues here that can shape and enable my success throughout this journey.


hi, I am Leonard not absolutely new to forex. I am into forex for financial independence and i have a mandate to raise a hundred millionaires via this platform within a space of 10 years

Hello, my name is Tino.
I’m completely new to FX, outside of the lessons I’ve had from the School of Pipsology.
My goal is to learn a complex skill that very few people find success with and I stumbled my way to Forex. So far I’m loving it but the struggle is real, I see why so many people fail.

Kind regards

Hey y’all my name is Beast and I’m from South Africa. I’m new in forex and I haven’t traded. I’ve been interested for quite a few years and I’m joining now cause I just completed high school… I’m looking to have multiple streams of income and why not forex

Hello everyone. great to be here. ready to learn trading from scratch

Salutations, I’m MiraPrice. I’m an educator new to the trading game. A friend shared this forum with me. Looking to learn quite a bit.

Hi, my name is Jhona. I currently work at a BPO industry on a graveyard shift. I decided to learn trading because I need to get another source of income that will not take more of my time because I want to have more time for my daughter since my work already requires a lot. Being a single mom, who also single handedly takes care of all our expenses, working in a BPO is not sufficient so I told myself that I really need to get extra income.

One of my work colleagues introduced me to cryptocurrency and trading. He is not yet that well versed with the whole process but he is already gaining profits by trading. Then I said to myself, I need to try this too. This does not require 8 full hours of my time and attention. And if played correctly, it will definitely make me gain some profit, if played carefully and intelligently, there’s a higher chance that I can gain more.

I’m there’s a guide like this that will educate and help a a beginner like me in trading. Will definitely take each course intently and seriously so I can use the things that I will learn here to achieve my goal.

Hi everyone, my name is JoyDoz27. Nice meeting you all! The reason why I’m here is that I just got into crypto. I mean, you here so much about it but I have always been skeptical about it. Well, not anymore! So now I’m basically a crypto junkie; different kinds of wallets, apps, accounts, cryptos…you name it. But what then? So, I need to learn how to trade. Because just buying and hoping they will one day go up in price will not take me anywhere. The internet can be very overwhelming when looking for information on how to invest, but in the midst of it all my interests grew more towards Forex trading so here I am. I hope I can gain the necessary knowledge on my way to to becoming a professional trader.

Hey guys… My name is Mvuyelwa aka Loui95.
This is my first time trading and being here with you guys at Pips, I am someone who has been struggling financially now i am taking a step to make that a thing of the past, i do not have any experience with FX but i am sure i’m with people who will help me get to know the market more broader and with understanding
I am trying to make a good decision that will impact the years coming with financial freedom and knowledge about the FX. Thanks to a good friend of mine who introduced me this platform. i do not want to disappoint her as she gave me chance to learn how to be a trader.
I am looking forward to learning from the best. Thank you for the opportunity

Hello, my name is jt. New to forex trading. Glad to be here and looking forward to building as a trader as well as learning to maintain a healthy climb in profit over time!

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Hi All. I’m Nick new to Babypips today. I live in Southampton UK. I’ve been trading on and off for about 10 years but always like to get some re-education every time I come back to trading. There’s always something new to learn and always something you’ve forgotten. Education never stops. It also helps get your head back in the right space for trading; because if your heads not in the right space you’re going to start losing money.
Happy trading everyone.

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I am an older man getting ready to retire. I am able to retire ealier than most so I am. I have started my journey into the world of the stock market initially for the purpose of being able to manage my own financial portfolio or at least have a better understanding of what the professionals are doing with my money. I have spent the last 6 months reading, watching info videos, and demo trading. I have found the forex market the most interesting of all the markets. I am looking to learn enough to be able to trade forex as often as I like and be profitable at it. I want something new to do since I am certain that fishing and golf are not going to be enough.

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Hi guys. I am lock_stock and I am almost 30 years old.

A bit late into the game but I have recently found this interest in making money and found forex as the one of the best ways to do it. I am still learning, I have watched a few YouTube forex guru videos, however I did not find most the advices profitable and they somehow contradict each other.

I am here with the intention of learning forex from A-Z. While learning, practice it and start earning small. And then slowly start educating others and go big if all goes well. I would definitely need all your advices and help in this journey.

Please let me know where and how shall I get started and what to expect going forward. I have already gone through a few posts here and its wonderful to see how this community has numerous people that are genuine and ready to help.

Thanks guys.
To success!!!

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HELOO ALL, my name is Diana I’m 24 and I got into trading April 2021. I was looking for more direction in my learning right now and a friend told me about babypips. Excited and grateful for this resource. And ready to organize my learning journey more to become a successful trader more efficiently. Trading is something hi enjoy and my means of obtaining financial freedom, so i can focus on my passions and goals in music and leadership.

Lets do this :muscle:t4:

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