RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

asalamualaikum noneymoney.

Hey there!
My names Laj.
Iv always wanted to learn the basics of forex but never got around to it.
This year I have made it my new years resolution to learn and study forex.
I am glad I found baby pips and looking forward to this new journey.

hello my username is kyline25 and would like to learn more about trading at forex. Itā€™s a new year 2022 so starting small by learning the ropes in Baby pips community. I hope to be more knowledgeable and gain experience being part of this forum. Wishing all the best on embarking in on this journey.

Hey Everyone, My name is Dawalyn. I wish to gain knowledge about forex to help me create great financial generational wealth for the fam.

Iā€™m new to the forex community with ZERO knowledge and ZERO experience in this arena. A neighbor introduced me to the trend. Her enthusiasm and success has perked my curiosity. Iā€™m excited to start learning!

Hi my name is Marie and I too have been around a while. I am excited about the opportunity to learn new things.

Hi. Iā€™m Oluwaseyi. A Graduate Member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (GMNSE), a B.Tech. holder in Electronics and Electrical Engineering.

Iā€™ve always had a passion for tech skills as well as Forex. So, Iā€™ve decided to start out my forex career this late. Yeah, itā€™s better late than never.

See yā€™all at the top.

Hello Thanndycha, glad to have you here. So tell me, how has your forex journey been so far, because seeing here shows you have been trading now for almost a year.

Hi, My name is Carlo, I am new to forex trading and Baby pips. Im intrigued to see the potential of this platform, I am a hardworking individual, Im 25 and ready to secure the bag.

Any advice, I am all ears and I hope to be able to help and inspire others through my journey.

Hi all! I am Olasanya from Nigeria. I am new to forex but eager to learn and my goal is to make a living off of forex trading.
I hope I am in the right place.

Hello, my name is Bernard Waithaka from Kenya. I got some little trading experience bt am looking forward to improving what I already know. Havenā€™t really made out the best with trading bt hopefully this year am gonna coin it and laugh all the way to the bank.
I have joined this community to gather knowledge from you all and maybe share the little I know. I would really appreciate working with you guysā€¦

Hey everyone my my name is DimplesM Iā€™ve joined this platform with the hope of changing my life and that if my family to financial freedom.
I am 28 years of age and very eager for financial freedom.

Hi guysā€¦ Am Lesliejames101 from Kenya ,a newbie to both forex and babypips. Have been doing demo accounts for a month now and my cousin introduced me to babypips and so here I am, and its awesome by the probably the best learning platform on trading on the internet ,am looking forward to learning under you Dr pipslow

Hi, Iā€™m Mr. BabY Tradesā€¦Iā€™m a serial entrepreneur who came across forex about two years agoā€¦havenā€™t really been serious about it until I attended a seminar a week ago. Iā€™m less than a newbie (lol)ā€¦still struggling with the very basics ā€¦I however, dedicate myself to taking my forex trading skills to a very high standard of consistent profit makingā€¦I hope to learn a lot here

Iā€™m Satish from Olympia, WA. I like hiking and biking and got to know about this website from a Youtube channel. I like sharing my knowledge and Forex trading came up during our discussing while hiking with friends!
I like connecting and socializing with people on all topics. I have some trading knowledge but Forex is something new that I would like to explore this year-2022

Hi guys! I have been trading for about 4 years. In my daily life not a single person I know trades Forex so I am here to get my obsession out and talk with like minded people. Thank you for listening!

Hey everyone,
New to FOREX and babypips. Looking forward to being part of this group!

Hi everyone Iā€™m William10pips,
I am from the island of Jamaica where its pretty much sunny all year round.
I am a plumber by profession and I am new to Forex, I saw a video on tictoc about babypips so I came straight over really looking forward to interacting and growing with the community


New to this forum. Not new to trading. Iā€™m here to help a few people. Steer them in the right direction for financial independence.

Is that not why you are here?

Iā€™m no ā€œguruā€ nor teacher.

Iā€™d much rather be trading instead of ā€œrunning my mouthā€ or ā€œsharing ideasā€. I like RESULTS.

Many claim to have ā€˜cracked the codeā€™ or ā€˜found the secretsā€™ā€¦

ā€¦the blind leading the blind to ā€œsuccessā€.


Iā€™ll drop by every once in a while to ā€˜de-mystifyā€™ a lot of the B.S. Iā€™ve experienced in this cut-throat industry.

Thereā€™s a LOT of money here. Trillions of dollars. Plenty of room for scammers, con-artists, and opportunitist to lead the sheep to slaughter, both IN market (big banks, hedge funds, governments, etc) and OUT market (so-called teachers/trainers who are skilled marketers, liars, cheaters, signal pumpers and course pushers).

You have to be a special kind of person to go through this gauntlet and come out alive with any profit without getting fleeced both IN and OUT of the market. But, once (if?) you overcome BOTH the sharks, trading is very easy, simple, and ridicously profitable.

Iā€™ll leave on this note:

The key to success in ANY business is to ā€œBUY LOW, SELL HIGHā€. The goal of EVERY trader, since trading currencies IS a business of ā€˜buying and selling moneyā€™, essentially.

Market Makers are simply looking for the BEST price to buy and sell their inventory, all day everyday for themselves and their rich and powerful clientele.

The key is to know WHEN they do it, HOW, WHERE, and WHY. Once you understand this, simply ā€˜buy low and sell highā€™ with THEM. No technical analysis, indicators nor fundamentals.

It took me f**king YEARS to figure this out. Thousands of dollars. Hundreds of hours. Just a stubborn S.O.B I am. And, for whatever reason, the right knowledge was given to me to take advantage of.

Now, trading is quite fun. Predictable. Easy. Because when Market Makers show you their hand, itā€™s quite literally like shooting monkeyā€™s in a barrel. Itā€™s scary. But itā€™s real.

I donā€™t want anyone to struggle in this business for years like I did before finding success. But the reality is most of you will. Youā€™ll blow accounts, lose your mind, have dark thoughts and fantasies of success that will never come, and that will be the lot of you. But for others, curiousity is what led me to knowledge that changed my life. The truth of how the markets work on a DAILY basisā€¦to trade tops and bottoms which weā€™re taught is impossible to know.

Yet, I do so consistently myself.

Blessings to you all.

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Hello, happy to be here.