RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Hi, I’m Sanmi from Nigeria, 26.
Joined with the hope of understanding the world of finance and business.
I’m new to trading and I hope to gain as much, or as little as possible.
Be nice to me.

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Hi, ya’ll… hello from Philippines

Hello, My name is Ken I’m from W.P.Bch.
I’m by trade an electrician, but looking too
Change my career path, or free my time up if you will. I was using nonsense fx on YouTube
When I came across this Babypips’ and I noticed that this was the same site I had found and printed out notes from a few days ago. And so I figured I must be headed in the right direction. Let me dive a little more into this .

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Hey KeelaBee!

Welcome to BabyPips!

I hope you have a great time here and learn all that you ever wanted to about forex.

Also, are you the same KeelaBee with the Hachibi? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Sanmi!

Welcome to BabyPips!

I hope that you gain as much there is to be learned. Good luck!!

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Hello everyone, HI my name is Patrick, I’m a complete newbie I’m 56 years of age and a one parent family to a young teenage daughter and teenage Son, would like very much to get involed with 4x to make a better life, thanks P.

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Hello everyone, I’m Tyler, 28, from the UK. I’ve been learning trading now for 11 months and been recommended to join baby pips too.

I have my own events business and absolutely love it. Before that I was in network marketing for 8 years. I’ve started learning trading and really enjoying the process but in all honestly I am letting my emotions get to me too much. Im trading live and only trading US30 at New York open and sometimes go on a run for 2-3 weeks where I will compound my account 3% quite fast and don’t lose a single trade. But then every so often I have one big losing day where I don’t manage my risk properly and I end up tanking 2-3 weeks of profit in the blink of an eye and have to re build. I know I can do this but I need to manage my risk better and my emotions and stick to my rules. I’m excited to learn more about trading phycology in this group :grinning:

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Hello, I’m Martin - 28 - from UK. I’m looking into trading forex. But I understand this is no get rich scheme and willing to put as much hard work into this as possible and learn as much as I can before starting.

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Hello everyone I’m Trish!

Hey, Everyone Im Getoboy Im from Mexico, I started trading about 2 yrs. ago on and off, Just recently started to take FOREX seriously, because I really believe I can make a living trading.
I heard of BabyPips through youtube videos and decided to look into it Now im here to become a better trader and learn as much as i can about the markets, so any tips im all ears. Thanks

Hi Everyone. Excited to be here. My name is Joy, from South Africa. I am new to trading and am here to learn. Appreciative to be on a platform with so much content. Looking firward to my journey and I know it’s going to be a fruitful one. Good to be here.

Hi Everyone!!

I’m KarenPen!! Happy to be sharing in this space! I’m here to expand my knowledge on FX!!

Good morning I’m Kuhle from SA and I’m good 17 years old turning 18. I love making money and I’ve attempted soo many times to trade but now I’m serious
I’m doing my last year of high school
I love learning new things that help me improve different areas of my love and grow

Hi ,i am donald by name and i have been into forex for about 1 year and some months now, i am here to join like minded individuals in this industry to develop and learn more, i will be looking forwards in hearing from you all… thanks

hello, my name is Brian and I live in the twin island republic of Trinidad and Tobago.
I’m a two year retired public servant where I worked as an auditor for the state.

I am interested in trading in order to make extra money.

I am interested also in crypto currency trading, which I believe uses the same principles as forex trading.

I hope to have a wonderful learning opportunity with this group and I thank the creators for this selfless opportunity that they have provided me with.

sincerely Brian.

Hi my name is Nathan, I am 21 years of age. I am a young man from Ireland who is trying to learn about trading. I am a college student. I’m actually studying abroad in the US. I received a soccer scholarship back in 2019 for college. My university is in Houston Texas. I am living just outside of the city. I’m currently at home in Dublin taking online classes. I am currently studying international business. I would like to go travelling the world as much as possible while I am young.

A good friend of mine has gotten me very interested in trading and she advised me to come over here to babypips to get introduced and educated before I go rushing in and make irrational decisions.

So, I am here to learn! I am very eager to get started. If anybody has any advice for me please reach out! I look forward to working hard and progressing.

Newbie here and I know nothing about forex! What I do know is I want to take my life back from my job. I am looking forward to learning something new and fascinating…I love numbers, budgeting and projections so think this will be interesting.

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Yolo new here

Hi guys I’m jowdy. A new dad and a new trader. I just joined baby pips hoping to grow my skill as a trader. I’m open to any advise and discussions on forex. I’m looking forward to a great experience here and I’m excited

Blessings guys My name Ai3mS I am completely new to trading. I was introduced to this site by a friend and I’m ready, willing, and excited to learn more about it.

Big up.