RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

My name is Brooke and I’m 28 years old. I finally just finished school and graduated with my bachelors degree in business from Wilmington University in Delaware. I’ve been hearing about forex trading through social media and it seems really interesting. I decided to get into this because I like to have something to work towards and challenge me. I’m a beginner 100% and know almost nothing about it, but I’ve been doing some research and I want to learn how to be successful trading. I’m always open to new things and learning new strategies. My goal is to become successful enough in trading to either do it full time or have it as a side job. I’m really excited to get started!

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Hello my name is China I’m new the community I’m not 600 years old but senior citizen for sure and I know nothing my niece sent me this and said Auntie just try it. So here I am

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Good evening everyone. My name is Javia but everyone calls me JazzyJay. I joined this community because i am a newbie whose trying to learn everything i can about cryptocurrency. I currently work a full time job here in Hawaii, but i dont want to work for the rest of my life. I actually want to replace my income.


Hi all
I am Danny from the UK.
I have been trading a low live account £1250 for 9 months now and I am £48 down on the account, I think this is good, considering I am new to FX trading. My biggest win was £30.30 and biggest loss £38.
I am working on my strategies and I think Baby Pips is great for advice and tools, I’ve just come across Market Milk which looks very interesting.
I hope to improve my strategies and eventually when I can focus full time on the markets when I take early retirement in a couple of years I will be more experienced and all being well be able to accelerate my profits gradually, and who knows maybe have a nice supplement income from it.
I’m looking forward to being part of this community.

Hello Everyone! I am also new to the forum. Looking forward to discuss meaninful trade-related stuff.

Hi I am Esperanza from Ghana. I am here because I want to acquire more knowledge in Forex. I was introduced to this platform by a friend. I found out that in Ghana, 1 out of 200 Forex trader is a female. I think the disparity is huge and I am motivated to learn and bring other women in to the trade.


Im Adrian, 35, and turning my life around in Bali right now. I never thought of myself as a numbers guy, but with all this changes on the planet it would be ignorant for me not to get into the game.

As an advertising creative I create value through meaning. And trading is basically the same, the more people buy in or out of a belief the more or less the brand is worth. Makes total sense to me. This is how value is created, by mass perception.

Understanding this, I have to get into the numbers game to utilize my insight.

Looking forward to learn and profit from this community! Thanks in advance!

Hi everyone, I’m Tryingagain because I’m trying again. I’m in Australia and am about to try my second attempt to learn as much as I can about Forex trading.
I initially had a go back in about 2010 and 12 years later I want to give it another go.
Looking forward to an interesting journey.
Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi. I have been into equities but they have been getting hammered so this seemed like a good time to at least learn about other investments. I am curious about world and how currencies go up or down relative to each other. If I make a buck or two that is ok as well

Hi all. I’m MHNO18MX and I’m from Mexico, I’m just starting my journey in the world of forex and I’m very excited to learn from the experience and that’s why I joined this community I really want to learn and ask many things lol I hope you can help me answer them Greetings and good trading to all.

Hi everyone my name is Chinwuba Collins Kenechukwu , I’m from Nigeria and I’m a student in the University of Nigeria Nsukka . My reason to learn Forex trading is to gain financial stability and to gain vast knowledge in the foreign market

Am Joshua Moses

Hi, Y’all!
I’m a brand new trader. Hopefully I’ll crawl, take my first steps, walk and at some point hopefully not long, run!
I’m happy to be able to get help from the best of our galaxy!

Hi I am a new be and I am here to be a good trader.

Hey everybody, my name is Leslie and I’m from Illinois.
I’m new to trading but have been practicing on demo accounts for almost a year now on and off. I was recently introduced to the Forex markets sometime last year but I already had an interest in investing in the stock market. I was briefly told how Forex works and I was interested in learning more about it.

I’m 27 and looking for a way to make more than one income. I’m also an aspiring music producer and singer/songwriter. I started creating music in 2020 and have been perfecting my craft since. I like how music tends to speak the words we can’t always put together. I also believe it’s therapeutic in many ways. Whether that’s just studying to some lofi or singing your heart out to some R&B (preferably 90’s lol).

My whole purpose of being here is to take in any information I can to become a proficient trader and finally cross the threshold from my demo to my live account. I truly believe anybody can learn the skill and apply it. I want to pass this knowledge along to people who are curious about Forex as well. Starting somewhere in the market kind of gives you a broad aspect of all exchange markets in general just different terminology strategies. All in all though very similar and I want to learn more about NFTs and ETFs as well.

Hello everyone, my name is Raymond. I’m new to forex trading & I would love to learn and practice with all of you in the future.


hi my name is naeem, i am new to fx and would like to learn more.

Hello all, I am a total novice yet eager to learn and practice trading. I live near Dallas, TX. I left engineering career to raise children, a total blessing, however, has left limited avenues for amassing wealth. I am fortunate that I have a small amount of currency to play with while I learn. Thank you for having this forum. Warm regards to all.

Peak a boo everyone! :blush: I’m Jenny Baker.

Thanks so much for adding me to this amazing platform…I am new in forex in fact an absolute beginner with no skill and I am here to receive guidelines, learn the forex trade and make successful income…I hope I do start earning after taking free lessons on forex here…thank you once again!!:wink: