RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

hI my name is jimh75 and Im currently living in Hampshire England, I have been curious about forex trading for some time and a friend of mine is considering quitting his job as he is consistent with his trades and it got me finally come to baby pips and get started with learning, I guess the ultimate goal is to free my self from the constraints of working 40 hours plus a week and boss my levels of income !

Greetingā€™s from the Fiji Islandsā€¦Hope all be well at your end. Thank you for this awesome website and allowing me in here and to upgrade ā€¦so very very new to Forex and I am egger to learn and grow . Thank you

Hi everyone im Katana,im from namibia and have never traded before. I really need to find ways to pay for school so i decided its time to learn how to trade. Super excited to be here thoughšŸ™‚.

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Hello everyone! My name is Ro. I am from California and a complete newbie in Forex. Iā€™m ready to learn something new

Greetings. I am Marquita. I am brand new to Forex completely. I am interested in learning all about this topic. I understand there is lots to learn. I live in Nevada and love it here. I look forward to getting to know some other folks who are interested in this too.

Hey, thanks so much. My name is Nells from Kenya. I am a newbie in Forex. This platform will nurture me and give me the required skills to trade successfully.

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Yo, Iā€™m wase (Thatā€™s pronounced, waaa s aye). I just turned 20, Iā€™ve been investing in the stock market for almost a year and a half now. I think itā€™s time to step up my game and try my hand at a new form of passive-(ish??) income. A co-worker was telling me about how successful heā€™s been doing at forex trading and the potential returns sound hella appealing so here I am.

Why hello there! My name is Melissa. Iā€™m 36, married with 3 kids. I work full time within the federal government. My mid-life eye opening (itā€™s no longer a crisis :slightly_smiling_face:) has led me to questioning my connection with my career, and frequently asking ā€œWhatā€™s the pointā€ at work. I want to free up some head space and time and still make that moolah! LOL In all seriousness I want to enjoy life and all that it has to offer with my family. My husband trades, and I see how beneficial it has been. Itā€™s time for me learn, so I guess Schoolā€™s in Session!

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Hello money heads Iā€™m Sya from South Africa Johannesburg and I love the fact that money makes the world go round. I am here to learn money thatā€™s on me and thatā€™s it frafathcd (For Real, As Far As The Heart Can Dream) Iā€™m in, word on the street is that everyone is a Billionaire depends on how you take it bruv.

Hello. I am RockCandy. Iā€™m in Anchorage Alaska. I will be 54 soon. Iā€™m here because I am disabled and broke and so my son encouraged me to get into trading. Knowing nothing about trading myself, he suggeted babypips and here I am. Please be patient with me. :slight_smile:

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Hey everyone,

My name is Hamza and Iā€™m from the United States, MI. Iā€™ve decided to join Babypips because I donā€™t know a lot about trading and I would like to pursue this for my future. I am 16 years old and my experience with trading is very limited. I only know WHAT day trading actually is, but other than that, I donā€™t know much about it.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™ve decided to join this community so I can learn more things about trading and how to learn new strategies about the market.

Iā€™m very excited to become a part of the Babypips community and Iā€™m looking forward to having a great learning environment.

Hi guys,
Iā€™m Mas and Iā€™m here because recently my friend got into a MLM where he claims to copy and paste trades and apparently have a high win rate. Iā€™m here not only for myself to learn a new skill but to also prove him wrong and get him out of what heā€™s in. Iā€™m excited to learn more about Forex and where it will take me. Letā€™s learn together and prosper!

Hello everyone! My name is Sarah & Iā€™m from St. Louis, MO! I am a kinda-sorta newbie at trading. Iā€™ve taken trades from other people before & Iā€™ve learned a little bit about Forex previously but not enough to claim myself as an expert. Iā€™m really looking forward to connecting with like-minded individuals, building relationships, and learning the educational side of how to trade Forex! Iā€™m here for the experience and the learning environment.

Hi my name is Chica Chica slim shadyā€¦nah Michael Johnson Iā€™m a bit of loaner just sticking to myself in my lane but other than thatā€¦Iā€™m ready to learn how to do this itā€™s been a huge interest of mine and Iā€™m ready to dedicate myself to this.

hello am Sel from mauritius. i heard this site from a guy whom i knew long time ago. just the fact i came here to learn how to trade and to venture in this new world of digital trading.

Hi All, Ollief76 here from the south east end of the UK. I am an absolute NEEEEEWWWWWBEEEEEE in Forex trading. Iā€™ve had some stocks and shares trading software for about a year but didnā€™t bother with learning how to trade or anything. Just an idea of mine for fun to see if I could turn Ā£100 into Ā£1000. Needless to say I got suckered into hype surrounding one share and lost nearly all of my money. So, Iā€™m here to start over by doing this properly, get some knowledge surrounding trading, pick up some skills and ideas from those who know and hopefully prop up my salary with some other income. Hope yā€™all doing well and lovin life.

Hi, I amDangula64, 34 year old I am from Namibia Windhoek and I am new to this platform and fx trading.

I want to learn how to trade with and make money. Currently I am trying hard to find means for my self and family. I hope that I will be able get more knowledge on this project
All the best

Hey my name is alan im a 19 old kid trying to live a better life currently working at home depot to save up for my car after i bought my first one that broke down so im saving my money for a car ive wanted for so long the G37S my plans are once i have my car back go back to mechanical school and eventually work a job for a company like BMW or if this goes well i can do this and my own business selling cars basically a dealer ship but right now the main goal think is too have more money for the for everything to survive because a lot more is going on in my life rn but the only way out rn is too make more money so that about me

Hello there my loves, my name is Angela, based in Cape Town South Africa. I am very much new to the site and to forex trading. I am eager and willing to learn, so any tips and advice are very much welcome.

Hi, my name is Luis.

I have 11 years of experience in this industry. I have worked for several internet companies related to Forex/Trading and also as a trader and market analyst for Fund Management companies and Brokers in several countries, including Panama, Mexico, Canada, US and Poland.

Besides that I have worked in corporate finance and in treasury departments. Right now I work in taxes in Eastern Europe for a Fortune 500 company controlling the whole European continent. I also run a small business with financial advice for clients in Belize, Canada, Poland, Romania, Germany, US and UK.

I usually do not spend a lot of time on forums, but I got a severe injury at the climbing gym and I cannot work out my usual 4 hours a day. Thus, I decided to spend the time here instead while I recover. I am also starting a YT channel, but not related to trading, just for fun, but thatā€™s another topic.

I have contacts within several regulators and within several brokers. My plan is not to promote brokers directly, they are not paying me anything and I do not care about them (in terms of how much they earn or how much they pay to affiliates). However, I do plan to post links, if allowed, to other websites that I find useful. Also, if I know about a broker who offers certain products looked for by somebody, or about a certain exchange (for cryptos) that I have tested, for sure I will mention them, but with no links.

I hope I can contribute with something and people find my comments useful.