RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Hi. I’m CaliCandi and I’m brand new to this. I live in California, and I haven’t done any trading at all yet. My brother recommended that I come here to learn. I’m currently caring for my aging mother so I’m not able to work full-time. I’m hoping to be able to supplement my income by learning to trade. I’m excited to get started!

Hi guys
My name is Sam and I am based in New Zealand. I am just the beginner trying to take my first step in trading market . Hope I’ll learn things here, which will help me in trading market…

I have joined the community to learn from you all and to share my ideas to get feedback, many thanks

Thanks …

Hello everyone new here excited to be part of this community

Hey everyone, I’m Dr F wanting to learn forex

Hello everyone joined so I can refresh myself on what I have learned about trading and dive more into Forex.

Good luck all!

I am at the early stages of learning the basics of forex trading. Tried the demo account of metatrader 5 which gave me a preview of what it looks like. No definite involvement on actual trading yet, sort of playing around with the tools. I need to know as much as I could until it is safe for me to invest. I haven’t decided which trading platform or broker I will choose. Will be deciding soon after reading posts here and in the internet.

I have now a job and saving up for my small entry into forex trading. Wish lots of the best pips to everyone and to myself!

I’m very new to forex and willing to learn after I got diagnosed with kidney problem and relocated to Liverpool unemployed, hope this community will educate me from the basics. Thanks


Heeellooo everyone!

My name is Chris, and I’m currently living in the Netherlands :slight_smile: I’m 23 years old and started “trading” around 2 years ago… but as I’m to inexperienced, I switched to long term stock investing. So thats my gig now!

I’m always trying to get more knowledge about trading and I want to take a personal challenge and learn about Forex trading now!

Unfortunately babypips ain’t that big here in Cheeseland and for just a couple of days ago I didn’t know what it was!
I read about it online and searched for it! Now I’m trying to use this to learn more about Forex trading!

With great regards,


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Hi, my name is Hamza, and I am nearly 18. A really nice lad suggested using Babypips to learn more about trading, and I guess I took the opportunity because why not, if I can make money out of forex and trading that would be cool. Anyway I hope I can learn from other traders because this whole trading thing is new to me, but I hope I can become good at it.

Take care guys,


Hello y’all. I’m totally new to forex, please treat me well :zap:

Wassup y’all, it’s lique. Hopefully I can learn forex trading and make some money.

Hey i am creative wambui from kenya i would love to get your trading ideas maybe i could take my family on a vacation to the maasai mara :joy: :joy:smh without worrying about the bills like you

Hello all, I’m Zane from Canada. Happy to be here, and I wish success for all traders worldwide. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:t2:

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Hey thats really cool about the youtube channel .I joined forex last year to save up for a camera to start my youtube channel but sadly blew up my account when i was halfway saving up for the camera :rofl: bummer

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Hey everyone im Victoria from Kenya i joined forex last year to save up for a camera for my youtube channel ,hoping to one day shoot a video with faze rug :hugs: also fund my film projects since im a film student .Unluckily my forex account blew up like 5 times :joy: so someone advised me to try babypips and try again ,i also find forex really fun the adrenaline of making profits and losses is just dope :rofl: i am hoping to make new friends and go on safaris :joy: with yall anyway if anyone can help me out with good trading ideas that would really be cool

Hi, my name is amankay aka amanproductionz. I’m from a beautiful country called Botswana. have always been fascinated by markets and have recently made a promise to myself to become an active participant as a trader in the ST, MT & LT & an investor in the LT. I have honestly always wanted to do this since I was 16. I took a safer route as an Accountant but the itch is still there!

I think FOREX is perfect for sharpening my technical analysis skills! Reddit lead me here and I am really impressed with the quality of the website!

Hello everyone! I’m Choco, a newbie. I come from Indonesia and I’m hoping I can learn a little bit about trading. I mainly want to learn how to trade so I can, hopefully, make a little extra income. Pleased to make your acquaintances!

Hi its nice to be here, my name is Claire from Illinois…I am not really new to forex but need more help as trading alone can be quite boring. Will be glad if I can join any groups of traders here. Thanks

Hallo. My name is Joseph, and I’m entirely new to both Forex and Babypips. am from Nigeria

Recently a friend introduced me to both Forex and Babypips and I’m very glad he did, i hope i can get all the help i need…
Thanks guys!

My name is Barry and I’m from Portsmouth, England. I’m 47 year old factory worker, and why I’m here is because a much younger work colleague has left the company to become a full time Forex trader. I have been inspired by this and would love learn the trade to follow in his footsteps. I have been trying to research about Forex by reading books and watching Youtube videos and basically I just don’t know where to start. So I spoke with my ex work colleague and he recommended babypips … so, here I am !