RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Hello, my name is Marietta, looking forward to learn more about forex trading.
Thank you

Hi am Kisorogoto from tz ,I wanna learn this thing so bad just a beginner

Hello, my name is skip,
I am from England and currently Iā€™m doing my alevels and I am going to finish and go to university soon. I have looked at trading before and I have dabbled in crypto - not unsuccessfuly too.

Right now I want to learn more so that I can be confident when investing my money in the future. My current goal is to pay for my youngest sister to go to private school so I have 9 years to set aside ~ 30k. Right now Iā€™m basically broke but Iā€™m committed so I believe I can do it.

Any help would be much appreciated but I will also work to achieve this on my own :slight_smile:

Hii!! my name is stella, iā€™m from Indonesia. Iā€™m so glad to learn about forex trading because it looks taboo for me. I just want to start to know more about how trading really are.
The reason i choose this way because i want to change my life to be a person who can do anything in my young age hehe so i want to learn a something new that will be my potential (maybe hehe but i hope so)
and here i amā€¦iā€™m ready to learn


Hi. My name is Rodrigo F. ā€œDigĆ£oRomaā€ para os conhecidos. Iā€™m a 43 years old father living in NY where I spent the last 13 years creating ads for big companies. Iā€™m passionate about art and started learning about investments after the pandemic hit and my job security vanished. I found this community via Reddit and Iā€™m excited to start learning with you.

Hi, Iā€™m just learning about Forex- getting the language down first. Whatā€™s a pip! Thank you to those who have created Babypips and everyone who is participating. BluebirdofHappiness

Hello everyone , my name is Shayne.Been doing economics so wanted to try something like trading

Hi Iā€™m nj. New to babypips. Want to learn trading

Hey, My name is Osas. Iā€™ve been learning about Forex for over a year and a couple of months. Iā€™ve been looking around learning from everywhere possible, Swaggy C academy, Youtube, and Iā€™m new to babypips. I choose forex because it gives me the opportunity to work for myself. the more time I put into my growth the closer I am to becoming a successful trader.

Iā€™m excited to see what Baby pips have to offer, cuz Iā€™d like to be a price action trader and I hope I can find a lot of info on it.

Yeah helloā€¦ My name is Simeon102
I just join this forum and hoping to know more about this forum.
Iā€™m from Ghana, and an average minded when itā€™s comes to trading.

Hi, NunieDee hereā€¦ Totally new to Forex and eager to learn. Looking to my finical income ways. Have done some light margin trading with crypto. Friends have referred me to babypips and have said that its a fantastic tool when heading in the direction of learning Forex trading. So let the learning beginā€¦ :slight_smile:

Hello guys, my name is King. Iā€™m from Kenya. Iā€™m a newbie when it comes to trading so I hope Iā€™m in the perfect place where I can be able to learn everything there is to know about trading and become one of the best ,if not the best, at trading and obviously make tones of money. So Iā€™m looking forward to the journey. Big up!

Hi everyone. Iā€™m Toey from Thailand. Wish to learn more and explore the world of Forex.

Hi,ya`ll. whats up in here. I am Jeygun from spain. IĀ“m in here to get the lessons needed in the Forex Trading field. I am totally new to this, so any advanced mentor will be highly appreciated :slight_smile:

Hello everyone, I am Deni2. I found out about this site from a presentation. I am very much interested in learning about the dynamics of FX and how it can change my life.

I am new to FOREX, but I am fortunate to be able to join this community and expand my knowledge in this area. I want to learn how psychology plays a role in trading, the techniques, and strategies.

I know that I will learn a lot from this group, and I plan to do my part of studying more material.

My name is Ronnie, and Iā€™m here to dedicate myself to learn something I know will change my life, the life of my family.

Hi everyone, my name is Ja, another newbie here, not much trading experience pretty much a beginner, i have read up a little about trading, done a little research myself, but that is about it.
I am ready to learn and become a great Traderā€¦

I could use a hobby and make extra money hopefully

Hi everyone Iā€™m from South Africa, Iā€™m extremely excited to join babypips hoping Iā€™ll learn more . Iā€™ve been wanting to trade but kept on procrastinating, now Iā€™m in please welcome me

Hi everyone! As as newbie, I donā€™t have broad knowledge regarding forex but I am here to learn because as I get older, I realize that it is better to have other sources of income. I want to take advantage of this season where I donā€™t have to worry for my finances because I have no kids yet to support. Invest while I can and be wiser in handling money.