RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

thanks for the opportunity to be in this community of young and old traders,my name is simon and some how new to the game but been trading from the side line since 2010…i hope i find daily guide on how to trade and be a better trader myself…thank you all you can search me up on facebook…simonbriggs

Hello all,

My names Woody I’m 35yrs old I am employed full time and currently I work as an electrician in Manchester UK.
If you were to label me you’d say ‘working class’ now that does not mean I run around ‘sweeping chimneys’ or
"workin’ down’th pit lad" but you know what I wouldn’t change it for anything! because lifes a struggle no matter where you come from, its how you conduct yourself to deal with it that counts.

It seems I’ve hit a complete career barrier which has made me think upon my financial and work future and also my families future - I really do not want to be working outside in winter, jumping in lofts running in cables in or under houses and driving in rush hour madness over the age of 40 - no Frecking way!!

I believe that life should be free, and we should be free to do what we want, when we bloody well wanna (apart from hurt, war or crime ovs)
From an early age I ignored all the wisdom of elders and ignored their cries of how to get ahead and was never decisive enough to choose my path wisely to ensure my true freedom, hence I got caught in the infinate ‘rat race’ cash trap and I have never taken the time to get some perspective and use my marvellous brain to work more wisely and create a plan.

I’d much rather decide myself than be dictated to by numerous external sources i.e. a boss, firm, government, media, whatever!

My education is ok but I’m now working on my financial education I’m looking to become a full time trader or work from home I joined eToro and looked at demo account and intend not to put 1USD in until I have a good knowledge of how forex works and ho to become a trader not a gambler - I used ‘USD’ as its the most tradsed currency (see i learned 1 thing haha)

So time for change, time for Forex? Fo’sho!
Thank the super sky guy I found this site. !KUDOS! to the creator PIPS
I went ahead and did the preschool then I immediately joined.

I’m picking up tips from a range of places mainly this community/website, youtube.
I have no wealth apart from health so I would be investing small and hoping to grow on that over a few years tortoise and the hare lesson?? Who knows?! I’ll tell you in 5yrs hahaha

All the best to your trading goals and experiences

i just re-read my post anyone else spot the primal scream influence haha and also…soooooooo many clichés, ah well…

Hello Class,

I am Nightpips, 41yr old from Texas. Married with 6 kids!! I took an interest in Forex trading because I see it as both a fun and economical way to supplement my income. Having 6 kids eating you out of house and home tends to leave one wondering where the next meal will be coming from! But back to point my wife and I both think this will be something very profitable for us later in life as we enter our golden years… I am brand new to Forex, still in pre-school, but would love to hear from anyone that can give me additional pointers or answer questions. Or possibly mentor me.
Hope to see you on the Forums and chats and best of luck to you all!

Hey everyone.

I have traded demo’s for 3 years and have done live trading for the past 2 years. I started this 4 years ago.

I burnt through demo acounts as 8f it was my job to burn my demo fake money. I’ve probably lost over $100, 000 in demo accounts. And I’ve gotten lucky when I’ve won and learnt strategies that work. But not all the time and I get confidence and greedy and want to see myself become a gazillionaire … not gonna happen in one year nor 4 years. Nor 10 years… but I worked out a chart on excel and this is what I put together… when I lost my first $2,000 after 2 years of live trading … I was careful half the time. And lost all the time. I was strictly a technical analysis trader. Not good… success most of the time, but all of a sudden things go bad… like really fast…


Because of to large of a lot size being held, holding a loss for too long , inproper entry point, to tight of a stop loss… not having a close enough stop loss. Not having a target take profit, not paying attention, and a few other problems… but the biggestproblem was to only look at charts without paying attention to news releases.

I’ll say this… I learnt that indicators are lagging. . So they aren’t good… using support and resistance levels and trend line with 100 and 200 moving averages are key… price action is king, and non bias straddle trading does work. But paying attention to news releases and speculators is good in that you can expect a big move… and possibly a fake out… continuations prove that the trend is your friend… reversals are rare. And using multiple time frames to screan your entry decession is the right thing to do. Watch where the trend is going on a larger time frame… recognize the range on a lower time frame and use an even lower time frame to get your pullback entry… this is the art of entry using technicals… but it’s not easy… it does take practice and patience. And still… the news and market sentiment are powerful influences.

But like I was saying. I charted out on excel how much I could make if I was able to have a consistent 5 % return on my capital every day… and this is possible. . If on average you can make this happen… and keep errors to a minimum. I was able to take my last $36 left in my account grow to $1400…

Then I got greedy and careless… but I can tell you that off I am able to keep this 5% of my capital return… that in 5 years I’d be a millionaire. In 10 years I’d have about 100 million. And 15 years … we’ll I hope you see the picture… 20 years and it’s so much that it’s almost unnecessary. It’s almost too much to mention. But the thing is I can’t be in a rush… it will happen slowly. . I had a hard time understanding this… but staying out of trading to libe to trade another day is key… and management of losses and time and proper fundamental analysis grouped with technical and market sentiment are key… I wish it had come to me sooner. But it’s never to late… I will never quit this and I plan to be doing this for the next 50 years ofy life , because I love it, it’s fun, and I’m learning more now than I ever have about the world, myself and it’s awesome…

Sorry for the lengthy post. But I hope to update on how it’s going at the end of every week… or maybe at least the end of every month…


And good luck to all…


Hi Y’all,

I am almost a complete newbie to Forex… kind of at the stage where I definitely don’t get it. My goal is to put in enough braintime to understand the process, then make a profit consistently on a dummy account, and then bazinga!

My first goal is not to be in the 95% of people they say blow all their cash in the first six months. (Though the odds aren’t great!) I’m trying to get my head around Duchian channels at present. Great to be on a forum of people who want to make something HUGE happen. Good luck and happy days. Fastacat

Morning All,

My names komz, I’m from the UK, London, I’m new to forex trading although I studied economics at university, the practical side of forex is still very new to me. I came across babypips and think this site is a great place to learn and interact with others who are interested in forex. I’d like to get to know other traders of all experiences, and possibly find some mentors along the way. I’ve started the pipsology school, hopefully by the end of it i’ll have a greater insight to the forex market. Thats all from me, I’m open to all help offered, i know I’m going to need it :slight_smile:


heyy there…
my name is rohit bose and i’m new to this forum but have been trading for quiet some time now. Looking to interact with fellow traders and learn new tricks and tips :slight_smile:

I am Mohammad Arafat
a learner and full time forex trader

Hello I am FValentine and I wanted to say hello to all fellow beginner traders.

My name is Umair, and I’m a member of’s

I’m very New in the field of Forex… I want to learn Forex Trading… Also like to Make and read Charts…

hello every one.

Hello there guys!

This is Fred from South America.
I’m a binary options experienced trader (binary options are very simple by the way, you might already know that) but I’m looking to learn more about how to trade with Forex.
I hope that this forum can help me to jump into the Forex world, how to pick a good broker, invest in good assets and learn how to predict in what direction the price of an asset can move.

I’ll be around!

Hello, my name is Yuu, pronounce like ‘you’ in English. I am Japanese. This is my first time to learn Forex and to read a lot because mostly I don’t like reading. But this website is funny and keeping me motivated. It’s pretty fun to practice with demo accounts too:) I hope someday I can be a good trader. hehe

I am zaytsev or zay for short which is obviously my nickname. am from Ghana and for those of you who don’t know where it is can check the west side of africa on your ***y globes.
I have a serious passion for trading but I have no clue about it so am a green newbie and I hope you guys being my new family will help me out with anything. am sooo glad to be here and its nice to meet you least I forget you can holla at me zaytsev360

Hi everyone,
My name is Yaa (name given to Thursday-born females from my country). I am from Ghana, West Africa and an ex-boyfriend introduced me to the idea of forex trading in 2010. I have been interested since then and blown three small accounts already. Back in forex school now to learn how to make profits, keep profits and repeat. Ultimate dream is to make money trading and help illiterate market women make money by trading for them.

All the best to you all.

Hello, i need some help in trading.

I need some help in tradings because am a new member.

Hello Every one

I am new to this domain i really want to know more if some one can help me maybe tell me about a good broker or a good way to trade specially the EUR/USD Thank in advance.

hello everyone,
I am Neil Shaw and I am new to this forum. I am very much excited to interact with all and gain more knowledge.:slight_smile:

Hello Everyone, My Name is Karen. I am new to the trading world. I would love to interact with everyone in the group. I have done MBA in finance. I hope I make new friends and share knowledge.