RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Hi I’m Bong from Philippines, I’m new to FX and would like to get better at it and be profitable. It’s still new in my country and there’s lots of catching up to do. I hope this community can help.

My name is thesupereader, as many others of us I tried to find the Holy Grail, or do almost anything to keep me away from actual trading. Not exluding endles classes. There are endles number of books out there, few of them are good. Before I recommend anything I have to say that I am not getting payd for writing any of this, but you will agree with me to say that there are only two books out there one is Tharp’s “Trade your way to financial freedom” and Mark Douglas’ Trading in the zone.
Thank you and happy trading.

am jesse, from Nigeria. am 31 years old, still doing demo without a consistent strategy. most times, i scalp, just flow trend without recourse to retracement and this has seriously affected my trade. still got a lot to learn

Dear Jesse, I have to tell you the advice I give you is only advice, you are an adult and it’s only for your consideration. What I would do I would join FXCM its a great company. I would start using a great trading system on this very site in the “school” and only paper trade. At FXCM they let you paper trade as long as you live, as long as you use the site. Now when you confident enough you can open a live account and can start trading mini lots. You have to remember always follow the rules religously and only trade what is safe for you, never, never get over confident. Rightnow you are waisting your time.
Take care thesupereader

Hello I’ a newbie from Italy . I’ve started to follow fx si c’è 4 month and i like it but i’ m not sure to achive a good stability

I’m here on etorian advice

Hi All,

I’m Rodney, I’m profesional trader. I have invested in the forex market for 5 years. I hope i will helpfull.

See you

I am from Hawaii, which makes trading times a little challenging but I’m working on what best works for me. I used to trade years ago, but life got in my way. Now I’m happy to say I’m retired, computer back up and ready to get back into the Forex Market. I looked at school - Whoa! There is soo much I didn’t know I didn’t know. During this holiday season, is my opportunity to go back to school. I am demo trading now; I have so much to explore. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Pipstasista

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Hello I am Coboy. I have used for reference material in the past, but I decide to join because I wanted to meet more Forex trader like myself. I don’t want to depend on a job to support my family and myself the rest of my life. I been studying, had practice accounts, and real account for over eight years. It time for me to meet my future, and see the world.
Thank you.

Hi, I’m Butterflyforex and I am happy to be here to share some ideas on forex buisness and so learning some startegies through this site. I know I will be learning something that can be an asset to forex trading, too.

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I’m from the beautiful Cape Town area in South Africa, in fact 40km away in a town called Somerset West. I’ve recently stop working - at 44 it’s probably only temporary and I will just call it a sabbatical. During this time, I thought I might check out the Forex Trading arena - always been fascinated by it, but never had the time or funds to take it seriously. I’m very curious about the concept of trade copying - I see you find yourself a pro and for sharing 20% of the profit, he will do all the hard work. Too good to be true?

Hello I’m TII1988 and I’m a fx newbie from Italy since 4th months . I would like to learn more about forex to improve my equity and earns

This work is in my blood but it is not all clear in my mind. I like to fishing & go !
I can immagine a lots of green pips everywhere…
Have a good time

Hi, I am redwind. From Asia (malaysia).

I am interest in forex. Now keep study the forex basic.

I now don has any experience yet, just trying some demo acc (for 3 month).

Thank you

Thanks for all to share your information this information is very helpful.

Hi I am 007robo,

I got introduced to babypips by a friend who has been trading currencies, wines and properties. I am newbie but have been trading precious metals in particular gold and silver for well over a year. I am also starting to write my own blog which cover technical and fundamental aspect of gold and silver market. I am still in a process of adding my own outlook as well.

Forex trading or any other form of trading is a spiritual process which I am still learning. I certainly hope that I can find mentors in this site as well as sharing my thoughts.


Hello everyone, I’m new here and to forex. I’m here 'cause I’m just not getting any younger, I’m no old dude either but I guess it’s better to be prepared than to be sorry, so I’m looking for ways to have a better, much better retirement. :smiley:

Until next time,

Much success to all, and to all, a great life!

Hello World,My name is ForexRebates ,I am from Indonesia and I was an introducing Brokers at,I just trading in Indonesia stock market for 8 years and in forex just 2 years.



I am getting to know myself as a professional trader. I’ve traded off and on for several years, but because of my demanding lifestyle I could not get serious about live trading.
I just went through “school” and found so much I didn’t know, I didn’t know. The first step in my trading plan will be checking in here at Baby Pips.
Thank you all for your support & forex commonality.
Pipsta Sista

Hello back to you
I am not so new at forex but now I have a whole new outlook. I have just recently retired & it is such a pleasure to trade whenever my “Trading Plan” allows me. A Better outlook of how my trades go, win or lose.
Nice meeting you, :5:

Hello 007robo

I agree with you have forex trading being a spiritual process. I am also learning everyday, about myself & the way I trade.
Happy Trading. :smiley:

Hi my name is Paul. I’m a relatively new trader originally from the UK but now based in the Middle East. I’m always interested in hearing different ideas on how to keep in the know about specific trading news etc. A lot of companies in the UK have turned to the likes of Twitter and Facebook to update their followers.

I tend to use various different social media sites to get up to date information on market trends etc. Twitter is something I use regularly myself on the go to keep up with market news etc. I’ve come across HY Markets on Facebook and Twitter who offer good analysis with trading charts and quick links to their news section which looks pretty up to date. I hadn’t heard of them previously but have to say that the data is pretty accurate and has helped make decisions with some key currency pairs. I’ll see how it goes over the next few weeks but has anyone ever traded with HY Markets as I’d like to know what people think before heading straight in.