RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Hi Randall. Im sure most here would suggest to start demo trading and continue demo trading for many months, if not longer. And while doing that - start doing the school of Pipsychology on this site. Treat the demo trading as serious, dont just trade to see whats the maximum return you can get. One of the biggest determining factors is the ability to be consistent. and that means 6, 12 months, years. If you can get to a point of being consistent in your demo trading - then keep it like that. Most trading platforms have a demo account facility. register, and get demo trading. Keep your leverage low, 50:1 or less and start learning :slight_smile: … A successful trader is one that is still trading in a year, 2 years, 5 years at a steady pace - whatever that pace is.
There is not much meaning in making awesome successes within the first months and then blowing your account a year in and loosing the bulk of your money.

Hello, my name is Temiadedokun. just joined this forum and would like to get rolling with old timers of 600years and counting.
Guess i would have a time of fun in the clique.

i am new to this forum and have been trading from quite sometime. i have keen interest in this field and looking forward to get some more knowledge

HI my name is Chan Dararith I come from Cambodia I have start learn about Forex with Babypipsa long time that it really important for every trader to start in Forex field. After learn in babypips now I can make make some profit and then Now I develop some easy Forex strategies.

hi, my name is Russell.

What are the best time frames and days to trade forex?

hello everyone i am Keefy from South Africa, Johannesburg!! So excited about FX trading cant wait to learn and master the art of fundamental and technical analysis:)

Hey guys my name is Ben,

I’m 26 an an Aircraft Engineer from South Wales, I was directed to this site by my father who had been forex trading for a while, and I thought it would be great to get me going as I’m brand new to forex trading and have started the school of pipsology lessons on the sight, so hoping to gain a lot of valuables insights from that and the forum itself :).



Hey Guys,

I’m Marius from Philippines :smiley:

24 years old, CPA, Forex Knowledge = Basic.

I hope to learn a lot from here.



my name is Emmanuel have being trading on demo for the past 6month and I activated my live account which lasted for 4 days before it I have passion for forex I live to trade am giving it a try again to put more money on my live account. a I will really your help with my day to day trading if you can help with tips on my everyday trading.

Good morning Drpipslow and fellow FX traders,

I am a total newby in FX trading, and have been interested in forex trading for some time. Unfortunately I have made some unwise decisions in the past and have therefore lost money in the process.
I am 40 years old and reside in South Africa and am very eager to learn as much as I can to equip myself to be bale to trade successfully without any more losses of hard earned money. I was given some guidance from my broker as to where to start my learning experience and schooling and he was kind enough to direct me to baby pips. What I have seen so far has me already eager and excited to learn and I am looking forward to gain the experience and knowledge needed to become successful.

Thank you for this great platform and I hope to learn a lot and make new friends.


Hi guys, my name is Pietro and i am from italy. I work full time as System Engineer and while everythig goes good i have many spare time to learn about forex.

I am 26 y.o. and I’ve been reading you for about 1 year first of registering.

I have always been trading in demo to test strategies and to gain comfort in managing money.

Now i am gonna ask something in the strategies section.

See you around!


I am a newbie to trading from Canada. My broker directed me to this website to learn as much as possible. I realize the learning curve is several months long; I like what I see and read about Forex. I am retired and no one wants to hire older workers. My goal is to be a day trader in one year’s time. The lessons here are very good and I look forward to doing all of them.

Hi My Name is Prince I am from South Africa

I would like to learn how to trade and be one of the best trader in my country,
and would like to share it to the people out there.


Hi my name is Kopano I prefer Kaypee as I am popularly known to my friends. I am from South Africa in Johannesburg and I have started reading baby pips about a year ago and still haven’t finished because of procrastination and focusing on non important things.

Most of my friends who started reading baby pips with me have finished some are trading demos to test theit knowledge and skills and I have a lot of catching up to do.

The reason why I have become interested in for ex is to make money and become financially free. And I noticed I won’t be if I’m still on the rat race. I must say bby pips is the best website to learn trading and it costs nothing when other people are charging thousands of thousands to teach. I am eager to learn everything and looking forward to share info and experience with everyone in the forum.

Hi there

PIPScalper from South Africa. New to Forex trading. Must say, I learnt alot from this site.


Hello to you

I myself am from Europe. My trading experience is year and a half. I know that it is almost nothing, but I believe that here I can find all knowledge necessary to become skillful and successful trader:) I think I found out the secret how to live so long on this Earth - you just have to trade well and God will help you :wink: I decided to join this cool society because I am really interested in my success and growth of my profit. I am not sure how about mustache growing, but I believe that for forex trading this source is really much useful:) Thanks for attention and have a great profits))

Hi Everyone, I’m from Venezuela, I have some time using babypips to learn about forex and I finally decided to create an account here. I hope to learn many things and someday help others in this journey of learning about forex. :slight_smile:

Welcome Ibefu :slight_smile: