RULES + Welcome to the Introduce Yourself forum

Hi @CoinLady
Thank you for the warm welcome.
Yes I am about half way through the BP school of pipsology and finding it very insightful.
Need to pick the momentum back up and graduate.

How long have you been trading?


Hi @baemax023
Thanks for that, looking forwards also.
Are you a seasoned trader, how do you find BP?

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Hello traders!

I would like to introduce myself. I am a female trader from Chicago, Illinois, USA. I have been trading forex since 2016. Before that, I traded stock optionsā€“a little. Recently I have completed all training in the School of Pipsology. I am grateful to have found this website. I was referred to this website in 2016 but I started training on another website. Now that I am officially here, I look forward to participating in discussions. Thank you for the previous posts.

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Thanksā€¦ Im starting out with a demo accountā€¦ Going to try and find a strategy that suits my style and that I understand well before going into live trading


Nope, Iā€™m still a newbie practicing in a demo account. I started with the School of Pipsology and so far itā€™s been helping me in my forex journey. :slight_smile:

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Hi @Olive7607! Welcome to the community and congratulations on finishing the School! See you around! :slight_smile:

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Welcome to BabyPips @success120! What part of the School are you now? :slight_smile:

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Thank you baemax023 for your warm welcome to the community. I hope my words might be helpful to others one day.

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No problem :wink: I hope you will share your trading experiences and knowledge here in the community.

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I will. Iā€™m still tweaking my trading strategy. I make 100 trades and then I distinguish between the number I win versus the number I lose. So itā€™s slow going right now.

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Hey everyone!

Real quick Iā€™d like to introduce myself. I am Space.Pip and I am a young male trader from California. I got into trading forex after trading stocks for some time, personally I am learning from Warrior Trading and BabyPips School of Pipsology. Some of my hobbies are ice hockey, cars, and paint balling! I canā€™t wait to start my journey with you all!


Hi Baby Pips Community.

Just a brief introduction.

Iā€™m from Surrey in England and have been looking into Forex trading for sometime, be it following traders on social media or watching and reading the odd tutorial online.

Iā€™ve come to a point in my career where I really want some freedom and time to be able to enjoy my family and the current 12-hour a day grind just doesnā€™t cut it anymore. Fast approaching 40 and think itā€™s time to plan for a change. Ideally the end goal being that I quit work and solely trade, but if I can mix the two and have more family time I would be very happy.

Would be great to hear some personal stories from people that are or have been in the same situation.

Looking forward to see what the future holds and what Baby Pips can bring to the party.

Speak soon.

Hello Space.Pip! Welcome to the community! How young are you? :grin: We also canā€™t wait for you to share with us your trading journey! Good luck with the School of Pipsology! :slight_smile:

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Hi Oh.Pee.Pip! Welcome to BabyPips and thanks for sharing your brief introduction. Thereā€™s a lot of personal stories here in the forums, particularly the Introduce Yourself category. Check them out when you have time. :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve been demo trading for about 6 months. :slight_smile:

Hello my name is Clint3922 from Ontario Canada, I am new to Forex and to the babypips site. I must say that the information on this site is incredible. I hope to make some friends and learn all I can and one day be an asset to this group.



Am Dr. CĀ£Ā£. Have been interested in learning abt the forex market for some months now. Thanks to the simple and humorous nature of the School of pipsiology. I feel enthusiastic abt this way of possible financial independence. I still have a long way to go and ultimately hope to be among the successful 10% of traders in the nearest future.

I love this community and look forward to an educative experience here.

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Been unemployed for a while after moving to Sweden. Looked into starting a small business here because I have not been able to get a job or learn the language! I have investigated several artesan-type businesses but I hit the hurdle of ā€œmarket researchā€ in a language I cannot speak - very depressing. So I am looking at investing some of my share dividends into trading FOREX as an extra income source.

This site seems to have a very friendly and knowledgeable community with a comprehensive educational section which I am currently working through now. I am planning on doing some intensive planning and modelling in safe ā€œDemo modeā€ before assessing whether or not to go into the risky ā€œLive modeā€.

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My name is TD73 and I live in London. I want to improve the quality of my life and my loved ones so came across Forex. I have an interest in numbers and finances but I am quite scared to try without really knowing as much knowledge as I can before trying it out. I am scared of losing money but the potential is there to really turn life around and you have to try it out and take a risk to go to the next level in life. I hope babypips will help with this journey, thank you so much for creating this website and helping people.
Hope to receive tips for newbies and good luck to everyone!

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hey Clint, my name is Juan, I live in Ontario too. to specify: I live in Toronto. Iā€™m a 17-year-old guy whoā€™s been into Forex for a few months now. The reason Iā€™m replying to your introduction is to ask you if you would like to learn and work together. May seem like an odd proposition but the forex market works best with a team, and I plan on forming one. Iā€™m looking for enthusiastic people that live in close by to form a small but effective trading team. If youā€™re interested, let me know