Same Old Story

Tell me specifically what, and I shall provide mine…

You suggested you have evidence proving that Sunday evenings and Friday afternoons are low volume periods. I’d like to see that.

Are you serious? You think the market is just as active on sunday nights as tuesdays?

I’ve already stated that I agree on the Sunday/Friday thing. That said, however, I have never actually seen (that I can recall) anything which backs that up with data. You’ve suggested that you have evidence that Sundays and Friday afternoons are low volume periods. I’m merely suggesting that you produce it as it would be very interesting to see.

Again, it was a question, but I do appreciate you clarifying… I’m not the smartest in the bunch, I dont have a Harvard tie, I know that :wink:

Anyways here is a piece of my research … I keep most very private to me, and willing to let you see this to prove the point, but I dont want the others to change, they , being normal humans and no fault of their own, give me what i need…

but here you go…

What am I looking at? What’s being plotted?

Hello everybody …
Perhaps someone here could help me …
I recently paid 49 dollars to download the pdf school of pipology
i have not received a response from anyone at this web site about
how to get the pdf … Any seguestions as to how i get in contact with these guys …
I tried email after email after email and no response…

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Weekly volume… thats what you wanted right? a break down of friday and sunday?

It looks like you got ripped off by someone other than Babypips. Babypip’s stopped selling the PDF years ago. Who/where did you buy it from?

If it’s any consolation you can go through the entire School of Pipology for free. Just hit the “School” tab at the top of the page. :slight_smile:

Meaning volume by day of the week if I understand it correctly, but what is the volume data being plotted? Is it futures? Tick? Spot contracts (if so from where)?

Without knowing what exactly is being plotted on those charts I can"t say whether it’s interesting or not.

For example, if you are plotting pip volume then while we could perhaps draw some conclusions about volatillity (meaning price movement, which is what pip volume tracks) during the times in question, it wouldn’t necessarily have anything to do with how much actual trading is being done.

Alternately, if it’s futures, then there are known limitations given that it represents only a very small fraction of the market and would see lower volumes outside exchange hours.

Futures = No
Tick = No
Spot contracts = No, No, No …

Look it doesn’t matter as much because as I said, you could not trade it , or you could trade sunday / friday, thats not the point, its the whole mentality that is wrong.

I don’t give two doggy poo’s what you take to trade, if you control your risk and leverage you can win a million ways… just put probability on your side folks!

Just finished tonight no more until Sunday. I have been using M1 charts so I can trade on the full moon or Sunday, price is always moving. One of the nice things about this is I don’t have to watch the news times or use allot of indicators that can conflict or pay attention to anything other than price and my equity when I trade. If I am not in front of a chart trading I never have to think about FX. It sort of sounds stupid but I buy when I think price will go up and sell when I think price will go down. I close out when price stops or turns. 2% per day drawdown on my account balance is my limit, stop is 7.2 pips, I increase lot size if I move into profit for the day using my daily loss limit and stop as the factors to determine lot size.
Thats over simplified, I have been demo and live trading this pair for a year and I have a feel for it. I have tried this with other pairs and got my ass kicked every time.
I was doing really well with this until [U]I[/U] broke down thats the weakness in my plan. Knowing I am posting a nightly report will help me stick to it, because I really don’t want to hear all the “I told you! you cant trade like that!” posts. I might even see if I can change the name of the thread.


75 minutes
16 trades
+8% on my balance

I am not suggesting any one else trade this way. I am just posting what I am doing, more for me than anyone else.

Do you believe this is sustainable and something you could achieve every day?

Do you believe this is sustainable and something you could achieve every day?

Short answer: No
Long answer: Yes with modification
What I mean is I think a point would be reached where contract size would slow down trade fulfillment. This only works with very fast trading and a very small spread.
As far as being a profitable and sustainable way to trade yes. Will every day be a winner, of course not. My daily loss limit of 2% may be to high. We will see how it goes over time. I can change up the plan if it seems to be broke. I am just going to stick with it for a while to see how it goes and if my first 2 weeks with this account were just luck.

[B]Scalping[/B] is one of the most difficult FX strats to become proficient in… very few pro traders use it!

To make the pips you first need obviously to better the spread. Outside of London open - New York close this can be difficult as brokers will often widen the spread during low volatility.

If you’re heart is set on Scalping… try using the 1m chart with a 2 std dev bollinger (20 period) and a 5m chart same set up. Look to the 5m chart for PA to step outside of the upper/ lower boll band and wick. Wait until wicking candle closes and open a trade on the second candle colour change. Now follow the trade with the 1m chart and close trade if and when PA hits the centerline boll.

Only take trades in the direction of the trend.

I absolutely agree!! :slight_smile:

I am glad someone here shares my views!! :smiley:

Some time ago, we had a trader here who vehemently disagreed with me on these matters in scalping!!

He was [B]Pablopluto[/B], a professional scalper.
I did not want to debate with him, since he does it for a living.

He is one of those few who is good at it.
I still wonder what he does if a trade goes against him and wipes out enough pips to equal several profit trades!!

The market is manipulating you Shr1k, plain and simple, the market is a dynamic environment and your results is an indication that you’re incompetent, what you’re doing is playing cat and mouse with the market, many newbies that attempt it, fall flat on their face when they try it, so that’s not hard to figure out, it’s an environment that is better suited for those with experience because the market poses a challenge and most newbies begin to crack under constant pressure, errors mount, frustration sets in, followed by the throwing of your hands up in the air saying that trading is too tough, welcome to the world of scalping, make yourself at home if you can, little one.

I certainly hope that a generous soul will take you under their wing and guide you, but in the meantime, good luck, oops, what i meant was, proceed with caution.

try using the 1m chart with a 2 std dev bollinger (20 period) and a 5m chart same set up. Look to the 5m chart for PA to step outside of the upper/ lower boll band and wick. Wait until wicking candle closes and open a trade on the second candle colour change. Now follow the trade with the 1m chart and close trade if and when PA hits the centerline boll.

This is very close to what I have been doing. I use a M15 and a M1 chart side by side and trade with BB bands on both charts.

what you’re doing is playing cat and mouse with the market

Exactly, and I catch a little every time it turns.
Mayo367 How come I haven’t got an email from you yet?

I realize with the first post in this thread I set myself up as a mark. Just so you all know I am not buying anything;). But I do like researching all the wacky posters.

Good attitude!