well now… 9 Emoji’s
my decision just became harder hehe.
Mate i know you do appreciate it and it’s people like you that i like helping (sorry… FYI, i’m being serious for a moment now).
mate, You went through the entire babypips course. several times ,
if all newbies were like you , we wouldn’t be having this issue
but they are not
I’m not leaving just yet, i still want to see what the mods have to say, Fair’s Fair and i’ll let everyone have their word in.
and i’m not 100% on leaving yet, it’s more like 95%
and maybe what Manx said is not a bad idea also which i will also consider.
but if i leave, i won’t do so without saying good bye
I will expect at least 10 Emoji’s from you hehe
and know that i always enjoy talking to you and you always put a smile on my face which is good.
but, we’ll see… ok
as for this
well… yes it is
but… there’s a catch
Everyone is selfish .
i’m selfish for leaving (maybe) , Everyone is selfish, but SELFISHNESS is not necessarily a bad thing. even though it is commonly taken to be a bad thing
No No NO… make no mistake
it’s ok to be selfish if YOUR INTENTIONS ARE GOOD
and Yours are
so it’s ok. I understand
by the way… you didn’t put up an emoji for SELFISH hehe
mate, cmon… Not again… hehe