Scalping strategy to finish the year strong

Hoping price does what it always does, return to the 200 ema.

25 pips the easy way. 5 entries.
I didnā€™t wait for it to make it all the way back to the 200 like a pro would have.

Thatā€™s why they are the pros.

They get 50 pips on that trade.

Edit: screenshot updated

In case anyone is wondering if the KOF strategy works, I have been testing it for two weeks. Full disclosure, this was a demo account I opened about 2 months ago, testing a few different strategies (I have been dabbling in Forex for a few years but with mediocre results). I used a small account even on demo as I want it to be realistic. I see no value in having a $1M demo account if I cannot trade with that live. The goal was to see if I could be profitable but it didnā€™t really matter how profitable as it can always be scaled up later.

The account was down to about $950 two weeks ago and that was my starting point for the KOF challenge. After hearing about it on this thread I decided to give it a whirl. It seemed a bit ā€œmartingale-ishā€ at first which was concerning to me but what the heck, its just a demo account. I have been learning the 1% strategy, which is a fair bit different to the KOF strategy, so none of these results are from that 1% strategy, purely the KOF strategy as he shows on his YouTube videos.

I have to say, I am blown away with the results. I am still tweaking my entries and my position sizing. I did have a couple of scary days, but I stuck with it and the positions did in fact return and become profitable. I had 100% win rate on my trades. However, again full disclosure, all my trades had multiple positions open, and some of those positions were losers, but the winners outweighed the losers by a significant margin.

I would encourage anyone to try the strategy on demo and see if it works for you. These were my test results from the last two weeks. My goal was to make $10-15 profit per day but most days I made way more than that. My best trade was $101 and my best day was a lot more than that. If you look at the graph, you can see it was mostly slow and steady gains, with a couple of wowzer days that really helped increase the account substantially. This was a saved detailed report summary from Mt4.

My goal is to continue testing this for a bit longer and also test it against the 1% strategy, maybe running them alongside each other. Once I am convinced its profitable long term, I will likely try and repeat the results with a real account.


Well done!

I know you will find similar results in live trading.

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His ā€œ1%ā€ videos donā€™t give too many details. I have noticed that he usually has a naked chart and will trade with the trend. If thereā€™s more to it than price action, technical analysis, and cost averaging, I may look into it.

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Still 2 trades in a loss. Some closed with USD news today. I could close these at a loss and still be in profit for 2 days though. Will let them run for now


Well, we are waaaaaaaay past scalping with those trades. But if you are swing trading, they actually both look promising to me.

Itā€™s demo so Iā€™ll hold them, otherwise Iā€™d close and Iā€™d still be Ā£50 up in 2 days on the account even with the losses

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You may want to consider not having trades on more than one pair at a time. KoF recommends not doing that, so you donā€™t spread your account out and will have plenty of buying power to place recovery trades.

Interesting that. I thought this. That might make the difference

2 years of boom and bust experience trying to become profitable in forex trading. Never been able to sustain the gains that came along the way (of course only have myself to blame).

Came across KoF channel a few months ago and was curious how come this person never loses any trade? I was quite skeptical of his method but still something about it made more sense to me than to keep following the same technical analysis stupidity that everyone talks about on the internet.

Even bought his ema strategy but the way he presented it in the paid video really turned off my brain cells as there was no detailed explanation as compared to what you can get on all the videos on his YouTube channel.

Anyways long story short, Iā€™ve been religiously trading using the KoF ema strategy since last Thursday and so far, I didnā€™t have a single loosing day.

Few times trades extended in the opposite direction however I made sure that my position sizing was conservative enough to leave enough capital free for more recovery trades and guess what, every trade always comes back to profit area sooner or later.

Loving trading this way and finally having a strong feeling that all those sleepless nights of research and attitude to never give up on the forex dream is finally about to pay off.

To all of you out there who have found consistency in their results with using KoF strategy or Chanell strategy or any other strategy, Iā€™m genuinely happy for you and pray that we all make it for the sake of all those who depend on us and look toward us with hope in their eyes.




I love it too. I go out every day after trading in the morning with a confidence that not only did I have a nice trading session today, but I will also have one tomorrow.

Its not guaranteed. But it is highly likely.

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True that.

I have never felt this confident before that my trading day will be profitable for sure.

At the same time, right trading psychology really helps a lot (something that one can only learn by making countless mistakes while trying to become rich quick :cowboy_hat_face:)

Apart from having a healthy anxiety while in a trade, I donā€™t feel much emotions following this strategy.

Most of the times I place my TP 10-15 pips in profit based on my avg price and forget about it only to be notified when it hits the target (best feeling ever).

Yes itā€™s crazy villas how these trades add up. The first day I did it properly but was late into the trend I made a 15% daily return from one trade. I calculated that if I had been in at the beginning of the trend (which lasted 7 hours) then following the KOF strategy exactly to the letter then you would have made 440 pips, you would have made more if you had sold at the high before it returned to the 200 EMA and that would have given you over 700 pips.

Now there are not that many trades that you can do that give you that much return from one trade lasting 7 hours is there? But as the KOF says every trend is like playing the lottery. You buy lots of tickets (enter a lot of potential trends) and you will lose as there wonā€™t always be winners (potential trend didnā€™t take off as planned) but when you hit it (you have the winning trend) you win BIG. I think this principle is that one that has taken away all of my fears over losing money with this system tbh?

I would also say when you have trades in, keep dynamically changing your stops on all of the trades as the 200 EMA moves on the 1 minute charts to just being over and under it depending on which direction your trade strategy is to minimise any losses. Itā€™s going to get really close to your stops too and this is where you have to manage your emotions, but as long as you dynamically keep changing your stops what have you to worry about?

I was stopped out on my trade this morning due to getting in at the wrong time, but who cares as trends are like buses, thereā€™ll be another one or two coming around again shortly?


Thus ends another good trading day. 82-0

Adding a couple of entries near the top of a trend on a sell trade before news hit this morning saved my bacon on one of them.

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A good day overall. Leaving some positions open over the weekend as price still hasnā€™t retraced enough for those entries to close in profit.

I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever go back to those strategies where you try to have a static/ fixed SL and TP. Those things look good in theory but actual market is totally random. Sometimes, you win big sometimes you win small.

What I have noticed so far is how you manage the trade matters most than trying to find perfect entry every time.



Glad you had a good day!

Agree, agree, agree. What better way to win in the market than by learning to manage open trades and spreading out the risk?
The Stop loss is the only reason anyone ever loses a trade. We are still using one, but we are using it for the purpose of making sure any loss isnā€™t too much to recover in a day or two.

I like your point about not having to have a perfect entry either. You are so right. It barely matters. We still make money, just maybe not as much as we could have.

Another thing I like is having a TP target determined by an ema or an ema cross. We know when to stay in a trade and when to exit with firm rules.

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@AmericanTrader You have no idea the relieving feeling I have after following this DCA strategy.

How many times we aim for a perfect entry by following this gurus or systems offering 1:3+R trades only to see the market go and hit our SL and then move in the direction we anticipated?

By the time, market takes you out by hitting your SL not only you endure financial damage but emotional damage too. Emotional damage takes away the courage to take another trade and we end up falling in the same rabit hole of trying a new strategy. Thatā€™s a vicious cycle Iā€™ve been stuck in for last 2 years.

So glad, to have found your thread and giving KoF strategy a proper go this time and see some consistent results.

Though wins are small most of the times but these small consistent wins have kept my mental sanity intact :slight_smile: