School isnt neccesary

You need one strategy that works, no PhD is needed to make money. On average, 30% of retail traders are profitable. Anyone can profit with the right strategy, all you need to do it craft it or discover it across the world wide web;)

Oh well, what nobody can teach you is what makes traders succesful because everyone is unique and what works for me it won’t work for you.

It depends, the one with higher economic school background is better than another one with only trading experience. But there were a lot of people can earn a lot of money in Fx without a school degree.

Anyway, try to study and combine with trading for earning the experience and applying the theories, disciplines,… which you studied.

Here we all went trough the School of Hard Knocks before going to BP School. Oh yeah!!!

Psychology trumps everything - if you do not have the patience to let a trade play out, chances are no amount of education is going to help you squat…

My trading strategy is extremely simple yet very well refined and complex. 600+ trades in the past 3 months without a single loss (-(always 10 pips per trade)… Risking no more than 2% of my account balance. Yes perfection exists IF you don’t make a minor (yet detrimental) mistake. That’s the human error aspect. I’m thinking about selling this system to a bank or something but why would I want to make them successful? Why not make the average Joe a fairly decent return for a small percentage? I want to run a hedge fund but setting big just came up so now I’m going to have a friend trade the system for me cuz I will have no time with all this work and travel…

Are u going to back up the claim with a myfxbook?

Are u going to back up the claim with a myfxbook?

Now how is it smart business to share a perfect system with the world for free? I can take pictures of my oanda account with the trade info to show you I’m not bsing you

Please, Not Again!!! Do me a favor, just have some back up if you lose investors money.

You can make private all it entries and exits and just show percent returned.

There you go. I’m not screwing with you. This is only last months results. But it should tell you I’m not pulling your leg. I normally put in a thousand every two weeks so that’s the reason for the deposit of $940. This is a rich mans system. The more money the more profit, all I would need to do is scale the units per trade up

Sorry, too perfect.

I don’t care if you believe me. The truth Is the truth. I have no reason to post doctored results. How am I going to financially gain by doing so? I’m just saying school doesn’t produce results like this, simple basic math with loads of calculations does

So your point starting these thread is…??? You found the “Holy Grail” and would to share it to us? Bless your heart if it is… too kind :slight_smile:

I wish I could share it with you guys. Its not entirely mine and we are still further improving it. Plus it’s simple but hard to explain. I have tried sharing it with a few people in person but even they don’t fully understand the concept. It’s still a work in progress. 3 months of perfect results still are not enough to seek out private investors. The point of this threads is to share that math is what can beat the market not fundamentals

Could you post some of the math. I like math tho if its more complicated then calculus idk what I’ll do lol.

I do not have the papers to post them. My math was too safe so my friend recalculated all the position sizes and figured out how much each trade would lose if I had trades in all the way down 2000 pips in 10 pip intervals. The goal is not to get margin called. Plus you have to add how much is invested in each trade up plus the loss per trade for the total amount of money in/lost in the market if the market where to drop 2k pips. It’s simple but if the market goes down we wait to put in orders. Then once it starts to turn around we put in new orders and the market triggers them as it hits the determined prices etc.

Yeah, I traded that way, oh pain, painful pain…

Perfect traders weren’t forbiden???

In order to be an accountant, wasn’t it necessary for the accountant to go to school…:22:

Sure there are some that have a natural talent for something…but even they attend “the school of hard knocks”! :wink:

And who said going to school means you’re going to use indicators?