Your Favorite US Broker?

How did you determine your buy levels? :smiley:

Even numbers. Every 10 pips I have a buy order. But I’m not always in the market, so just by having orders placed every 10 pips isnt going to be following the system precisely

So you do Buy&Hold, genius…

Finally someone agrees. At my current account balance I’m risking approximately 5$ per trade. So if you think about it, 5$ can go pretty low if I only have a few trades in at 5$ a trade. Image what 40$ in the market out of $2800 can do. Sure I’m only clearing $.20 per trade but I normally make on average 10 per day… Sometimes 30 a day. Very little risk, guaranteed return. What more can a trader complain about? Especially if at my peak (and I speak of 3 months following this system) I have 45$ out of $2800 invested in the market. Tell me where I am going wrong. Point it out so I can laugh at how stupid it sounds. What… Should I only risk $.50 of my account balance? LOL

I buy and hold indefinitely because I can afford to do so. If I can cover the euro/USD well below the historic low, tell me exactly where the risk lies? If the EUR/USD goes below parity, at that point what is the USD worth anyways? Nothing! So who cares if you have 200 million dollars or 20$? Either one isn’t going to buy you a loaf of bread. When economies collapse the only things necessary for survival are what contain value. A piece of paper means **** compared to food for a week.

Sorry, but Banks will laugh at you if you try to sell this system…, your secret system as far as I understand is a [B]Grid[/B], fixed steps and no stop losses… very old strategy… while with a good MM can be good, it does not take away the need of an edge… plus you have to consider something that usually retail traders don’t think about… TIME… time is money… how long are you hanging to losing positions?..

Believe me you need a real edge, otherwise you will become only a long term investor or a hedger…

The only reason you’ve done we’ll for 3 months is because the euro has been bullish. How do u think it’ll fare when something like 2008-2009 happens?

I won’t be in if 2009 happens. Yes it’s a grid. But a grid is only put into play If the market conditions are right. Dude, check your charts, the market hasn’t gone below 1.18 in the past 7 years. So me covering it down to 1.09 it’s beyond safe. Besides I make more money on down days calling it up than I do on up days.

Made the same amount of money even on a bearish day.

That’s it …you need a real edge, the grid is just a small part of the strat.

It is fine to trade a Grid or even a Martingale if you “really really” know what are you doing… but what ever strategy you have in place you need a stop loss… unless you are trading pennies in a million dollar account… :wink:

The grid covers the whole market, even though we are using it for only a set range.

What determines if you’re in or out?

I can’t answer your question. I can’t describe how he trades, some of it’s analysis but it’s always through orders at set price intervals.

Who is “he”?

That grid thing sounds interesting but I don’t know how credible this story is, given that we suddenly shifted from Oanda shutting down a successful account to Oanda possibly doing so in the future, when it starts raking millions.

I guess until one makes sh*loads of money he has nothing to be afraid of and Oanda will not shut down his account.

Also, perhaps I’m not reading this right, but what I see in the screenshots above is 18 dollar profit on 1,000 dollar account for the month of September. Is it only me?

Wow, I haven’t seen a thread this silly in some time. Grid trading without a stop loss. Sounds like a lovely idea… not, unless one enjoys the idea of maybe going into drawdown for ages and be locked in positions thereby causing you to lose other trading opportunities. If I were to do this, and I’d rather cut my arm off and slap myself with it, but if, I would at least find myself a good carry trade pair with ok spread to do it on, not the eurusd.

Wow, I just had to say it again. Wow.

Well, you are in the ame logic of Herbalife swindlers, they say: “our products are made basicaly of protons and electrons and so we are and if we are made of the same as our products it cannot do harm”. Under that logic why don’t we just drink poison?? We are made of the same. And yes if the currency goes to hell we all go to hell with it but you will go there first, I will still have some paper to burn and protect myself from the nuclear winter.

You know, at firt I wanted to ask for you to be banned but people like you make me post more and more, keep going like this and I will be an Honorary Member faster, please!!! Keep on posting, I need to level up.

I will keep posting. Even if I spelled out exactly what I do, which I already almost have… You would be just as naive as you are now. People like your would be skeptical if the sun was up and it was shining down on your face giving you sun burn. How many times must I explain I can cover the market well beyond it’s historic low and as I put in more and more money the range I can cover goes up as well as the profits. At some point I can cover the market down to zero. right now 1.09 is plenty safe enough. The market fluctuates. If you fail to see that then who is at fault? The fact that I can capture these small fluctuations is what makes this system so successful. Who cares If I have a trade 100 pips up that’s losing $3 if I have already made that $3 back in less than 2 days because all my other trades constantly clear. September I was only using and average of 150 units. Do the math 150 units to get to $18 dollars…

Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, not even US Government could save them.

Pardon for being so dumb, but how does that math work?

Hey, I quit in the 9th grade, figured they had nothing to offer, lol…
