Self confidence

I will be a profitable forex trader


Yeah ok. You should probably just keep this stuff to yourself or put it on a piece of paper and stick it on your bedroom wall. It doesnt add any value to others.


Yes, if you have confidence and can learn Forex properly then it is easy to become a successful and profitable trader otherwise you will be a loser.

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How do you trade if you don’t have confidence in yourself? There are many traders whose analysis is very good but they lose because they do not have confidence in themselves. Trading is not an easy thing and you need a lot of experience to make a profit here. Trading depends on the possibilities. Now if you can’t combine confidence with this possibility, you can’t be profitable in trading. Therefore, first, you will have confidence in trading, then when you trade, you will see that the trading result has changed.

Be confident about your strategy and keep on practising and learn every aspect of trading. these things will help you later.


Actually you want to be saying

I AM a professional forex trader.

I WILL signifies you are NOT - and you can’t BE anything you are NOT.

You have to BE before you are

I know, probably a little to deep for Babypips at this time in the morning.


Self confidence is perhaps the most important of all the qualities you will need in order to become a successful trader . You must believe in yourself and your trading plan and have the initiative not be manipulated by the crowd. One can build up this by practice more and more on Demo account which will enhance knowledge and sharpen up your skills.

Confidence takes you one step closer to winning in forex. But remember to draw a line between confidence and over-confidence.

Good on you.

Bob Proctor famously said; “If you can see it your head you can hold it in your hand.” Which means if you can see yourself achieving your dream then you are on your way to making that dream a reality.

Just remember the difference between success and failure is “A PLAN”.

So get to work.




In order to become profitable, believe in yourself and increase your knowledge.

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If you want to make money from this market, you need to have self confidence. If you don’t have proper confidence on yourself, you can not make decisions and can not survive in this risky market.

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Good advise. Self-confidence is also important which help trade to stick with their trading plan. If trader have Self-confidence in their trading plan then negative emotion cannot affect their trading decision.

Real confidence comes from knowledge and skills. To make your dream into a reality you have to take enough actions. I think your first focus should be on “I will be skilled enough to make consistent profit.”


Also there is a thin line between self-confidence and over-confidence.
Do keep that in mind too.

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Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers, you cannot be successful or happy.

Yes, confidence is something that can take you closer to success. Keep up that spirit.

Agreed! Confidence is really required to have success.

Always be yourself and have faith in yourself. Do not go out and look for a successful personality and try to duplicate it. In short, use your own mind and strategies while trading forex and trust your own instincts rather than following anybody else.

when we are doing our trades with confidence then the chances of getting success are greatly increased.

Studies have shown that if you congratulate yourself for something that you have not yet achieved but wish to achieve then you’d probably stop working as hard for it as you are supposed to.