Self Motivation Videos And Quotes

Yeah, but don’t get me wrong. I’m not going into the deep blue. I’m only doing the equivalent of scuba diving with this thing.

I’m not trying to find the Titanic, and I’m not going into shark infested water either. It’s just for fun, not exploration.

Going into the water is no joke. As soon as you step into a murky lake, or you jump into the open ocean, you immediately drop to the bottom of the food chain.

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Stay Hard

49 Minutes Of David Goggins Working Out And Motivating You

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That’s a lie I probably wouldn’t mind telling people. ¨The life of a trader is so stressful¨

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Thanks for the update

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7 Amazing Powers of Silence :shushing_face: - Discover the Strength in Silence - Find Peace & Strength

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70 Life Lessons That Will Fix 93% Of Your Problems



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How The Rich Avoid Paying Taxes

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How Companies Like Amazon, Nike and FedEx Avoid Taxes

At least 55 of the largest corporations in America paid no federal corporate income taxes on their 2020 profits.

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Enjoying life doesn’t have to always be about spending money. It can also be done on a budget.

The fabulous road trip!

@SmallPaul Do you enjoy road trips?

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In my attempt to clear my mind as often as possible, I take road trips almost every other night, some would say - just a drive

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Well, just a drive is around the neighbourhood, right? How about out of town?

For me, a road trip should be at least to different scenery.

To a different city, or to the countryside. Maybe two or three hours away is enough for me.

Driving cross-country, certainly, isn’t for me. I’d say that five hours in the car is my max.

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My roadtrips / drives take me at least 50 miles away, some times it’s the same drive. For me, it clears my mind, and it’s what keeps me going

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I know what you mean. For me, I like taking walks at night, past 11pm. I live in a small town, and at night, there’s no one around. I take a walk in the street, and it’s super quiet. Perfect for talking to myself outloud, like I need to sometimes…

If I need to get some sunlight, I just step outside for a few minutes. That’s it.

When do you usually take a drive? During the day or at night? During the day, the sunlight is nice. But during the nighttime, it’s silent.

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There is no specific time, but 90% of my drives are after midnight, very peaceful in the backwoods of Ohio. If you lived here you would know what I mean, not a car in sight or people, maybe every now and then you see a car or truck.

During the day it’s a better view

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The state I was born and raise but not here :eyes:

I like this style


Experience the pinnacle of modern European luxury with this breathtaking 6-bedroom designer home w in-ground pool in the most desirable part of the booming, low tax town of Englewood Cliffs. Spanning approx 10,000 square feet, this manor-style home offers a grand living experience like no other.

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I can’t believe the size of closet #2. It’s the size of a studio apartment!

It’s funny…this video reminds me of one time I noticed the difference between my neighborhood and another town 30 minutes away.

On the main street in this town 30 minutes away, at night, all the stores front windows weren’t covered with gates and pad locks. Of course, this wasn’t a city–but a suburban town. Where I was living a that time was in a city, and at night time the gates came down to protect the windows.


I suppose all cities are that way. But it felt much nicer to be in the suburban area where it wasn’t necessary to take such precautions.

I’d very much like to be some place where it’s ok to leave your doors unlocked.

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I’d like to revise my question regarding this picture. If you’re trying to teach this guy how to trade, and he doesn’t seem to be grasping the concepts, does that reflect on you as a teacher?

If he’s not grasping the concepts, it could be that he just doesn’t care enough.

¨There are no bad students–only bad teachers.¨ Is this true?

How about ¨you can bring the horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.¨ Is this also true?

If your student is unenthused about trading, does that failure fall on you as the teacher, or on him as the student?

Agree, The problem in our town is meth. We haven’t had any open drug dealing, shootings, or robberies, but if this meth trend continues, it won’t be long before these problems arise.

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