Due to my lack of passion for the business, I couldn’t make my business succeed, so there will be no Lambo
If you can quit for a day, you can quit for a lifetime.
I Took PCP and Ate My Friend
Big Lurch, a rapper, murdered and ate his friend in 2002. He blamed his actions on PCP.
This case reminds me of this one
Bath Salts’ blamed in Miami Cannibal case
Took both of this guy eyes
That’s just gross.
Funny how when bath salt became a major problem they knew how to stop it, they went straight to where it was produced and shut it down, because it was produced in America. Understable you can’t just walk into another man country and go straight to where they produce other drugs but given how much America gives some of these countries, you would think they can do it. The U,S. government is not trying to stop the influx of drugs to America, And there is no real war on drugs.
Using satellite images and video of every country around the world, the U.S. government has pretty much pinpointed where the majority of hard drugs are coming from and where they are located.
I don’t know if it’s true, but I saw a clip from a TV show (I think it was), and a kid was talking about how the black market supports the economy during recession…
So, there’s that.
The flow of drugs, contraband, etc could provide some support for the economy. That could be why the government doesn’t stop the inflow of drugs.
Japan has made drugs illegal, and over there drugs are incredibly difficult to get, from what I hear.
I agree. It’s just a way to fund raise and pocket some of that money. But it doesn’t stop drugs; it’s never about that. Same for homelessness.
Another point, NGOs are another scam. People form these organizations, travel to a third world country for a week, having meetings, take 20 minutes to visit the actual district in need, stay in the nicest hotels, eat the nicest food, and all on the tax payer’s dime. Not to mention the security detail, the vehicles.
Then when the government receives the funds, they just keep it for themselves. Very little, if at all, actually goes towards relief.
When you donate clothes to your local church to be sent to Africa. Those shipping containers, filled with clothes, are bought as soon as they touch shore. Then they’re sold at the local market.
Such markets undermine local businesses. Well, foreign aid in general undermines local businesses. But we can’t stop sending foreign aid because there are too many politicians who make a living off the whole aid process. It’s not about helping–it’s about getting free rides, but TELLING people it’s about helping.
If you wanna make money, don’t steal. Get a job with the government.
You are correct.
In the process of traveling to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to celebrate the U.S. Independence Day, July 4th.
That was good
Depend on no one
Do not wait for anyone else to make you happy. You are responsible for your success, never rely on anyone else, do your own things, and don’t give anyone else the power to control your happiness, it’s your job to make things happen for yourself.
This is 100% True, It created drug counselors jobs, drug task force jobs, and many other jobs within the anti-drug support system, about 4 million jobs in America I read over 15yrs ago.
I wouldn’t be surprised if that number is 12 million or more jobs now
The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from it’s profits or so dependent on it’s favors, that there will be no opposition from that class. - Mayer Amschel Rothschild.
Inside the Most Secure Building In The World
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, located in lower Manhattan, holds an estimated 6,350 tons of gold worth $203.3 billion, representing 5-10% of the world’s gold reserves. This gold is crucial not only to the U.S. economy but globally as well. The Federal Reserve, established on December 23, 1913, by President Woodrow Wilson, arose from the need to stabilize the U.S. financial system, which had been plagued by bank failures and economic depressions.
One of the best creations the Universe has created, A lot of respect must be given to this guy and to the people who helped him.
We Rebuilt a Village
That’s impressive work he’s done there with his team. I like that the labor is locally sourced, rather than imported from China.
This goes to show how powerful social media can be. That lady Dora started all this with a tiktok account. Unreal.
For the sake of playing devil’s advocate: we see the pros, but what are the cons to such a story?
The problem with such foreign aid is that it’s foreign. And it’s aid–not business. This fixes that small villages problems, but what about the rest of that district/prefecture? The rest of the country?
If I’m hungry, you want to give me a fish, and I’ll be so thankful. You will keep giving me fish, and I’ll continue to show gratitude. But the real solution to my hunger is to teach me how to fish.
Jim Rogers wrote that in Ethiopia 3 million people went starving during the 1980s, but what went unreported was that 60 million Ethiopians were unaffected. Ethiopia is fully capable of producing much of its own food, but the government lacks the incentives to get food to people who need it. Most famines are caused not by a lack of food, but by government bungling.
But, in the end, this guy helped people, he saved that little girl’s leg, and their quality of life has drastically improved. He’s doing what he can to make the world a better place.