I am making LARGE short US dollar position at this moment

Buying 5 LOTS of audusd @ .9485

Buying 5 LOTS of gbpusd @ 1.6070

Buying 5 LOTS of eurusd @ 1.3769

Selling 5 LOTS of @ 98.14

I will update when I close all of these when they hit 25 pips TP.

Should be around $6,000 profit today.

That’s 5 lots of usdjpy @ 98.14 :slight_smile:

Good luck! :slight_smile:

I actually shot GBP/USD at 1.6074 SL 6 pips

Good :wink: you help fill my order

Sure, happy I can help!

Is your account very big, are you over levereged and/or do you feel it is a great moment to short the USD?

Price action on all usd pairs tells me great opportunity to short usd. So yes I feel it is great time to short usd. I have pretty good sized account and don’t feel over leveraged :slight_smile:

Price action…Ok :slight_smile: Good luck! :slight_smile:

Do you know what day is today, right?

You will maybe get your 25 pips TP since this is not a much big TP however I doubt there will be much movement till tonight Fed meeting. At max some take profits from traders that don’t want to risk. And there is not much to take profits on USD trades.

But well I hope for you I will be very wrong. Hope you can make the big money. I already moved my stop at break even so no problem about it!

News is gambling and can’t be predicted. Professionals use price action and all I need. I will 100% make my profit on all positions. Does not matter what news comes out or when. Price action predicts news.

Yes that is correct!

And you open lots big positions just ahead of a big event. This is definitely gambling my friends.

And you told everybody in the forum. And this is definitely emotional trading.

And no professionals don’t trade price action at all! :slight_smile:

Professionals trade order flow, fundamentals with the help of price action and technical.

It is not gambling because I am using price action to analyze NOT news. So I know what will happen now. USD go down because if price action. I have been to many trading floor and professionals ONLY use price action. :slight_smile: I will be nice and not say “told you so” soon. My $6000 profit will be enough :slight_smile:

Doesn’t the charts partially represent order flow? At least the orders that are executed? What’s the difference Trasimaco?

Again, I already made my 10 pips profit and I am happy if you will make the money.

I am happy you make money :slight_smile: you should close it now because it won’t go down further :slight_smile:

The chart tells you a lot. For sure there are all the information about what happened in the past. And based on that you can make guesses about where important orders could be positioned in the future. But then who and when will come down in the market and push it in whatever direction? And when big moneys will decide to move from one pair to another? Who knows?

Well they move their money because fundamentals tell them it is time to go somewhere else, not because there is a hammer or a shooting star or whatever.

No no. News is mostly lies put out to try and trick people into being manipulated. Charts don’t lie :slight_smile: fortunately

News are not the same things as fundamentals.

And if you want to know where a pair is going you need to follow what central bank says and you need at least to know if they are going to cut or raise interest rates and stimulus.

Well I guess it is pointless to keep talking. Let’s just agree to disagree! :wink:

Are you right 100% of the time following the charts? I doubt it! :slight_smile:

So charts also lie sometime…isnt it?

Easy! My price action tell me what banks are doing and going to do. Price action says dollar will fall. That means the Feds will say something dovish in today’s release to make usd fall. Simple. Looking at price you can see how banks are moving money. Like footprints. Then you just follow them :slight_smile:

They don’t lie. I just don’t listen sometimes :slight_smile: