I am not saying that what you say it doesn’t make sense. I also look and use a lot naked price action. But I think there is more.

Well, easy?1 I don’t know. Ok Ben is very dovish human being and he always surprises us. But can you send the dollar downer? Yes, if he is going to announce that they will increase the printing. Will they increase it? I doubt but everything is possible.

However you can still make your money. Maybe everybody will sell one more time the dollar before buying again. But to say you can read the outcome of such complicate things just watching the chart, I am sorry my friend but I can just think that you are just lying to yourself.

Well watch :slight_smile: I put my money where my mouth is. I can read such complicated thing from just chart and an reading that the charts say Feds will be dovish in statement. The usd must fall according to charts that means the Feds must make it fall with statement today :slight_smile: very easy.

Good luck, you definitely need it! :slight_smile:

Lol. You try to discount it when I win by saying it only luck. No. I know how to read charts so no luck involved.

I am sorry but you sound like a beginner without any experience in trading. Not even the greatest traders in the world think they can be right 100% of the time.

Not even Pizza is right 100% of the time.

So be careful and watch out or you gonna lose all your hard earned money.

Again, good luck! Better have it than not. Isnt it? :slight_smile:

12k swing… Ouch…

That’s fine :slight_smile: just fake out to shakeout weak traders. Still holding all positions

I now move TP to 35 for all trades.

It is all experience.

I have learnt that before such even I am out of the market, relaxed, having dinner with my family!

Your mistake is thinking the currency market is based solely on traders…

Lol. I said before its banks. They are leaving footprints. They are showing me this is just a temporary fakeout :slight_smile: the price action is never wrong.

I think your chart reading needs work…

The fakeout (if there is such a thing) was the short bump up prior to the announcement.

The move is now solidly underway. You bought the top of a 4 month move up, and a solid bounce off a years long trend line.

Lol… Typical price action trader response. Wait till after the move to explain why it happened. Zoom out far enough and you eventually find a justification for the move ehhh?

I agree with master tang, “your chart reading need work”. I think eur / usd after this will touch 1,3600 in few days, and gbp/usd 1.5900. This is my opinion

Well geeze. I guess you made a lot of money shorting the dollar since you guys saw the price action huh?

I don’t look for justification, I look for probablility.

It was a high probability there would be a move at that long term line, and that move would not be upwards.

I knew I could count on you to provide the hindsight analysis :wink:

Now we just need krugman to start posting charts of all the trades he “took” that took advantage of the move.

I haven’t been shorting the dollar.

Lol you know what I meant

Hey no need to be salty with me. It wasn’t me telling everyone to short the dollar.

And I’m not saying I got rich on that move, in fact I wasn’t in any trades today. I’m just saying I knew there were higher odds of a USD gain than a drop.

Worry about your account, not what others think.

I wasn’t telling anyone to do anything. I was saying what Samir Alibaba the price action trader was doing right before the FOMC statement. In no way did I instruct anyone to do anything lol.

And if you worried about your own account and not what others think why are you on here?