Shorting eur/usd

Relax. We’re just venting to the amount of useless and ignorant posts that appear now. Honestly, the threads up now are absolute junk compared to when I first came here. And this solely due to the beliefs exemplified by for example those of the OP. In Jay’s words: Cut the BS, and stop trying to be the hero

Lol, and you got mad at me for saying this to you during Skype a couple weeks ago…

Soutrain… every now and again, someone will really rub me the the wrong way. and it always has either 1 of two possible themes:

  1. aggressive actions from a source of utter and insulting ignorance

  2. manipulative or otherwise decietful behavior towards more innocent folk.

Since the OP fits into one of these two catagories, I can’t speak for the others who have commented here, but I won’t ever tire from making an example of such. I genuinely enjoy it. I have many lines I won’t cross of course… but restraining myself from pointing out in as neuanced detail as possible the implications of their idiocity or their manipulative ways, is something I will likely always be drawn to do.

Heck. I trade the capital markets for a living. Essentially, I’m willing to bet my entire net worth on the fact that I’m right, and your wrong, and I’ll put my career on the line for that belief several times a day.

Since this is what I do for a living… for as big a stakes as I am willing to go for, as often as possible…Well…I think this speaks for itself.

I (and all other full time traders on here) Make a living by taking money from those who are foolish, rash, emotionally reactive decision makers…and I think most of us who do this for a living…LOVE doing it!

So…ya… the miles yet to cover for this particular theme of life…are so far from being done. :wink:

“The always willing to teach and help but never willing to mince words”,


Hah… well, not mad, but there IS more than this of course. But, at the same time Clark… when I can think of it in these terms when I encounter these types…there is something oh so sweetly vindicating. I will give you that, and then some!


Meh, money is money. I’m too young to care. Lol
PS get on Skype, wanna tell you something. :slight_smile:

Nice to see some kissing and making up though!, LOL!

Purple, you’ve made my day. I now get to do both…laugh at…AND laugh with. literally. I think I woke the neigbors this post just cracked me up so much!


Sorry, maybe not! My Mistake!

It’s none of their business what goes on behind closed doors!

So you don’t mind Judith calling a number of established members of the community sexist based on no evidence whatsoever, but you do object to us not liking it? You side with someone purely because they are a ‘newbie’, ignoring the facts of the discussion? I love newbies, I was one once, but sometimes they are offensive, ignorant, unpleasant and generally unconstructive. Being new to Forex trading does not give someone a pass on all aspects of life, presumably Judith is not new to dealing with people, just to Forex trading. So while it seems that she might be equally unskilled at both, I for one won’t give the same levels of undulgence to limited trading knowledge (many around here can help with that) and rude behaviour (that has no place here and wastes everyone’s time).


Plus if people let this sort of rude behaviour go, then the more experienced members of the forum tend to think ‘what’s the point?’ and go off and leave the forum altogether, which then drastically limits the worth of the forum for everybody. I have only been here just over a year, yet know of several experienced members who have left, including one just this week, and it is posts such as Judith’s that expedite it. So personally I think that it is important that we make it clear that this is not a boxing forum, or an X Factor forum or whatever, it is a currency trading forum aimed at helping all of us trade Forex and should, therefore, bear more relation to an office environment than a Friday night in a boozy pub.

I am a member of a couple of other internet fora (boxing and car-related) and the banter there, while largely sticking to subject, is much sharper than on here. However, this is a professional site run by people who take trading seriously for people who take trading seriously.

If you don’t like it, at the end of the day you didn’t need to read through the whole thread and certainly didn’t need to post on it.

I guess what I’m really saying is, lay off Jay - if there were a forum with a thousand members who all post like Judith, and another forum with just Jay, posting all on his own, I know which one I would want to join.


I don’t think you need worry too much about that. This place is no different to any other trading forum. The next genius is just a registration click away. It’s a fully functional conveyor belt. One drops off the end & believe it or not, the sun still rises next day.

It’s an open forum aimed at new & inexperienced entrants. The clue is in the title of the site.
It just happens to include a membership drawing on a wide experience base, unfortunately not everyone will fit into your neat little packages & conform to the high posting standards that you or your gang apparently set yourselves.

Neither do you.

Whatever you say Momma.

Er… I was talking about quality rather than quantity. There is an important difference.

I get the title of the site, I am not opposing asking fair questions, as I made clear, I am opposing unwarranted rudeness.

I was a contributor to this thread before you decided to poke your nose in, and I was making constructive contribution, whereas you are simply being an idiot. So I don’t think that flipping my own post back at me really works.

How old are you? I was not aware that pre-teens could pass the sign up criteria on here. Anyway, welcome to my ignore list.


You sure about that?
Go check the 1st page again, pay particular attention to post #4

We will call it " Occupy BabyPips"


Just yesterday, as I was walking to my Ferrari along side 3 people. The gentleman next to me said, look at that car, this immediately invoked the wrath of thr woman next to him. She vocally expressed how she felt that was the ugliest car she has ever seen and would never date a man with that car. I laughed inside. Turned to her and said. I’m so sorry I upset you. She was stunned and asked was that my car, I said yes, sorry I offended you purchasing something I wanted.

Anyway it’s not worth dealing with people with preconceived prejudices. They have enough problems.

So back to the topic please)))) I have a lot to learn.

I have have no preconceived idea’s, black is white and white is grey and red is black, and there’s no point arguing about it!

Ok, back to topic (if we must - that was quite fun!), but the point is that, you can’t just go ‘Short the Euro’, you have to have a trading strategy, a methodology, a plan, an understanding.

The best advice I can give you within the scope of what can be said and understood at any one point in time, look out for the most popular and most enduring threads, they are such for a very good reason.

Yes soultrain, you posted first… so???

I do not see any contribution in your answer…

Everyone else was stating the reasons not to short right now, and the lady just turned the sexism card when all disagreed with her forecast…

Oh my, now it seems the army of ignorants, socialists and feminists step in here?

I’m out of curiosity wondering how a party in real life would evolve with a mixture of those and some smart asses lol.

Oh look at it like a [B]bull[/B]: fx men honorary member, lol. Albeit I can’t understand the emotions, because she was a bear, right? Or was it that she turned from a bear to a bull? Mwahahaha!

Really I often wonder about the “miracles” of men (in the sense of woman and men), but this thread made my day. :smiley:

Good grief, is that all you’ve got? You’ve brought a knife to a pistol fight. I clearly mean contributor as in one who contributes: I actually provided some analysis of why I disagreed with OP’s initial post, rather than your post at number four which didn’t add anything.

If I can say all that to you (post 52, since you seem to like post counting) and all you have to say to me is basically ‘I posted first’ then I’m going to move along and find some grown ups to talk to - you’re wasting our time, but also your own. You’re airing your limitations in public, you must have better things to do with your time. I stand by all I said, and frankly think that faux-street talk and sarcasm is your level then you’re going to struggle, both in life and with trading.



My reasons:

First, non-commercial are heavily net short

Second, TA shows we are very oversold, touched the bottom of weekly and daily channels and reached a support area…

I am long at 1.2980 :slight_smile: